Discussing the Ethics of Eating Meat

  • Thread starter Nusc
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In summary, the ethics of eating meat is a highly debated topic that raises questions about the treatment of animals, environmental impact, and health concerns. While some argue that consuming meat is a natural part of human evolution and necessary for a balanced diet, others believe it is unethical to kill animals for food and advocate for plant-based diets. The issue also brings up discussions about factory farming, animal welfare, and the use of antibiotics and hormones in meat production. Ultimately, the ethics of eating meat is a complex and personal decision that requires consideration of various factors and perspectives.
  • #1
I need to hear your opinions on this video:

http://www.meat.org/index-1.asp?c=gwtdba0410 (staff edit: warning, video is very graphic)

streaming is slow so download and watch it;

Until we make remarkable advances in nanotechnology and genetically modified food such that you would obtain the meat without the suffering., people need to be fed. We are by nature, animals ourselves. But just because we have a higher consciousness doesn't make it immoral for us to eat in order to survive:


Then what is to say about anti-abortionists?
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  • #2
I think the abortion topic is completely separate from your original topic suggested.

I could only watch the first few minutes of that video. Since March, I have stopped eating any meat except fish mostly for health reasons, but also because of the way animals are raised for food. For my children I don't change their diet because of the choice I have made for my diet because I have the obligation to ensure they have nutrition they need.

Don't know much about genetically modified food. I believe that if a person eats healthy and wholesome, they will eat less overall. Obesity in America is so rampant because ultimately I believe we never "get full" on junk food. Just my opinion on that as I am extremely health and food conscious.
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  • #3
How close are we to growing meat in a lab? :D
  • #4
Kerrie said:
I think the abortion topic is completely separate from your original topic suggested.

What Paul is trying to portray is no different from anti-abortionist protest arguments 'that all life is precious' but he does it a more rigour -although it is a very limited perception. No.

The concern then is dealing with overpopulation of the planet with limited resources.
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  • #5
You can't replace good meat. You can tell when the animal is slaughtered improperly. You can taste the fear. Fear ruins meat.
  • #6
Kerrie said:
Don't know much about genetically modified food. I believe that if a person eats healthy and wholesome, they will eat less overall. Obesity in America is so rampant because ultimately I believe we never "get full" on junk food. Just my opinion on that as I am extremely health and food conscious.

Which makes me wonder; have there been any studies with obesity associated 'fattening' the chickens?
  • #9
Nusc said:
Fine. What about the increase in obesity?
When did we start keeping statistics on obesity? Not that long ago.

I can't say that I've ever gone into a study, can you? Who are they sampling?

I was thinking yesterday, I haven't seen anyone fat where I live. Dont see fat people where I shop.

I mean, I *have* seen *obese* people, It's just that I don't see them very often, and they are not from my neighborhood.

I think you see more obese people in low income areas. My mother used to tell me that poor people were fat because cheap food is fattening. I've found that to be true.
  • #10
Evo said:
When did we start keeping statistics on obesity? Not that long ago.

I can't say that I've ever gone into a study, can you? Who are they sampling?

I was thinking yesterday, I haven't seen anyone fat where I live. Dont see fat people where I shop.

I mean, I *have* seen *obese* people, It's just that I don't see them very often, and they are not from my neighborhood.

I think you see more obese people in low income areas. My mother used to tell me that poor people were fat because cheap food is fattening. I've found that to be true.

I see.http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/facts/obesity/en/ My real concern is with the growth hormone injected into chickens and what effect they may have on humans.
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  • #11
I personally think we Americans like our portions and frequency of meat. If the saying, "You are what you eat" is true, then eating "fattened chickens" could be a hazard to our health.
  • #12
Nusc said:
I need to hear your opinions on this video:

This is standard PETAporn.

Ironically, one of the reasons for the rise in vegetarianism is that people in industrialized nations don't have to prepare their own food, and the only contact most have with animals is with their pets.

Fact, we are not herbivores, we don't have the plumbing.
Fact, all things die, not eating meat will not prevent that.
Fact, while factory farms may seem grotesque to some sensibilities, death in the wild can be much more brutal and painful.

I think we have a responsibility to kill our food in the most sustainable and compassionate way possible, but our first concern about food should be that it is healthy. And I think that is a much bigger problem.
Then what is to say about anti-abortionists?
Right to lifers always have the same arguments, PETA and the Anti-abortionists are self-righteous hypocrites.
  • #13
I kind of agree with the slogan "You shouldn't eat what you can't kill". Everyone should go to the nearest farm and if you can't cut a chicken's throat, don't eat it.
  • #14
JoeDawg said:
This is standard PETAporn.

Ironically, one of the reasons for the rise in vegetarianism is that people in industrialized nations don't have to prepare their own food, and the only contact most have with animals is with their pets.

Fact, we are not herbivores, we don't have the plumbing.
Fact, all things die, not eating meat will not prevent that.
Fact, while factory farms may seem grotesque to some sensibilities, death in the wild can be much more brutal and painful.

I think we have a responsibility to kill our food in the most sustainable and compassionate way possible, but our first concern about food should be that it is healthy. And I think that is a much bigger problem.

Right to lifers always have the same arguments, PETA and the Anti-abortionists are self-righteous hypocrites.

Good points.

FAQ: Discussing the Ethics of Eating Meat

1. Is it ethical to eat meat?

This is a complex and highly debated question. Some argue that it is natural and necessary for humans to consume meat, while others argue that it is unethical to harm and kill animals for food. Ultimately, the answer may vary depending on personal beliefs and values.

2. What are the ethical concerns surrounding meat consumption?

One major concern is the treatment of animals in factory farming and slaughterhouses. Many argue that these practices are cruel and inhumane. Additionally, there are concerns about the environmental impact of meat production, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. How does culture play a role in the ethics of eating meat?

Cultural norms and traditions often dictate what is considered acceptable or ethical when it comes to eating meat. For example, in some cultures, it is common to consume certain types of meat, such as beef or pork, while in others it is considered taboo. These cultural beliefs can influence an individual's views on the ethics of meat consumption.

4. Are there any health implications of eating meat?

The consumption of meat has been linked to various health issues, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. However, this is a complex issue and the impact of meat consumption on health may vary depending on the type and amount of meat consumed, as well as an individual's overall diet and lifestyle choices.

5. What are some alternatives to eating meat for ethical reasons?

There are various alternatives to consuming meat for ethical reasons, such as following a vegetarian or vegan diet, consuming meat from more ethical and sustainable sources, or reducing overall meat consumption and incorporating more plant-based foods into one's diet. Ultimately, the best alternative may vary for each individual depending on their personal beliefs and values.
