Directional Derivative Solved Question: Explanation Needed Please

In summary, we have the directional derivatives of f(x, y, z) = x2+2xyz−yz2 at (1, 1, 2) in the directions parallel to the line (x−1)/2 = y − 1 = (z−2)/-3. The given line is parallel to the vector v = (2, 1, -3). The corresponding unit vectors are u = (−1/||v||, ±1/√14)(2, 1, -3). Using these vectors, we find f'u±(1, 1, 2) = ∇f(1, 1, 2)dot(u) = ±18/√14.
  • #1
1. Question:
Find the directional derivatives of f(x, y, z) = x2+2xyz−yz2 at (1, 1, 2) in the directions parallel to the line (x−1)/2 = y − 1 = (z−2)/-3.

2. Solution:
We have ∇f = (2x + 2yz)i + (2xz - z2)j + (2xy - 2yz)k.

Therefore, ∇f(1, 1, 2) = 6i - 2k.

The given line is parallel to the vector v = (2, 1, -3).

The corresponding unit vectors are u =  ± 1/||v|| and v = (±1/√14)(2, 1, -3).

For the directional derivatives we find f'(1, 1, 2) = ∇f(1, 1, 2)dot(u) = ±18/√14

3. My Questions:
The only part of this that I have no clue about is how do they get the vector v from the information given.

Could someone please explain how they find that direction vector?

I get that since the lines are parallel the direction vector is the same but how does one find the directional vector?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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  • #2
Hi Superdemongob! :smile:
Superdemongob said:
… the line (x−1)/2 = y − 1 = (z−2)/-3.

The given line is parallel to the vector v = (2, 1, -3).

The only part of this that I have no clue about is how do they get the vector v from the information given.

the (x-1) (y-1) and (z-2) are only there to make sure it goes through (1,1,2)

if it went through (0,0,0) instead, the line would be x/2 = y/1 = z/-3,

which is the vector v = (2, 1, -3) ! :smile:
  • #3
I get what you mean but how do you know that that is the directional vector?

Like what is the method for finding out?

If the question had the line 2(x−1) = y − 1 = -3(z−2) then how would the directional vector be different?

Sorry but I'm really trying to understand this.
  • #4
Hi Superdemongob! :smile:
Superdemongob said:
If the question had the line 2(x−1) = y − 1 = -3(z−2) then how would the directional vector be different?

In that case, the line would still go through (1,1,-2),

but the direction would be parallel to the direction 2x = y = -3z,

to which the solution is (x,y,z) = (k/2,k,-k/3) for any value of k,

ie the line containing the vector (1/2,1,-1/3) :wink:
  • #5
I think I finally get it.

You take the inverse of the coefficients and that is your directional vector?
  • #6

and you can check it works because …

it's the only answer that gives you 1/1 = 1/1 = 1/1 ! :biggrin:
  • #7
thank you so so much.

i'm studying for a test and this helps a LOT.

thanks again.

FAQ: Directional Derivative Solved Question: Explanation Needed Please

1. What is a directional derivative?

A directional derivative is a measure of how a function changes in a specific direction at a given point. It represents the slope of a function in a particular direction.

2. How is a directional derivative calculated?

The directional derivative is calculated by taking the dot product of the gradient vector of the function and the unit vector representing the direction of interest. This can also be written as the product of the gradient of the function and the cosine of the angle between the gradient and the direction vector.

3. What does a positive directional derivative indicate?

A positive directional derivative indicates that the function is increasing in the given direction at the specified point. In other words, the function is becoming larger as you move in the direction of interest.

4. How is a directional derivative used in real-world applications?

The directional derivative is used in many areas of science and engineering, including physics, economics, and computer graphics. It helps in understanding the rate of change of a function in a specific direction, which is useful for optimizing processes and predicting behavior.

5. What is the difference between a directional derivative and a partial derivative?

A directional derivative is a generalization of the partial derivative, which only measures the slope of a function in the direction of one of its coordinate axes. A directional derivative can be calculated in any direction, not just along the axes, making it a more versatile tool for understanding the behavior of functions.

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