Distance, Time relation and light.

In summary, the person is asking if everything that we see around us is the past, and the expert believes that is one way to look at it.
  • #1
When we stand in front of a mirror, the image reflected is not us, it was the past of us, I am sure u guys already know that, like I stared at my friend and he stood very far away from me and all his actions were 'delayed' for a very very short time coz light needs time to travel.

How bout I stand very far away frm a mirror so that all my actions are delayed for 3 seconds and I smile and I sprint swiftly to reach a meter away from the mirror in 1 sec. Can I see all my images include the smiling one? assume that I hv great sigh and muscles. my speculative idea ' the greater the distance, the longer the time taken for an observer to see the change'.

Another question. What is our human vision and light 'refresh rate'. Why when an object almost achieve the speed of light, time slows down? Because light is the true constant? Is that object's time slows down just on our sigh?

Hope u comprehend and kindly answer.:smile:
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  • #2
If it takes light 3 seconds to go to the mirror and back then you could just stand in one spot and get the same effect, moving a meter forward is entirely negligible when light moves at 300,000,000 m every second
  • #3
lol, be cool. sry my language isn't that good,btw I didn't mean that. What I trying to say is that I run 899999999 meter (since the distance between me n the mirror is 900000000m) so that I am 1 meter away frm the mirror.
  • #4
Countless times I've tried desperately to see in the mirror if I have a bald spot on the back of my head, but I was just never quick enough. If the mirror was very very far away I don't see what it wouldn't work.
  • #5
I think it will work if we hv some kind of gadget like camera to help us,btw i need good answers and explanations.
  • #6
You could never do this practically because of the great speed or distance you would need. You can't reach a high enough speed to see this effect in your home mirror, and any mirror you place 3 light seconds away would look so small that you would need a very very large telescope to even see it. Not to mention the fact that unless you were glowing like the Sun there wouldn't be enough light reflecting off of you, getting to the mirror, then reclecting back to see anything.

However, the idea is mostly sound. Given a large distance, you would see a time lag. Since there aren't any mirrors floating around in space we don't see reflections of us. (Not in a picture in mirror effect at least) We do however have time lag between Earth and anything out in space. The apollo astronauts had a time lag of about a second between transmit and receive times, and it only gets worse the further things are. For example, it takes over an hour for signals sent from Earth to reach the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft at Saturn. Total round trip time is 2-3 hours, requiring us to send pre-programed instructions to the spacecraft since we cannot control it in real-time.
  • #7
thx dude. Hmm 1 more thing, is everything that we observe around us is their past? Since light need a very very short time to travel.Am I rite?
  • #8
maxcy03 said:
thx dude. Hmm 1 more thing, is everything that we observe around us is their past? Since light need a very very short time to travel.Am I rite?

I believe that is one way to look at it. I am not familiar enough with Relativity to really be sure. I think there are a couple of different ways to view time.
  • #9
The light that you are now seeing was emitted in the past, things might not be exactly how they appear to you (seeing light from dead stars etc...) now so yes you could say you are looking into the past.
  • #10

Related to Distance, Time relation and light.

1. What is the speed of light?

The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second. This is considered to be the fastest known speed in the universe.

2. How does distance affect the time it takes for light to travel?

The distance between two points directly affects the time it takes for light to travel from one point to the other. The greater the distance, the longer the time it takes for light to travel. This is because light travels at a constant speed, so the farther it has to go, the longer it takes.

3. Can light travel through any material?

No, light cannot travel through all materials. Some materials, such as opaque objects, do not allow light to pass through them. However, transparent materials, such as glass, do allow light to pass through.

4. Is the speed of light always constant?

Yes, the speed of light is always constant. This is known as the speed of light postulate, which is a fundamental principle in modern physics. It means that the speed of light does not change, regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

5. How does the speed of light affect our perception of time?

The speed of light is important in the theory of relativity, which states that time passes differently for objects moving at different speeds. This means that an observer moving at a high speed will experience time passing more slowly compared to someone who is stationary. This phenomenon, known as time dilation, is a direct result of the constant speed of light.

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