Discover Your Ideal Personality Type with Our Free Quiz | HumanMetrics

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In summary: INTJ: "In summary, the conversation is about the Myers-Briggs personality test and the different types of personalities identified by it. Many people in the conversation have taken the test and have identified as INTJ, with some variation in their scores for introversion, intuition, thinking, and judging. They discuss the accuracy and validity of the test and its results, as well as the types of careers that are typical for INTJs. Some participants also mention their interest in science and how it relates to their personality type. Overall, there seems to be a high percentage of INTJs in the conversation, which could be due to the nature of the forum or their interest in theoretical subjects."
  • #36
And all this time I thought I was an INFP, I was wrong. After taking the test for the third time...

*very expressed introvert
*distinctively expressed intuitive personality
*slightly expressed thinking personality
*slightly expressed judging personality

And a perfectionist :smile:
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Physics news on
  • #37
Greetings and Salutations

Wwow. I find it quite facinating to see how many people here got the same results.
I'm brand new around these parts..figured a thread about personality types was as good a place as any to introduce myself.
I'm abit intimidated by this place cause well..*deep breath* I never even took high school physics. I bet you may be wondering why I'm here then?
hmm. I am interested in getting the perspectives of people quite different from me. I am a seeker of knowledge and I see that there are a lot of people here seeking such things as well and I figure there must be things I can learn from folks around here.

Okay.. I'm not an INTJ or even an INTP but rather this~

*slightly expressed introvert
*moderately expressed iNtuitive personality
*moderately expressed Feeling personality
*slightly expressed perceiving personality

I find this quite interesting because I took this test about 10 years ago, I think it was.. and got the same results. Must be something to it. The INFP also only makes up 1% of the unusual types of characters must be drawn to this place.
Some of the other INFPs have included Homer, Shakespeare, Mary, Mother of Jesus and E.T.
Interesting group..
  • #38
This is great. I guess I'm in good company :)

I too am an INTJ.
  • #39
Chalk up another INTJ.

Introverted-22 Intuitive-44 Thinking-33 Judging-33
  • #40

Introverted: 44% Intuitive: 67% Thinking: 78% Judging: 11%

moderately expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
very expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality
  • #41
slight mod mod mod(11 56 33 44)
  • #42
I wonder how they determined that less than 1% of the population is INTJ?

I was thinking:
A.) Introspective means that we would tend to know ourselves pretty well.
B.) Being Intuitive we have a firm grasp on the human physche and condition.
C.) Being Thinkers (as opposed to Feelers) we are not drawn to personality tests and emotional guages.
D.) We question the validity of any of these questionnaire type quizzes designed for the masses and Freudian blanket analyses.
E.) Rejecting of (sometimes having downright disdain for) social norms and often viewing ourselves as the only true indivdualists, we often reject judgement and have very distinct judgements of others.

Talking all these reasons (and then some) and combining that with our Pragmatist view, most INTJs would simply not bother wasting out time with such silly quizzes and not take them.
That could throw off the numbers.
  • #43
Originally posted by one_raven
I wonder how they determined that less than 1% of the population is INTJ?

I was thinking:
A.) Introspective means that we would tend to know ourselves pretty well.
B.) Being Intuitive we have a firm grasp on the human physche and condition.
C.) Being Thinkers (as opposed to Feelers) we are not drawn to personality tests and emotional guages.
D.) We question the validity of any of these questionnaire type quizzes designed for the masses and Freudian blanket analyses.
E.) Rejecting of (sometimes having downright disdain for) social norms and often viewing ourselves as the only true indivdualists, we often reject judgement and have very distinct judgements of others.

Talking all these reasons (and then some) and combining that with our Pragmatist view, most INTJs would simply not bother wasting out time with such silly quizzes and not take them.
That could throw off the numbers.

Good point

Interestingly enough, I took it again to see how significant the Judging aspect of my INTJ result was, and I got INTP. It was low in both cases, and in "real" tests in the past I have been both INTJ and INTP.

A friend of mine just took it, and he was also an INTJ.
  • #44
I took it four times, trying to avoid remembering answers. I had
INTJ twice
INFJ once
INTP once

the J and P were always 1%
The T's and F were always below 9%

The N was always at least 67%
Sometimes distinctively intuitive, sometimes strongly intuitive.
I was always in the 20's.

So, I'd say I am an iN**

  • #45
  • #46
Originally posted by Njorl
I took it four times, trying to avoid remembering answers. I had
INTJ twice
INFJ once
INTP once

the J and P were always 1%
The T's and F were always below 9%

The N was always at least 67%
Sometimes distinctively intuitive, sometimes strongly intuitive.
I was always in the 20's.

So, I'd say I am an iN**

Njorl is the same test.. how can you answer the same question with different answers and expect the test to be valid..

I agree though, there should've been an indifferent button.
  • #47

Introverted 89
Intuitive 56
Feeling 11
Perceiving 44

very expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed feeling personality

moderately expressed perceiving personality

Took it twice, both times got about the same. I guess that's me. I always knew I was an introvert.
  • #48
2 reasons why we see a higher percentage of INTJ 1%ers here.

1. The obvious: Physics forums are a stomping ground for the NT rationalist.

2. INTJs are independent and strong-willed, yet the 1% statistic confirms something their intuition always suspected. This validates the INTJ, knowing he/she is special, and he/she will use their auxillery thinking trait to back up the findings of the test rather than refute them.

hmm... this sounds like mystic babble, sorry.
  • #49

sorry.. thought I'd try another rating on for size..hmmph.. I'll keep what's behind door #1
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  • #50
I am an INTJ. One percent? I always did consider myself to be somewhat of a freak.
  • #51
  • #52
Unlike all you integers out there, I'm a complex number.

Hahah. Just kiddin'.

Depending on how I pick a couple of questions that could go either way, I'm either INFP or INTP. Very expressed I, slight N and F/T, and moderate P. After reading the qualitative descriptions I lean more towards INTP, although I have scored strongly for INFP in the past.
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  • #53
I've taken a variant of the Myers-Briggs test before (in the book What Type Am I? which also deals with the Enneagram), and had the same result as I did on this test: INTP.

Strong on all of them except for the P part...I think it was like 52 or 56 percent.
  • #54
An interesting little point: Almost everyone here is an introvert...basically, if you have no social life, come join us at the PFs!
  • #55
slightly expressed introvert.

slightly expressed sensing personality.

slightly expressed feeling personality.

slightly expressed perceiving personality.

A composer? really? i haven't composed anything in my life!
  • #56
Originally posted by hypnagogue
Unlike all you integers out there, I'm a complex number.

Hahah. Just kiddin'.

Depending on how I pick a couple of questions that could go either way, I'm either INFP or INTP. Very expressed I, slight N and F/T, and moderate P. After reading the qualitative descriptions I lean more towards INTP, although I have scored strongly for INFP in the past.

Hey, this is exactly what happened to me. Identical (two) outcomes
Though I believe this type of psych. test has some merit, it also has a few limitations, in my opinion: It lacks sensitivity to important contextual disparity, i.e: attitude and behavior at work versus in a leisurely setting. I may be orderly and obsessed at work but “let it all go” at home, planning nothing. There are a few questions about social behav. in this test that were confounding. For example, what if I love to be the center of attention part of the time, and the rest of the time I avoid it like the plague? These were nearly impossible for me to approximate ...

Another problem: The goal of the test is to assign a set of general attitudes and inclinations to people (I assume), as if humans inhabit a reality lacking the dimension of time and time’s profound affect on the personality. I know my answers would have been very different (on many of the q’s) even three years ago. Health changes alone can affect basic attitudes.

Umm ...I know one of my weaknesses is being overly-analytical, so maybe I’m just in the minority of you guys who found you had a hard time answering these questions or getting consistent results. Either way, I did had a fun time with it!
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  • #57
Originally posted by Mentat
An interesting little point: Almost everyone here is an introvert...basically, if you have no social life, come join us at the PFs!

I have a social life, I just prefer to focus it on my inner (no pun intended) circle.

Actually if you read the description for the introvert/extrovert personality trait ( ) it gives a nice metaphor. It describes ex/introversion as the propensity to 'having your batteries recharged' by social contact/private time. So an extrovert is one whose energy is drained by seclusion and recharged by extensive social contact, and vice versa for the introvert.
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  • #58
Just took the test! Result came out and turns out that I am INTJ too! I was not really surprised at being labelled an introvert as all the teachers at my school frown upon that bit of my personality.
  • #59
Ok, how many of you laughed when you saw the name "Joe Butt" as the author of that analysis?

Anyway, I think he pegged me better than the other guy...especially on the kind of games I like to play.

Of course, the other one did get the "seems arrogant" part right...and I don't mind being compared to Galileo and Einstein to badly :smile:.

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