Discrete energy states (explanations in QFT?)

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of measuring energy in quantum mechanics and how it relates to QED. The speaker questions whether this postulate can be deduced from first principles in QFT and mentions the difficulty in treating bound states in QED. They also discuss the role of photon emissions in measuring energy and the relationship to discrete energy states. The conversation ends with the mention of other potential methods of measuring energy states.
  • #1
I've been thinking about one of the postulates about one particle quantum mechanics, it says that whenever we measure an energy value, we get one of those eigenvalues.

Firstly, pretty much 99% of the stuffs I know in nonrelativistic QM applies in the realm of electromagnetism. I just don't think a particle stuck in a classical gravity well is realistic. (I may be wrong).

So in QED what do we mean by measuring energy? I believe in all the experiments, we measure the photons emitted by states transitions and use that as the energies. I feel fundamentally, the reason why these photon energies are discrete have to do with QED. The question is, how then? is it possible to deduce this postulate from first principles in QFT? I know it is difficult to treat bound states in QED (specially in a perturbation sense...when interactions aren't small at all). So perhaps there are some simple intuitive explanations?
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  • #2
tim_lou said:
So in QED what do we mean by measuring energy? I believe in all the experiments, we measure the photons emitted by states transitions and use that as the energies. I feel fundamentally, the reason why these photon energies are discrete have to do with QED. The question is, how then? is it possible to deduce this postulate from first principles in QFT? I know it is difficult to treat bound states in QED (specially in a perturbation sense...when interactions aren't small at all). So perhaps there are some simple intuitive explanations?

Well I am not sure what you mean by discrete photon energy states. Because of the conservation of energy the photon that is emitted when an electron drops into the ground state needs to carry the energy that the electron had before (or very close to it). Otherwise photon energies are not discrete. Only when you consider cavities, like metal boxes, then all photons inside the box form standing waves, and those have discrete energy levels. There is more ways to measure energy then with emitted photons btw.
  • #3
After I think about it again, I realized I just answered my own question. The mechanism of energy measurement is by photon emissions, and the frequency of these emitted photons are constrained by a delta function. Also, the transition amplitude is nonzero only with states with one emitted photon. We get a spectrum of these waves and naturally associate E=hf and obtain the discrete energy states in our experiments. So indeed, fundamentally, this is due to energy (and momentum) conservation and that fact that only one photon is emitted during state transitions. (otherwise we'll get a continuous spectrum of photons and see no peaks in our experiment).

I'm interested to know what other ways one can measure these energy states without resort to photoemissions. Perhaps pair productions. In that case, the same argument applies.

Related to Discrete energy states (explanations in QFT?)

1. What are discrete energy states in quantum field theory?

Discrete energy states in quantum field theory refer to the allowed energy levels that a quantum system can have. In other words, the energy of a particle in a quantum system can only take on certain discrete values rather than a continuous range of values.

2. How are discrete energy states calculated in quantum field theory?

Discrete energy states are calculated using the quantum mechanical wave equation, which describes the behavior of particles in a quantum system. The wave equation takes into account the energy of the particle and its corresponding wave function to determine the allowed energy levels.

3. What is the significance of discrete energy states in quantum field theory?

The existence of discrete energy states is a fundamental concept in quantum field theory, as it helps to explain the discrete nature of matter and the quantization of energy. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

4. Can discrete energy states change over time?

Yes, discrete energy states can change over time as particles interact with each other and exchange energy. In quantum field theory, this is described by the concept of energy conservation, which states that the total energy of a system remains constant even as particles change energy levels.

5. How are discrete energy states related to the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle, a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics, states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This also applies to energy states, where the more precisely we know the energy of a particle, the less precisely we can know the time at which it occupies that energy state. Therefore, discrete energy states reflect the inherent uncertainty in quantum systems.

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