Discover the Best Star Trek Voyager Stories with Capt Janeway and 7 of 9

In summary: Seven of Nine was the only interesting character on the show. Captain Janeway was pretty good as a captain but they hardly ever tried to make her anything more than that.
  • #1
IMHO, the best stories,

Watched all of the Capt Jean Luc Picard and sometimes fell asleep. Never a dull moment with Capt Janeway.

And they have 7 of 9 who has a great figure. Love her acting!

Better physician on board.

Tuvok as good as Spock.

Chapters are almost always related.
Physics news on
  • #2
McCartney said:
IMHO, the best stories,

Watched all of the Capt Jean Luc Picard and sometimes fell asleep.

Oh come on , TNG is the best Star Trek series. :mad:
  • #3
TNG was much set at a much slower pace than VOY.
I think TNG had better quality stories, but VOY had much more excitement and action. (But not always higher quality excitement and action. First time the Enterprise encountered the Borg... sweet jesus...)
I loved both shows, and there were many memorable scenes from both of them.

But I do have to give props to TNG for having, hands down, the greatest series finale I've ever seen. The episode 'All Good Things' was absolutely fantastic and completely wrapped up the entire series in my opinion. Voyagers series finale made me want to throw an axe at the TV.
  • #4
Drakkith said:
But I do have to give props to TNG for having, hands down, the greatest series finale I've ever seen. The episode 'All Good Things' was absolutely fantastic and completely wrapped up the entire series in my opinion.
Nah. Too cute. Needed more tragedy.

Voyagers series finale made me want to throw an axe at the TV.
Yeah, me too.

I hate the way the Star Trek writers insisted on lazily abusing the cliche of time-travel. Also would have preferred that Naomi Wildman be ripped to bits by species 8472.

Actually, I wanted to throw an axe at the producers for not terminating the Voyager series.
Same for "Enterprise".
  • #5
Drakkith said:
TNG was much set at a much slower pace than VOY.
I think TNG had better quality stories, but VOY had much more excitement and action. (But not always higher quality excitement and action. First time the Enterprise encountered the Borg... sweet jesus...)
I loved both shows, and there were many memorable scenes from both of them.

But I do have to give props to TNG for having, hands down, the greatest series finale I've ever seen. The episode 'All Good Things' was absolutely fantastic and completely wrapped up the entire series in my opinion. Voyagers series finale made me want to throw an axe at the TV.

I saw the original Star Trek in the 60s in real time and quite a bit of TNG.

I have Netflix and started to watch TNG from beginning to end. I never saw Voyager in real time and so far I am in year 5.

It is unfair to compare the original series, but having great characters and chemistry is great.

I feel the characters and chemistry in Voyager is better than in TNG. As good as Jean Luc was Capt Janeway is a bit bitter.

The hologram doc is amazing and much better. Tuvok is great and I guess takes the spot of Data in the series. The romance possibilities are greater in Voyager and I often feel Chacote and the Capt will get it on.

The stories around 7 of 9 are priceless. And as I said she has such a hot body. I read somewhere that getting out of the outfit to go to the bathroom was difficult.

I don't know what happens at the end. I am not there yet, but it seems they don't make it.
  • #6
TNG is a classic. It was a positive uplifiting show with great actors, good characters and good stories.

Voyager was Syfy trash. Tom, Belanna, Naomi Wildman, the Borg Kids, The Doctor and Neelix were almost too obnoxious to stand. Harry Kim and Tuvok were boring. Kes had to have one of the most retarded premises for a character ever conceived. Chakotay had potential but ended up being a token mishmash of every non-descript native american stereotype. Seven of Nine was the only interesting character on the show. Captain Janeway was pretty good as a captain but they hardly ever tried to make her anything more than that.

I will give it some credit though, there are a few episodes that are real gems: Both the 'Fair Haven' episodes are charming. There was one about PTSD that was good. The 7 of 9 episodes where The Doctor is trying to teach her social skills are also fun.
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  • #7
DavidSnider said:
TNG is a classic. It was a positive uplifiting show with great actors, good characters and good stories.

Voyager was Syfy trash. Tom, Belanna, Naomi Wildman, the Borg Kids, The Doctor and Neelix were almost too obnoxious to stand. Harry Kim and Tuvok were boring. Kes had to have one of the most retarded premises for a character ever conceived. Chakotay had potential but ended up being a token mishmash of every non-descript native american stereotype. Seven of Nine was the only interesting character on the show. Captain Janeway was pretty good as a captain but they hardly ever tried to make her anything more than that.

I will give it some credit though, there are a few episodes that are real gems: Both the 'Fair Haven' episodes are charming. There was one about PTSD that was good. The 7 of 9 episodes where The Doctor is trying to teach her social skills are also fun.

I do agree with the over the top situations and characters. I do not like Kneelix at all. But, the number of episodes where I was a bit uninterested was greater in TNG. There were too many Q episodes and that took the fun out of true SiFi.

I loved data and the stories around him were amazing.

I have not seen Deep Space Nine. How is it in relationship to Voyager and TNG?
  • #8
Drakkith said:
TNG was much set at a much slower pace than VOY.
I think TNG had better quality stories, but VOY had much more excitement and action.

I never understood the obsession over fast-paced movies/series.I prefer a slower pace to be honest.And this is Star Trek , I don't really watch it for the action per say.
  • #9
McCartney said:
I have not seen Deep Space Nine. How is it in relationship to Voyager and TNG?

DS9 was interesting. It was kind of a cross between the other two shows. It can get a bit boring at times, but once the Dominion War starts in the 4th or 5th season it really ramps up I think. Plus it has some great reoccurring villians, like Gul Dukot.
  • #10
reenmachine said:
I never understood the obsession over fast-paced movies/series.I prefer a slower pace to be honest.And this is Star Trek , I don't really watch it for the action per say.

Action in Voyager is minimal and often implied. Iy may appear to have more action scenes because the technology to make SiFi is better than in the old series. So Voyager has better visuals than TNG.
  • #11
TNG is like an old friend. my wife and I have been watching and re watching episodes for 26 years.
DS9 comes in as a close second. it had a very differ feel from TNG but the acting was decent. The character development in DS9 is phenomenal and they were not afraid to tackle issues like physiological problems and other issues such as one character dealing with readjusting to normal life after spending decades in an alien prison.
other great moments involve the dominion war and the actions characters are forced to resort to because of the war.
I also think it had the most satisfying ending of all the shows.

As the Voyager the only way I would have been satisfied with the ending is if it happened during the premiere episode :D
  • #12
DHF said:
TNG is like an old friend. my wife and I have been watching and re watching episodes for 26 years.
DS9 comes in as a close second. it had a very differ feel from TNG but the acting was decent. The character development in DS9 is phenomenal and they were not afraid to tackle issues like physiological problems and other issues such as one character dealing with readjusting to normal life after spending decades in an alien prison.
other great moments involve the dominion war and the actions characters are forced to resort to because of the war.
I also think it had the most satisfying ending of all the shows.

As the Voyager the only way I would have been satisfied with the ending is if it happened during the premiere episode :D

Have not seen DS9.

Some of the stories in Voyager are a bit goofy, but the ones in between are OK. Perhaps i simply like the Voyager actors and characters more than TNG.

I am still on season 5 in Netflix. MAy do DS9 after I am done with this one.
  • #13
I found the writing in Voyager very week and very often episodes would contradict one another. I will agree with you however that the Actors have a very good chemistry. They mesh together probably better then any of the other casts.
  • #14
DHF said:
I found the writing in Voyager very week and very often episodes would contradict one another.

As much as I enjoy Star Trek (for the nostalgia mainly) this is true of every version of it and why it is bad science fiction IMO. Whilst science and technology are features of the franchise they are completely inconsistent. E.g.

- People can't be replicated, except when they can
- Shields are at maximum, except in episodes where they are tripled
- FTL speeds are given in units of measurement, that mean nothing
- The federation has strict laws about genetic engineering, which are sometimes forgotten with no comment
- The creation of sentient life is a rare and ethically questionable achievement, unless you have a holodeck

The list goes on and on. Even as a kid I found myself watching episodes thinking "why are they struggling with this when in the other episode it was no problem?"
  • #15
Oh I can admit that. as I said my wife and I have been watching TNG on regular basis for two and a half decades and we will be the first to nitpick the heck out of. It was just something about Voyager's writing that really put me off.
  • #16
The writing in most of the episodes of Voyager or even TNG can be quite goofy. Sometimes I fast forward. However, every once in a while they come up with a gem.

I enjoy the characters of Voyager much more than the TNG crew. I always loved Data--------- and the holodeck doc and 7 of 9 do a credible job in replacing the wit of Data.

I like Janeway more thn Pickard, but they are probably equally good. I just enjoy the tension of Janeway with her crew a bit more.

And lastly I am in love with 7 of 9. I love her as much as I love 6. It has been fun watching her development.
  • #17
you have a thing for the hot blonde cyborgs :D
I do like Jeri Ryan's Acting. I feel the scripts on Voyager were very limiting but I have seen her in various other shows and she knocks it out of the ballpark.
  • #18
DHF said:
you have a thing for the hot blonde cyborgs :D
I do like Jeri Ryan's Acting. I feel the scripts on Voyager were very limiting but I have seen her in various other shows and she knocks it out of the ballpark.

Yeah, all the stories written around her are great. And she really does a great job. I am assuming she will pick a mate soon. I know in one episode she asked Kim if he wanted to copulate.

Tuvok is good too. In one of the holodecks type episodes Leonardo Da Vinci asked Tuvok where he was from and he calmly replied "Scandinavia".

I feel there is a bit more sexual tension in this series.
  • #19
I would agree to that. The situation is very different for Voyager. they are stranded decades away from their home, possibly never seeing it again. it leaves for some very interesting relationships to be formed.
  • #20
McCartney said:
I am assuming [7of9] will pick a mate soon.
*Spoiler* -- no, she doesn't. The way they handle this unresolved point in the final episode was quite lame, imho.

I feel there is a bit more sexual tension in this series.
Try the "Star Trek -- Enterprise" series. They were a bit more liberal in dealing with a Vulcan's tensions around "that" time.
  • #21
I never could get into enterprise, I think I watched maybe 6 episodes before I decided it wasn't for me. I am always nervous about prequel installments to a well developed franchise. in this case I feel my fears were well established because within the first few episodes they contradicted several foundations of Trek tech and lore. I feel that if you are going to write a prequel for a series that has been around for 40+ years you need to be as familiar with past episodes as your average fan.
  • #22
Seven of Nine remind me of Dexter's Laboratory. She is the most smart crew member, but at the same time has a precious innocence. She is awesome!

FAQ: Discover the Best Star Trek Voyager Stories with Capt Janeway and 7 of 9

1. What are some of the best Star Trek Voyager stories featuring Captain Janeway and 7 of 9?

Some of the best Star Trek Voyager stories featuring Captain Janeway and 7 of 9 include "Scorpion" (Parts 1 and 2), "Dark Frontier" (Parts 1 and 2), "Endgame" (Parts 1 and 2), "Survival Instinct," and "Unimatrix Zero" (Parts 1 and 2).

2. Why are Captain Janeway and 7 of 9 such iconic characters in the Star Trek franchise?

Captain Janeway and 7 of 9 are iconic characters in the Star Trek franchise because they represent strong, capable, and complex women in positions of leadership and authority. They also have compelling character arcs and relationships with the rest of the Voyager crew.

3. How do Captain Janeway and 7 of 9's personalities and backgrounds complement each other?

Captain Janeway and 7 of 9's personalities and backgrounds complement each other in several ways. Janeway's compassionate and diplomatic nature balances 7 of 9's logical and analytical mindset. 7 of 9's Borg background also provides a unique perspective and challenges for Janeway as a leader.

4. What makes the dynamic between Captain Janeway and 7 of 9 stand out compared to other Star Trek duos?

The dynamic between Captain Janeway and 7 of 9 stands out because it showcases two strong and independent women working together as equals. Their relationship also evolves over the course of the series, from initial mistrust to a deep bond of trust and friendship.

5. Are there any episodes that specifically focus on the friendship between Captain Janeway and 7 of 9?

Yes, there are several episodes that specifically focus on the friendship between Captain Janeway and 7 of 9, such as "The Gift," "The Raven," "One," and "Human Error." These episodes explore the growth of their friendship and the impact it has on both characters.

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