Tension Direction: Hello, What Is Correct?

In summary, the correct direction for tension depends on the object being analyzed and there are different force vectors that are "due to tension". Tension itself is not a force, but rather a second order tensor related to the stress tensor in the material. The direction of a tension force depends on whether we are considering the force exerted by the rope or the force of something pulling against the rope. This can cause confusion because in common usage, "tension" is often used to refer to the force itself. Additionally, pressure is another entity that can cause confusion because it is the "isotropic part" of the stress tensor. Mathematically, tension and pressure can be represented by tensors, and to find the tension force, you take the
  • #1
Max T
Hello , which of the following has the correct T direction?


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  • #2
Depending upon the object being analyzed, I'd say they are all correct.

The first diagram shows the tension acting on the box and the tension acting on the hand. Both correct.
The second diagram shows the tension acting on the box. Looks OK to me.

Realize that in common usage, "tension" refers to the force that the rope exerts on whatever it is pulling. That can be confusing at times.
  • #3
Doc Al said:
Realize that in common usage, "tension" refers to the force that the rope exerts on whatever it is pulling. That can be confusing at times.

To emphasize that point, we can say that "tension" is not a force. "Tension" is property of a rope that can be used to deduce forces at many different places. So there are different force vectors that are "due to tension".

The direction of a force due to tension depends on whether we are considering the force exerted by the rope on something or the force of something pulling against the rope (i.e. what we are considering to be the "free body" in a free body diagram). So "tension" is not a vector. It is the forces due to tension that are vectors.

Of course, it's common for people talking about a physics problem to pick a particular force vector and call it "the tension" instead of saying it is "a force due to tension". Common speech in inexact.
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Likes nasu and Doc Al
  • #4
There is a reason that tension in a rope is so confusing. It is because, in reality, the entity we call tension is not a scalar quantity, nor is it a vector quantity. It is a second order tensor, related directly to the so-called stress tensor in the material. Here's how it all plays out mathematically:

Suppose you have a rope under tension laid out from left to right, and let ##\vec{i}## represent the unit vector pointing from left to right along the rope. Then the second order tension tensor for the rope is given by ##\vec{T}=T\vec{i}\vec{i}##, where T is the magnitude of the tension tensor (a scalar). Suppose you have a cross section at a given location along the rope and you want to find the tension force (vector) that the portion of the rope to the right of the cross section is exerting on the portion of the rope to the left of the cross section. To do this, you take the dot product of the tension tensor ##\vec{T}## with of a unit vector drawn from the left of the cross section to the right of the cross section:
$$\vec{T}\centerdot \vec{i}=T\vec{i}\vec{i}\centerdot \vec{i}=T\vec{i}(\vec{i}\centerdot \vec{i})=+T\vec{i}$$
Next, suppose you want to find the tension force (vector) that the portion of the rope to the left of the cross section is exerting on the portion of the rope to the right of the cross section. To do this, you take the dot product of the tension tensor ##\vec{T}## with of a unit vector drawn from the right of the cross section to the left of the cross section:
$$\vec{T}\centerdot (-\vec{i})=T\vec{i}\vec{i}\centerdot (-\vec{i})=-T\vec{i}(\vec{i}\centerdot \vec{i})=-T\vec{i}$$

Doing the math in this way guarantees that you always get the correct sign for the tension force (vector).

Another entity which is also causes confusion for these same reasons is pressure. The pressure tensor is the "isotropic part" of the stress tensor, and can be represented mathematically by:

$$\vec{P}=P(\vec{i}_x\vec{i}_x+\vec{i}_y\vec{i}_y+\vec{i}_z\vec{i}_z)$$ where P is the scalar magnitude of the pressure tensor. See what happens if you dot this tensor with a unit vector (perpendicular to an area element) in an arbitrary direction. This is how the present mathematical formalism automatically satisfies the condition that the pressure at a given location in a fluid acts equally in all directions.

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  • #5
Worse yet in reality a rope does not follow a straight line. It follows a catenary and then the math gets even more fun.
  • #6
Subductionzon said:
Worse yet in reality a rope does not follow a straight line. It follows a catenary and then the math gets even more fun.
What I said in my previous post applies locally along a rope, even if it is in the shape of a catenaery. In that case, the vector ##\vec{i}## is the local unit normal vector to the rope cross section.


FAQ: Tension Direction: Hello, What Is Correct?

1. What is tension direction?

Tension direction refers to the direction in which a force or stress is applied on an object. It is an important concept in mechanics and materials science as it affects the behavior and stability of structures and materials.

2. Why is it important to know the correct tension direction?

Knowing the correct tension direction is crucial for ensuring the safety and stability of structures. Applying tension in the wrong direction can lead to structural failure, which can have serious consequences.

3. How do you determine the correct tension direction?

The correct tension direction can be determined through analysis and testing. Engineers and scientists use mathematical models and simulations to predict the tension direction and then conduct experiments to validate their findings.

4. Can the tension direction change over time?

Yes, the tension direction can change over time due to various factors such as external forces, structural damage, and material degradation. It is important to regularly monitor and assess the tension direction to ensure the safety and stability of structures.

5. Are there different types of tension direction?

Yes, there are three main types of tension direction: uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial. Uniaxial tension occurs when the force is applied in one direction, biaxial tension occurs when the force is applied in two perpendicular directions, and triaxial tension occurs when the force is applied in three perpendicular directions.

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