Distance between two sets equals distance between the closure of the sets

In summary: B)$.Thus, $d(A,B)=d(\overline{A},\overline{B})$. In summary, the problem is to prove that the distance between the closures of two sets, denoted as $d(clos(A),clos(B))$, is equal to the distance between the sets themselves, denoted as $d(A,B)$. The proof involves showing that $d(A,B)$ is less than or equal to $d(clos(A),clos(B))$, and then showing the reverse inequality. To do this, we use the definition of infimum and the fact that the closure of a set contains the set itself and any limit points. This leads to the conclusion that $d(A,B
  • #1
My problem is as follows: If we define d(A,B) = inf{ d(x,y) : x in A and y in B }, show that d(clos(A),clos(B)) = d(A,B), where clos(A) is the closure of A

My attempt at a solution was this: Since A is a subset of the closure of A, then d(A,B) must be less than or equal to the distance between the closure of A and the closure of B, but the other inequality seems to elude me. I thought about splitting it into cases, since if x belongs to clos(A) then x is in A or x is a limit point of A (y in clos(B) implies y is in B or y is a limit point of B), but got nowhere. I really have no idea how to begin this other part. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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  • #2
. A:Let $d(A,B) = \inf\{d(x,y) : x\in A, y\in B\}$. We will show that $d(A,B)$ is equal to $d(\overline{A},\overline{B})$Proof: Let $\epsilon>0$. By definition of infimum, there exists $x'\in A$ and $y'\in B$ such that $d(x',y')<d(A,B)+\epsilon$. Since $x'\in A$, either $x'\in \overline{A}$ or $x'$ is a limit point of $\overline{A}$. Similarly, since $y'\in B$, either $y'\in \overline{B}$ or $y'$ is a limit point of $\overline{B}$.In either case, there exists $x\in \overline{A}$ and $y\in \overline{B}$ such that $d(x,y)<d(A,B)+\epsilon$. Therefore $d(A,B)\leq d(\overline{A},\overline{B})$.To show the other direction, let $\epsilon>0$. By definition of infimum, there exists $x'\in \overline{A}$ and $y'\in \overline{B}$ such that $d(x',y')<d(\overline{A},\overline{B})+\epsilon$. Since $x'\in \overline{A}$, either $x'\in A$ or $x'$ is a limit point of $A$. Similarly, since $y'\in \overline{B}$, either $y'\in B$ or $y'$ is a limit point of $B$.In either case, there exists $x\in A$ and $y\in B$ such that $d(x,y)<d(\overline{A},\overline{B})+\epsilon$. Therefore $d(\overline{A},\overline{B})\leq d(A,

Related to Distance between two sets equals distance between the closure of the sets

1. What does the concept of "closure" mean in mathematics?

The closure of a set is the smallest closed set that contains all the points in the original set. In other words, it includes all the limit points of the set.

2. How is the distance between two sets defined in mathematics?

In mathematics, the distance between two sets is defined as the minimum distance between any two points in the two sets. This can be thought of as the shortest distance that one would have to travel to go from one set to the other.

3. Why is it important to consider the closure of a set when calculating the distance between two sets?

Considering the closure of a set is important because it ensures that all the points in the original set are accounted for in the distance calculation. This is because the closure includes all the limit points, which may not be included in the original set.

4. Can the distance between two sets ever be negative?

No, the distance between two sets can never be negative. This is because distance is a positive measure and is always a non-negative value.

5. How is the concept of "distance between two sets equals distance between the closure of the sets" used in real-life applications?

This concept is commonly used in various fields such as computer science, data analysis, and engineering. For example, in computer science, this concept is used to measure the similarity between two sets of data. In engineering, it is used to calculate the distance between two physical objects or structures.

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