Direction of trajectory, system of DE's and portrait phase in plane phase

In summary, the conversation discusses solving a system of differential equations and determining the direction of rotation in the phase plane. The solution involves using a matricial form and finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The trajectories in the phase plane are either circles or ellipses around (0,0) due to the purely complex eigenvalues. The conversation also mentions difficulty in determining the direction at a specific point due to complex values. Lastly, there is a discussion about the orientability of the Jacobian in a 4-dimensional phase space.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi guys!
I had the following system of DE's to solve:
[itex]\alpha '=-2i \alpha[/itex]
[itex]\beta ' =2i \beta[/itex].
Where alpha and beta depend on t.
I solved it by writing the system under matricial form, found the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors.
The solution is (and I've checked it, it works): [itex]\alpha (t)=c_1e^{-2it}[/itex], [itex]\beta (t) =c_2 e^{2it}[/itex].
Since the eigenvalues are purely complex the trajectories in the phase plane are either circles or ellipses around (0,0).
Now I've been reading to check out how to determine the direction of rotation.
When I pick [itex](\alpha , \beta ) =(1,0)[/itex], I get that [itex](\alpha ' , \beta ' )=(-2i ,0)[/itex]. However on the website I've just linked, there's no example of what happens when you get complex values. I don't know how to sketch the direction of the trajectory at the point (1,0) because of that complex number.
Is the direction counter clockwise, clockwise, none?!
Physics news on
  • #2
You appear to have a 4 dimensional phase space. How do you propose sketching trajectories in that in general?
OTOH, with beta initially zero, it will always be zero, so that makes it manageable.
  • #3
Hey fluidistic.

Have you checked the orientability of the Jacobian (determinant)?

FAQ: Direction of trajectory, system of DE's and portrait phase in plane phase

1. What is the direction of trajectory in a system of differential equations?

The direction of trajectory in a system of differential equations is the path that a solution follows as it evolves over time. It is determined by the values of the variables in the system and the relationships between them.

2. How can we determine the system of differential equations for a given problem?

The system of differential equations for a given problem can be determined by identifying the variables involved and the relationships between them. This can be done by analyzing the physical or mathematical laws governing the problem and representing them in the form of differential equations.

3. What is the significance of the portrait phase in the plane phase?

The portrait phase in the plane phase is a graphical representation of the behavior of a system of differential equations. It shows how the variables in the system change over time and can help us understand the stability and equilibrium points of the system.

4. How can we interpret the portrait phase in the plane phase?

The portrait phase in the plane phase can be interpreted by looking at the direction and shape of the curves and the location of the equilibrium points. The direction of the curves indicates the direction of the trajectory, while the shape and location of the curves can provide information about the stability and behavior of the system.

5. What are some applications of studying the direction of trajectory, system of DE's and portrait phase in plane phase?

The study of direction of trajectory, system of DE's and portrait phase in plane phase has many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and biology. It can be used to model and predict the behavior of complex systems, analyze the stability of systems, and understand the dynamics of natural phenomena.
