Directional couplers for cable tv

  • Thread starter manzana
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In summary, directional couplers are small, inexpensive 3-port devices that work like a diode for AC signals. They allow signals to pass from one coaxial connector to another, but not in the reverse direction. They can protect a main cable from faults on a drop, but do not pass DC. These devices are very broadband and can cover a wide frequency range. They work by using two coaxial lines that are a quarter of a wavelength long and spaced correctly. By terminating the fourth port, all power can be dissipated, making the device directional. The bandwidth can be improved by using multiple sections with varying separations. There are also newer versions that use a current transformer and voltage sampling to achieve directivity.
  • #1
These things are pretty amazing. Very cheap, they are a 3 port device which basically works like a diode, but for AC. For example, it let's a signal pass from coaxial connector A to coaxial connector B but not B to A. There is also a third coaxial port C which passes C to B but not C>A or B>C. So they can protect a main cable from faults on a drop C. They are small passive things maybe an inch square. They are very broad band but do not pass DC. This is powerful magic. thanks
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  • #2
do you have a question ?
  • #3
Sorry! Yes, for 35 years I have wondered how these things work. I asked a pHD but he said it was too complicated to explain. thanks
  • #4
Directional couplers take many forms but the easiest to describe and understand (my personal view) is the coupled line variety. You take two coax lines and open up the side of the screen so that a quarter wave length of the two lines run side by side, inside a common outer. That;s the sort of thing you can make yourself with a knife and a soldering iron. Also, a strip line construction can work well. That's a popular form of construction these days. The devil is in the details of construction but you arrange the spacing so that the coupling is what you need and the lines need to be correctly terminated. The length has to be λ/4. A signal applied to one port will be coupled to the other line and the E and H fields due to the power flow in the input line induce a current and volts in the parasitic line. The phases of the induced signals at the fourth port, due to the E and H fields will cancel (when it's λ/4 long) so all the power must exit through the other end of the line (third port).
If you terminate the fourth port perfectly then all the power coupled by a signal flowing in the reverse direction is dissipated in the termination and nothing exits from the third port. The characteristic impedance of the parasitic line governs the ratio of the E and H fields.
I can see the appeal of the 'diode' analogy but it is not really a good one because a diode is non linear but a coupler is a linear device.
I found this link which could possibly help. It shows how the coupling coefficient relates to the impedances of the lines and the impedance between them.
  • #5
Wow, thanks for the insightful reply. I think I get it at a particular frequency, but these devices are amazingly broadband. For example, there is one for $9 on Ebay which works from 5 Mhz to a Gig. Thanks Sophiecentaur.
  • #7
meBigGuy said:
That's a good link. Again, the couplers in it are based on λ/4 lines. The bandwidth can be improved by having more sections with varying separations to give around an octave but 5 Mhz to a Gig is a tall order to do with lines. I have a tatty VSWR meter (VHF) which covers a good frequency range and that seems to do it with very few coils and capacitors. Directivity is fair but frequency response is not good. I have no test gear to measure its actual performance.
I remember a colleague of mine designing directional couplers for power flow measurements on HF feeders. Their directivity was excellent and they covered 3-30MHz, with a big response slope. An equalising cicuit took care of that - there was plenty of signal available! Thinking about it, those lines were only less than 1m long , let into the side of the balanced feeder trunking, so maybe the λ/4 is not so relevant for directivity - just for a good frequency response. The ultra wide band coupler that Manzana has seen may have a considerable slope across its bandwidth, which doesn't always matter. It's a good idea to read the spec carefully.
  • #8
You guys are awesome. Thanks
  • #9
Most of the more recent directional couplers I have seen for HF use a current transformer in conjunction with a sampling the voltage.
  • #10
Averagesupernova said:
Most of the more recent directional couplers I have seen for HF use a current transformer in conjunction with a sampling the voltage.
Ah yes. If the emfs the output circuit can be made to cancel at one port and enhance at the other, it will be directional. Making the coupling flat would be an issue , though and would require EQ, . It's a myuch more compact solution than one involving lines. But, at short enough wavelengths, the printed line method avoids the dreaded 'wound components' which pile on the ££s and can be incorporated in the circuit board of a multi transistor amplifier etc.

FAQ: Directional couplers for cable tv

1. What is a directional coupler for cable TV?

A directional coupler for cable TV is a device used in cable television systems to split or combine signals between different components. It allows for the distribution of signals to multiple devices without causing interference or signal loss.

2. How does a directional coupler work?

A directional coupler works by utilizing a series of internal components, such as resistors and capacitors, to split or combine signals. It has four ports: input, output, coupled, and isolated. The input signal is split into two output signals - one that goes to the main output port and one that goes to the coupled port. The isolated port acts as a termination for any excess signal.

3. What is the difference between a directional coupler and a splitter?

A directional coupler is a specific type of splitter that is designed to direct signals in a specific direction. It allows for signals to be distributed to multiple devices while maintaining the proper signal strength and minimizing interference. A regular splitter simply divides a signal into multiple outputs, without any control over signal direction or strength.

4. Where are directional couplers used in a cable TV system?

Directional couplers are used in various parts of a cable TV system, including at the headend, in the distribution network, and at the customer premises. They are commonly used to split signals from the main cable line to multiple TV sets, as well as to combine signals from multiple sources, such as cable and satellite.

5. What are the benefits of using directional couplers in cable TV systems?

Using directional couplers in cable TV systems offers several benefits, such as improved signal quality, reduced interference, and the ability to distribute signals to multiple devices. They also allow for flexibility in designing and expanding cable TV networks, as well as reducing the overall cost of equipment and maintenance.
