Distance for electron to stop due to charged plane

In summary: So, you would measure the field strength at the point that the lines cross. If you measure the field strength at a distance from the charge, you are actually measuring the field strength at a point halfway between the charge and the meter.
  • #1
Ran into a question in my amateur research. Been waaay too long since college physics, and I've exhausted searches. This is the theoretical question:

Assume a non-conducting, infinite plane charged to +10 kV. An electron leaves perpendicular to the surface with an energy of 10 keV. How far does the electron travel before it is brought to a stop by the attraction to the charged plane? Trying to figure out (at least theoretically), if my electrons are smacking into the chamber walls. Would like to be able to calculate the distance for any voltages used.

Closest thing I've found is this: Question 5
Very close to what I need, except they use charge density on the plane; I only know the floating voltage of the plane. I think I almost have it, but I don't seem to be able to convert voltage (V) to charge density or electric field (E) in the equations.

Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
kunkle said:
Ran into a question in my amateur research. Been waaay too long since college physics, and I've exhausted searches. This is the theoretical question:

Assume a non-conducting, infinite plane charged to +10 kV. An electron leaves perpendicular to the surface with an energy of 10 keV. How far does the electron travel before it is brought to a stop by the attraction to the charged plane? Trying to figure out (at least theoretically), if my electrons are smacking into the chamber walls. Would like to be able to calculate the distance for any voltages used.

Closest thing I've found is this: Question 5
Very close to what I need, except they use charge density on the plane; I only know the floating voltage of the plane. I think I almost have it, but I don't seem to be able to convert voltage (V) to charge density or electric field (E) in the equations.

Thanks for any help.
Potential is always relative to some arbitrarily defined zero. Normally one would choose the potential at infinity as zero, but that does not work here. An infinite uniformly charged sheet, were such a beast feasible, has a uniform field at all distances, so the difference between the potential of the sheet and that at infinity is infinite. For this reason, one usually selects the sheet itself as the zero potential.
In short, your question is unanswerable because the voltage cannot be assigned a meaning. In particular, it does not tell you the charge density.
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  • #3
haruspex said:
Potential is always relative to some arbitrarily defined zero. Normally one would choose the potential at infinity as zero, but that does not work here. An infinite uniformly charged sheet, were such a beast feasible, has a uniform field at all distances, so the difference between the potential of the sheet and that at infinity is infinite. For this reason, one usually selects the sheet itself as the zero potential.
In short, your question is unanswerable because the voltage cannot be assigned a meaning. In particular, it does not tell you the charge density.
I had a bad feeling when none of the equations I had collected would let me substitute V for charge density or E no matter how you slice it. At least I know why now. Thank you.

What if I were to measure the E field strength with an electric field meter? Not that I have one, but that can be fixed. That can be converted to charge density. Does it matter at what distance the E field is measured? I know that's V/m, but that decreases as a square of the distance, right? Measure as close as physically possible to the source?

Of course, the electrode is not actually an infinite plane; but I thought I would get closer to reality than treating it as a point charge. FWIW, it is actually about 6 inches in diameter. Figure as a point charge and an infinite plane, then average the two to get in the ballpark realistically?
  • #4
kunkle said:
What if I were to measure the E field strength with an electric field meter?

If I remember my E&M class correctly, a charged infinite plane has a perfectly uniform e-field that stays the same strength no matter how far you get from it. Try drawing a slice through the plane and the accompanying field lines and you should see that they are parallel to each other instead of diverging.

FAQ: Distance for electron to stop due to charged plane

1. How does a charged plane affect the distance an electron can travel?

When an electron is moving towards a charged plane, it will experience an electrostatic force due to the electric field created by the charged plane. This force will act in the opposite direction of the electron's velocity, causing it to slow down and eventually come to a stop. The distance the electron can travel before stopping is dependent on the strength of the electric field and the initial velocity of the electron.

2. What factors influence the distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane?

The main factors that influence the distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane are the strength of the electric field, the initial velocity of the electron, and the charge of the plane. The distance also depends on the mass and charge of the electron itself.

3. Is there a formula to calculate the distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane?

Yes, there is a formula that can be used to calculate the distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane. It is known as the stopping distance formula and is given by d = (mv2)/(2qE), where d is the stopping distance, m is the mass of the electron, v is the initial velocity of the electron, q is the charge of the electron, and E is the strength of the electric field.

4. Can the distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane be increased?

Yes, the distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane can be increased by increasing the initial velocity of the electron or by decreasing the strength of the electric field. However, the charge of the plane and the mass and charge of the electron will also play a role in determining the stopping distance.

5. How does the distance an electron can travel near a charged plane affect its energy?

The distance an electron can travel before stopping near a charged plane is directly related to its kinetic energy. As the electron travels, it loses kinetic energy due to the electrostatic force and eventually comes to a stop. The shorter the distance, the more kinetic energy the electron will retain. This can be seen in the stopping distance formula, where a shorter distance results in a higher value for kinetic energy (mv2/2).
