Discrete Topology and Closed Sets

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of a discrete space and a problem that asks to prove that a topological space with all sets being closed is a discrete space. The definition of a closed set is also mentioned. A specific example is given to show that a topology with all closed sets is not necessarily a discrete space. The conversation ends with the clarification that the problem is to prove that a topological space with the property of all subsets being closed is a discrete space. The person also thanks for the help with proofs.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
proof. Topological space with all closed sets is a discrete space
I am trying to learn some topology and was looking at a problem in the back of the book asking to show that a topological space with the property that all set are closed is a discrete space which, as understand it, means that all possible subsets are in the topology and since all subsets are closed for each set in the topology the compliment must be in as well. Let's say I have a very simple topology on set X
where X={a, b, c, d, e, f} such that the topology is given by

{∅, X, {a, b}, {c, d}, {e, f}, {c, d, e, f}, {a, b, e, f}, {a, b, c , d}}

Unless I am overlooking something, this is a topology with all closed sets, (they are all open as well because this is a topology), that is not a discrete topology because it does not contain singleton sets or am I missing something?
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  • #2
Consider a topological space ##(X, \mathcal{T})##. Such a space is called discrete if ##\mathcal{T}= \mathcal{P}(X) = 2^X##, the power set of ##X## (= all possible subsets of ##X##). In particular, this means that singelton sets must be contained in a discrete topology (conversely, if a topology contains all singeltons, it must be discrete since every set is the union of singeltons and arbitrary unions of open sets remain open).

Note that all sets are open is equivalent with all sets are closed.

The complement of every set in your topology is contained in the topology. This means that all closed sets of your topology are also open (and conversely, every open set is also closed). So yes, you are right. This space is not discrete since the topology you wrote down is not the power set of ##\{a,b,c,d,e,f\}##.

A set that is both open and closed is called clopen. Some more terminology: a topological space is connected if it has no clopen subsets, except ##\emptyset## and ##X##.
  • #3
So here is the question as written, "Let (X,T) be a topological space with the property that every subset is closed. Prove that it is a discrete space."

The definition of a closed set in the book is given by:

" Let (X,T) be a topological space. A subset S of X is said to be a closed set in (X,T) if its complement, namely X\S, is open in (X,T)"
  • #4
Take an arbitrary subset ##A \subseteq X##. You have to show that ##A## is open. But this is obvious: you are given that every subset of ##X## is closed, so in particular ##X\setminus A## is closed. By your definition of closed, this means that the complement ##X\setminus (X \setminus A)## is open. But ##X\setminus (X \setminus A) = A## and you are done.
  • #5
Yeah, but I am not sure how this proves it is a discrete space as the example I gave above is all closed (They are open sets they are referred to in the text as "clopen" by the definition) but it does not contain any singletons. So given that the above example consists of all closed sets that is not a discrete topology because it contains no singletons, thus it cannot be proven?
  • #6
joshthekid said:
Yeah, but I am not sure how this proves it is a discrete space as the example I gave above is all closed (They are open sets they are referred to in the text as "clopen" by the definition) but it does not contain any singletons. So given that the above example consists of all closed sets that is not a discrete topology because it contains no singletons, thus it cannot be proven?

What is your definition of discrete space?
  • #7
"Let X be any non-empty set and let T be the collection of all subsets of X. Then T is called the discrete topology on the set X . The topological space (X,T ) is called a discrete space"

Then is goes on to show

"If (X,T ) is a topological space such that for every x ∈ X, the singleton set {x} is in T, then T is the discrete topology"
  • #8
joshthekid said:
"Let X be any non-empty set and let T be the collection of all subsets of X. Then T is called the discrete topology on the set X . The topological space (X,T ) is called a discrete space"

Then is goes on to show

"If (X,T ) is a topological space such that for every x ∈ X, the singleton set {x} is in T, then T is the discrete topology"

And why are you confused then? In your example ##X = \{a,b,c,d,e,f\}## and the topology you wrote down does not contain singeltons, so it isn't a discrete space.

In your example, it just happens that every open set is also closed, but this does not mean in any way that the space is discrete.
  • #9
So the actual problem is

"Let (X,T) be a topological space with the property that every subset is closed. Prove that it is a discrete space."

So the example is just to show that I can create an arbitrary topology with all closed sets that is not a discrete space. Thus, I have come up with a counter example which proves that a topology with all closed sets is not necessarily a discrete space unless I am missing something.

BTW thanks for your help, proofs are not my strong point, as I mostly work with applied math, but I am trying to get better at them.
  • #10
joshthekid said:
So the actual problem is

"Let (X,T) be a topological space with the property that every subset is closed. Prove that it is a discrete space."

So the example is just to show that I can create an arbitrary topology with all closed sets that is not a discrete space. Thus, I have come up with a counter example which proves that a topology with all closed sets is not necessarily a discrete space unless I am missing something.

BTW thanks for your help, proofs are not my strong point, as I mostly work with applied math, but I am trying to get better at them.

I see what the problem is. You should understand the sentence "every subset is closed" as "every subset of X is closed" and NOT "every subset in the topology is closed". Hope this clarifies the issue.
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  • #11
I think so but the proof then seems a little trivial

By definition if the topology has every set of X it is a discrete topology. Since it is a discrete topology it must include all compliments in the topology and thus every set
  • #12
I think so but the proof then seems a little trivial

By definition if the topology has every set of X it is a discrete topology. Since it is a discrete topology the compliment to each subset must be in the topology and therefore every set is closed.

Anyways thanks for your help
  • #13
joshthekid said:
I think so but the proof then seems a little trivial

By definition if the topology has every set of X it is a discrete topology. Since it is a discrete topology the compliment to each subset must be in the topology and therefore every set is closed.

Anyways thanks for your help

The proof is trivial. These are just exercises to see that you understood the definitions. Things will get harder :)

Related to Discrete Topology and Closed Sets

1. What is discrete topology?

Discrete topology is a type of topology in mathematics that is defined by a set of points where each point is isolated. This means that each point in the set has its own neighborhood that does not contain any other points.

2. How is discrete topology different from other types of topology?

Discrete topology is different from other types of topology, such as the Euclidean topology, because it is characterized by a set of isolated points rather than open sets. In discrete topology, every subset of the set is open, whereas in other types of topology, not every subset is open.

3. What are closed sets in discrete topology?

In discrete topology, a set is considered closed if its complement is open. This means that the set contains all of its boundary points and is not missing any points from its closure. In other words, a set is closed if it contains all of its limit points.

4. How are closed sets related to continuous functions in discrete topology?

In discrete topology, a function is continuous if and only if the preimage of every open set is open. This means that the inverse image of a closed set must also be closed. In other words, the continuity of a function is determined by the behavior of closed sets.

5. Can discrete topology be used to model real-world systems?

Yes, discrete topology can be used to model real-world systems, such as computer networks, social networks, and biological systems. It is a useful tool for analyzing discrete and discrete-like structures, and can provide insights into the behavior and properties of these systems.

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