Dispersion curves mode 4 and 8

In summary, to solve this problem, you need to substitute the given values into the equation and solve for the roots of $c(k^2)$, and then plot the relationship between $\lambda$ and $m = k/\pi$ for the 4th and 8th modes. You can use any numerical software to find the roots and plot the dispersion curves.
  • #1
So the problem I am having is I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I read the chapter on spatial pattern in JD Murrays Math Bio Vol 2 and looked through Strogatz Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos but I am not sure how to solve anything with these modes. I have no idea what to start doing.

a(k^2)\lambda^2 + b(k^2)\lambda + c(k^2) = 0
a(k^2) =& \mu k^2\notag\\
b(k^2) =& (\beta + \mu D)k^4 - (2\tau - 1)k^2 + s\notag\\
c(k^2) =& \beta Dk^6 - \{(\alpha + D)\tau - D\}k^4 + sDk^2\notag

The steady state(s) associated with the model is stable if $\Re\lambda(k^2) < 0$ for all $k^2 \geq 0$. The values of $k^2$ for which there exists an instability window, $\Re\lambda(k^2) > 0$, in which pattern is formed, are given by the range of $k^2_{c-} < k^2 < k^2_{c+}$ where $k^2_{c\pm}$ are the zeros of $c(k^2)$ such that
k^2_{c\pm} = \frac{(\alpha + D)\tau - D\pm\sqrt{((\alpha + D)\tau - D)^2 - 4s\beta D^2}}{2\beta D}.
Use Mathematica or otherwise to find the roots of the polynomial and graph the relationship (dispersion curves), $\lambda(m)$, $m = k/\pi$, and $m\in [0.05,10.05]$, for the 4th and 8th modes $(m)$.

\text{mode} & \tau & \mu & D & \alpha & s & \beta\\
4 & 1.15 & 1.0 & 0.002 & 0.0030 & 140.0 & 0.0060\\
8 & 1.20 & 1.0 & 0.001 & 0.0020 & 840.0 & 0.0020
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
To solve this problem you need to first substitute the given values into the equation and solve for the roots of $c(k^2)$, which are $k^2_{c\pm}$. You can use Mathematica, or any other numerical software, to find the roots. Then, you need to plot the relationship between $\lambda$ and $m = k/\pi$ for the 4th and 8th modes. Make sure to set the range of $m$ from $0.05$ to $10.05$. This will give you the dispersion curves for the 4th and 8th modes.

FAQ: Dispersion curves mode 4 and 8

1. What is a dispersion curve?

A dispersion curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between a wave's frequency and its corresponding wave speed. It shows how the speed of a wave changes as its frequency increases or decreases.

2. What is mode 4 and mode 8 on a dispersion curve?

Mode 4 and mode 8 refer to different patterns or shapes that can be seen on a dispersion curve. These modes represent different types of waves that can propagate through a medium, with mode 4 being a lower frequency and mode 8 being a higher frequency.

3. How are dispersion curves mode 4 and 8 different from each other?

Dispersion curves mode 4 and 8 are different in terms of their wave speed and frequency. Mode 4 waves have a lower frequency and slower speed compared to mode 8 waves, which have a higher frequency and faster speed. They also have different shapes on the dispersion curve, with mode 4 having a smaller and wider curve, and mode 8 having a larger and narrower curve.

4. What factors can affect the shape of a dispersion curve?

The shape of a dispersion curve can be affected by various factors, such as the properties of the medium through which the wave is propagating, the type of wave, and the frequency of the wave. Other factors like temperature, pressure, and external forces can also impact the shape of a dispersion curve.

5. How are dispersion curves mode 4 and 8 used in scientific research?

Dispersion curves mode 4 and 8 are important tools in scientific research, particularly in the fields of seismology, acoustics, and material science. They can provide valuable information about the properties of different mediums and help researchers better understand the behavior of waves in various conditions. These curves are also used in the development of new materials and technologies that rely on wave propagation.

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