Discrete time dynamics theorem?

In summary: Your name]In summary, the conversation discusses an idea about the relationship between particles in space and the transfer of information between them. The system described involves discrete time and the triggering of forces based on this time, which differs from traditional physical models. The speaker is seeking feedback and recommendations for further research and testing, and mentions the potential for breaking conservation laws over short timescales. They are encouraged to continue exploring their idea and seeking input from other scientists in the field.
  • #1

I have recently been investigating an idea I had based around the phillosophical notion of order and the nature of time.

My starting point goes somewhere along the lines of:

If there are two particles in space. How does one particle know what the other has done until the light can reach it. Ok so this is just causual locality right?? with a speed of light limiting the information transfer. However I want to look at the effect of this in a discrete event based system. This is what I try to describe below:

My system at the moment consists of a set of particles separated in 3D space. One particle triggers a spherical wave of information (by changing state or being updated itself). When this information wave hits the next particle it then triggers a new wave and so on. Waves are not destroyed when they hit a particle and can continue to inform other particles.

In this system I use a kind of system based continuous time which is used to measure the positions of the wavefronts so that the system knows when particles are updated.

My idea now is to have forces which then act on a particle within the spatial system coordinates over this universal time to create dynamics. This differs from any physical model I have come across so far in that forces act of a discrete amount of time and are thus not updated in such a continuous manner as in standard continuous field theories.

What I really need to know though is this close to any currently researched physical theories. Do you guys think it is a plausable model?? How would I test my theory against known dynamical results?? The theory would allow conservation of momentum/energy to be broken at least over very short timescales. I have done some basic simulations which show the evolution of the wavefront density which looks to evolve into a continuum within a very short universal time.

I would appreciate any comments or recomended reading.

Kindest Regards
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Alex,

Your idea is certainly an interesting one and it definitely touches upon some fundamental concepts in physics. The issue of causality and the speed of light is a well-studied topic in modern physics, and your system could potentially provide a unique perspective on it.

One thing to consider is that your system seems to rely heavily on the concept of discrete time, which is not a commonly accepted idea in physics. Most physical theories, such as classical mechanics and general relativity, are based on continuous time. This is because in the real world, time appears to be continuous and not divided into discrete units. However, there are some theories, such as quantum mechanics, that do incorporate the concept of discrete time.

In terms of testing your theory against known dynamical results, you could potentially create simulations or experiments that compare the behavior of your system to that of other physical systems. This could help to validate your theory and see if it produces similar results.

I would also recommend looking into the concept of discrete or digital physics, which explores the idea of a discrete universe and has some similarities to your system. There are also ongoing research efforts in quantum computing and information theory that may be relevant to your work.

Overall, I think your idea has potential and could definitely contribute to our understanding of causality and the nature of time. I would encourage you to continue exploring and developing it, and to seek out collaborations and feedback from other scientists in the field.

Best of luck with your research!

Related to Discrete time dynamics theorem?

1. What is the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem?

The Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem is a mathematical concept that explains how a system changes over time in a discrete, or non-continuous, manner. It is often used in fields such as physics, economics, and biology to model and analyze dynamic systems.

2. How is the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem different from the Continuous Time Dynamics Theorem?

The Continuous Time Dynamics Theorem deals with systems that change continuously over time, while the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem deals with systems that change in distinct steps or intervals. This means that the Discrete Time theorem is better suited for analyzing systems that are affected by discrete events or actions.

3. What are the key elements of the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem?

The Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem includes three key elements: the state of the system at a given time, the inputs or actions that affect the system, and the rules or equations that govern how the system changes over time. These elements are used to create a mathematical model of the system's behavior.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem?

The Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem has many applications in various fields, such as predicting stock market trends, analyzing population growth and decline, and modeling the spread of diseases. It is also used in computer science for discrete event simulation and in engineering for designing control systems.

5. Can the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem be used to predict future behavior of a system?

Yes, the Discrete Time Dynamics Theorem can be used to make predictions about how a system will behave in the future. By inputting different values for the system's state and inputs, scientists can simulate how the system will change over time and make predictions about its future behavior.

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