Direction of reflected E field on a dielectric surface?

In summary, when studying the Fresnel equations in EM, it is common to come across diagrams depicting a s-polarized incident wave on a dielectric interface where the reflected wave (Er) is shown in the same direction as the incident wave (Ei). This may seem counterintuitive, as the boundary condition for the E field at the interface suggests that Er should be in the opposite direction of Ei. However, this is simply a matter of sign convention, and both conventions are equally valid. The sign of the reflection coefficient (r) will adjust accordingly, and the energy transported by the wave will not be affected. This can be seen through the derivation of the Fresnel equations with both sign conventions.
  • #1
When studying Fresnel equations in EM, I very often came across the following type of picture for a s-polarized incident wave on a dielectric interface ( :


Many similar diagrams can be found on the internet, for instance My questions is : why is Er pointing in the same direction as Ei does (e.g. towards the positive y) ?

The boundary condition on the E field at the interface is :

Ei + Er = Et

Since Et can't have a higher amplitude than Ei, shouldn't Er points in the opposite direction of Ei (towards negative y) ? And then Hr should of course be reversed as well on the diagram. However the Ei and Er having same direction can be found in the pictures of many different sources, so I suppose it is not a mistake. How can it be ?

Also I know that each E field switch direction as it propagates, but in the above diagram and others similar that I found, Er is drawn at the same z position as Ei and in the same direction, as if both were in phase.


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  • #2
The direction of the arrows for E in the picture are just a convenient sign convention.
E Can have either sign, so the direction of the arrow does not presuppose anything.
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  • #3
Meir Achuz said:
The direction of the arrows for E in the picture are just a convenient sign convention.
E Can have either sign, so the direction of the arrow does not presuppose anything.

Thank you. To verify that, I derived Fresnel equations in the case where ##E_r## is taken pointing in the opposite direction of ##E_i##. The only consequence I found is that the sign of the (amplitude) reflection coefficient ##r## is reversed. In that case ##r## is positive if the reflected field is reversed, while in the conventionnal case ##r## is negative if the field is reversed. So indeed it seems to be simply a matter of sign convention !

For the sake of completness, or if someone else stumble on this question, and for myself as a reminder, here are the two derivations (for a s-polarized, or TE, wave), for each sign convention :

1 - Usual convention (##E_i## and ##E_r## assumed in same direction)

For E :

##E_i + E_r = E_t##
##E_i + rE_i = tE_i##
##1 + r = t \quad\quad## (1)

Here since we assumed both ##E_i## and ##E_r## point in the same direction, a positive ##r## means they do indeed point in the same direction (they are in phase). However if ##r## turns out to be negative, it means our assumption was wrong so that ##E_i## and ##E_r## actually point in opposite directions (they are ##\pi## out of phase, since ##-1 = e^{i\pi}##). The sign of ##r## will automatically adjust. We will derive the expression of ##r## below.

For H (taking magnetic permeability equal for both mediums, for simplicity) :

The directions of the H fields follow from our choice of direction for the E fields. In the present convention, we get :

##-H_i cos(\theta_i) + H_r cos(\theta_r) = -H_t cos(\theta_t)##
##-k_i cos(\theta_i) + r k_r cos(\theta_r) = -t k_t cos(\theta_t)## (recall ##H = \frac{1}{\mu} \frac{k}{w}E##)
And, since ##\theta_i = \theta_r## (law of reflection) and ##k_i = k_r## (same medium) :
##k_i cos(\theta_i) (1 - r) = t k_t cos(\theta_t) \quad\quad## (2)

Similary, the sign of ##r## will take care of the real direction of the reflected H field.

Now combining equations (1) and (2) we get the usual Fresnel equations for a s polarized wave :

##r = \frac{k_i cos(\theta_i) - k_t cos(\theta_t)}{k_i cos(\theta_i) + k_t cos(\theta_t)}## and ##t = \frac{2k_i cos(\theta_i)}{k_i cos(\theta_i) + k_t cos(\theta_t)}##

2 - Opposite convention (##E_i## and ##E_r## assumed in opposite directions)

For E :

##E_i - E_r = E_t##
##E_i - rE_i = tE_i##
##1 - r = t \quad\quad## (1')

Here since we assumed that ##E_i## and ##E_r## point in opposite directions, a positive ##r## means they do indeed point in opposite directions (they are ##\pi## out of phase). However if ##r## turns out to be negative, it means our assumption was wrong so that ##E_i## and ##E_r## actually point in the same direction (they are in phase). This is the exact opposite of the situation we had earlier. The sign of ##r## will automatically adjust. We will derive the expression of ##r## below.

For H (taking magnetic permeability equal for both mediums, for simplicity) :

##-H_i cos(\theta_i) - H_r cos(\theta_r) = -H_t cos(\theta_t)##
##-k_i cos(\theta_i) - r k_r cos(\theta_r) = -t k_t cos(\theta_t)## (recall ##H = \frac{1}{\mu} \frac{k}{w}E##)
And, since ##\theta_i = \theta_r## (law of reflection) and ##k_i = k_r## (same medium) :
##k_i cos(\theta_i) (1 + r) = t k_t cos(\theta_t) \quad\quad## (2')

Similary, the sign of ##r## will take care of the real direction of the reflected H field.

Now combining equations (1') and (2') we get the Fresnel equations for a s polarized wave (with our new convention of sign) :

##r = \frac{k_t cos(\theta_t) - k_i cos(\theta_i)}{k_i cos(\theta_i) + k_t cos(\theta_t)}## and ##t = \frac{2k_i cos(\theta_i)}{k_i cos(\theta_i) + k_t cos(\theta_t)}##

We can see here that the sign of ##r## is reversed compared to the usual convention. Makes sense. In that aspect, the usual convention is perhaps more intuitive as a negative ##r## implies a reversed direction of the reflected E field.

Interestingly, the fact that ##E_r## can be reflected in the same direction/phase as ##E_i## (positive ##r## in the usual sign convention), thus implying that ##E_t## is larger than ##E_i## (and that ##t = 1 + r > 1##), does not violate any physics.
This suprised me. But a quick searched showed that what really matters is that the energy transported isn't higher (actually it must be lower if ##E_r \neq 0##), and indeed it is not, even in that case. If for instance I take a wave propagating in glass (index of refraction ##n \approx 1.5##) and arriving into air (##n \approx 1##) at normal incidence, I get (recall ##k = n \frac{w}{c}##) ##r = \frac{1.5 - 1}{1.5 + 1}## which is positive. But the Poynting vector is ##\vec{E} \times \vec{H} = \frac{1}{\mu} \vec{E} \times \frac{\vec{E}}{v} = \frac{1}{\mu} \frac{E^2}{v}##. Since ##v## is larger in air, even if ##E_t## is larger than ##E_i##, energy is still conserved.

Finally, if ##r## and ##t## are complex, then the reflected and transmitted fields are out of phase compared to the incident field, but not ##\pi## out of phase. This happens in lossy media. Source (slide 17).

Hope all of this is correct !
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Related to Direction of reflected E field on a dielectric surface?

1. What is the direction of the reflected electric field on a dielectric surface?

The direction of the reflected electric field on a dielectric surface depends on the angle of incidence and the properties of the dielectric material. Generally, the reflected electric field will be parallel to the incident electric field.

2. How does the direction of the reflected electric field change with the angle of incidence?

The direction of the reflected electric field changes with the angle of incidence according to the laws of reflection. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, measured from the normal to the surface.

3. Why does the direction of the reflected electric field change when it hits a dielectric surface?

The change in direction of the reflected electric field is due to the change in the speed of the electric field as it passes from one medium (such as air) to another (such as a dielectric material). This change in speed causes the electric field to bend or refract, resulting in a change in direction.

4. Is the direction of the reflected electric field different for different types of dielectric materials?

Yes, the direction of the reflected electric field can vary depending on the properties of the dielectric material. This is because different materials have different refractive indices, which determine how much the electric field will bend when passing through the material.

5. How does the thickness of the dielectric surface affect the direction of the reflected electric field?

The thickness of the dielectric surface does not have a significant effect on the direction of the reflected electric field. The angle of reflection will still be equal to the angle of incidence, regardless of the thickness of the dielectric material.

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