Discover the Truth Behind Hooke's Law with These Essential Questions | Splint

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In summary, the person conducting the experiment is trying to find the spring constant (K) using various methods and equations. They have noticed discrepancies in their results and are seeking clarification on where they may have gone wrong. They are also advised to consider the mass of the spring and convert units correctly in their equations.
  • #1

I've been doing an experiment and I'm now putting the data into a spreadsheet.

I started by hanging a spring vertically and adding weights noting the displacement from the unweighted equilibrium point.

I put into my spreadsheet a column for finding K using -k=F/delta x. the thing is all of the values for K are different. I was under the impression that the K constant was meant to remain the same unless the spring stretched beyond its elastic limit or was cut short..

Some numbers:

400g added in total, delta x = 3.75cm so .4Kg*9.8=3.92N and 3.75cm*.01=.0375m so F/n = 104.5Nm
650g added in total, delta x = 11.75cm so .65Kg*9.8=6.37N and 11.75cm*.01=.1175m so F/n = 54.2Nm
1000g added in total, delta x = 23.0cm so 1Kg*9.8=9.8N and 23.0cm*.01=.23m so F/n = 42.6Nm

Is this correct?

Next related question:

K = Gd^4 / 8nD^3 is the spring design equation.

G= the shear modulus of the spring material = 79.3Gpa
d=wire diameter = 0.96mm = 0.00096m
n = number of active coils in the spring = 204
D = mean coil diameter = 10.16mm = 0.01016m

K= (79.3(0.00096)^4) / (8(204)(0.01016)^3) = 3.935 E-8 Nm which is nothing like the figures above and it is one single value.

BTW, the weight of the spring is insignificant compared to the weights added.

Just to add to the confusion I used the same spring and timed oscillations with various weights attached and used K=4Pi^2mass/time^2

mass = 650g*.001*9.8 = 6.37N
t = 30 oscillations in 27.9 seconds = .93s
K = 4Pi^2(6.37) / 0.93^2 = 290Nm which is nowhere near either of the other values.

Any idea where I'm going wrong?

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  • #2
Isn't the equation [tex]F = - k \Delta x[/tex] valid only for a massless spring?

I suggest you add a constant force to account for the mass of the spring. That is, the total force [tex]F[/tex] is equal to [tex]F = F_{ext} + F_{spring}[/tex] where [tex]F_{ext}[/tex] is the force you apply externally and [tex]F_{spring}[/tex] is the force that gets applied to the spring because of it's own mass. You can find the unknown [tex]F_{spring}[/tex] using two of the three equations. See if you get a more consistent value for [tex]k[/tex].

And by the way, isn't the units of the spring constant N/m ?

In the spring design equation you forgot to convert the value for the shear modulus from GPa to Pa.

In the third equation, the mass should be in kg and not N. You shouldn't have multiplied 0.65 kg by the gravitational constant.
  • #3
Thanks, that was helpful.

FAQ: Discover the Truth Behind Hooke's Law with These Essential Questions | Splint

1. What is Hooke's Law?

Hooke's Law is a principle in physics that states the force applied to an elastic object is directly proportional to the amount of deformation or change in its length. This relationship is known as Hooke's Law and is expressed as F = kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement.

2. Who discovered Hooke's Law?

Hooke's Law was discovered by English physicist Robert Hooke in the 17th century. He first noticed this relationship while studying the behavior of springs.

3. What is the significance of Hooke's Law?

Hooke's Law is significant because it helps us understand the behavior of elastic objects, such as springs and rubber bands. It also allows us to calculate the force needed to stretch or compress an object, and to determine the spring constant of a material.

4. What are the limitations of Hooke's Law?

Hooke's Law is only applicable to objects that exhibit elastic behavior, meaning that they return to their original shape after the force is removed. It also assumes that the material is being stretched or compressed within its elastic limit, meaning that it is not permanently deformed. Additionally, Hooke's Law only applies to one-dimensional forces, and cannot accurately predict the behavior of more complex systems.

5. How is Hooke's Law used in real life?

Hooke's Law has many practical applications in everyday life. It is used in the design of buildings, bridges, and other structures to determine the amount of force that can be safely applied. It is also used in the design of various mechanical devices, such as shock absorbers and springs in cars. In addition, Hooke's Law is used in medical devices, such as braces and prosthetics, to provide support and restore normal functioning to the body.

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