Distinct zeros of irreducible polynomial

  • Thread starter jostpuur
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In summary: So, since it doesn't divide Dp, it's not of smaller degree than Dp, and it must be of degree n.In summary, the claim that every irreducible polynomial over a field of characteristic zero is separable can be proven by showing that the minimal polynomial of a root of the polynomial cannot divide its formal derivative, which has a smaller degree. This is due to the fact that the minimal polynomial must have the same degree as the original polynomial, and therefore cannot divide a polynomial with a smaller degree.
  • #1
This claim is supposed to be true. Assume that [itex]p\in\mathbb{F}[X][/itex] is an irreducible polynomial over a field [itex]\mathbb{F}\subset\mathbb{C}[/itex]. Also assume that

p(X)=(X-z_1)\cdots (X-z_N)

holds with some [itex]z_1,\ldots, z_N\in\mathbb{C}[/itex]. Now all [itex]z_1,\ldots, z_N[/itex] are distinct.

Why is this claim true?

For example, if [itex]z_1=z_2[/itex], then [itex](X-z_1)^2[/itex] divides [itex]p[/itex], but I see no reason to assume that [itex](X-z_1)^2\in\mathbb{F}[X][/itex], so the claim remains a mystery to me.
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  • #2
This is because every field F of characteristic zero is a perfect field. This means that every irreducible polynomial over F is separable ( splits in the splitting field with distinct linear factors ).

A polynomial p(x) has multiple roots in the splitting field, iff the polynomials p(x) and Dp(x) [its formal derivative ] have a root in common. In other words, if c is the root of p(x), the minimal polynomial of c over F will divide both p(x) and Dp(x). So, if p(x) has multiple roots in the splitting field, p(x) and Dp(x) are not co-prime.

Assume p(x) in F[x] is irreducible, and has degree n. Then, Dp(x) is degree n - 1; however, p(x) is irreducible, so its only factors in a factorization are p( x ) and constants. So, since Dp(x) is degree n -1 < n, its non-constant factors must be degree d: 1 <= d <= n - 1. So, p(x ) and Dp(x) do not have any common non-unit factors, and hence the polynomials are co-prime. So, p(x) is separable
  • #3
Thank you for the good answer, but I did not understand the purpose of every part of it. Is there something wrong with proof like this:

Assume that [itex]p\in\mathbb{F}[X][/itex] has a zero [itex]x[/itex] of higher degree than one. Now [itex]Dp\in\mathbb{F}[X][/itex] has the same zero. Let [itex]m[/itex] be the minimial polynomial of [itex]x[/itex] in [itex]\mathbb{F}[/itex]. Now [itex]m|p[/itex] and [itex]m|Dp[/itex], so in particular [itex]m|p[/itex] with such [itex]m[/itex] that its degree is less than the degree of [itex]p[/itex], which is a contradiction.
  • #4
There isn't anything wrong with saying it like that. That's the idea: if p is irreducible over F, then p is a minimal polynomial ( once you scale it to be monic ), of some x which is a root in the splitting field. If x is also a root of Dp, then the minimal polynomial of x has to divide Dp. As Dp has a smaller degree, this is impossible.
This is exactly what was going on in the last paragraph. Actually it's a proof (although it's pretty trivial ) of the obvious fact that since Dp has smaller degree, the minimal polynomial cannot divide Dp. the irreducible factors of Dp must have degree <= n - 1. But the minimal polynomial must be degree n, and if the min polynomial divided Dp, it would appear in the decomposition of Dp into irreducibles
  • #5

The claim is true because of the fundamental theorem of algebra, which states that every polynomial of degree n over the complex numbers has exactly n complex roots, counting multiplicities. In this case, since p(X) is an irreducible polynomial of degree n, it must have exactly n distinct complex roots. Therefore, the equation p(X)=(X-z_1)\cdots (X-z_N) must hold with distinct values for z_1,\ldots, z_N.

In the example given, if z_1=z_2, then the polynomial (X-z_1)^2 would indeed divide p(X), but this would contradict the assumption that p(X) is irreducible. Therefore, it must be the case that z_1 and z_2 are distinct, and this holds for all values of z_i, ensuring that all z_1,\ldots, z_N are distinct.

In summary, the claim is true because of the fundamental theorem of algebra, and the assumption that p(X) is an irreducible polynomial over a field \mathbb{F}\subset\mathbb{C} ensures that all z_1,\ldots, z_N are distinct roots.

FAQ: Distinct zeros of irreducible polynomial

1. What is the definition of an irreducible polynomial?

An irreducible polynomial is a polynomial in one variable with coefficients in a given field, that cannot be factored into the product of two polynomials with lesser degree and coefficients in the same field.

2. What are the distinct zeros of an irreducible polynomial?

The distinct zeros of an irreducible polynomial are the values of the variable that make the polynomial equal to zero. These zeros are unique and cannot be factored further.

3. How are the distinct zeros of an irreducible polynomial related to its degree?

An irreducible polynomial of degree n can have at most n distinct zeros. This means that the number of distinct zeros is always less than or equal to the degree of the polynomial.

4. Can an irreducible polynomial have complex distinct zeros?

Yes, an irreducible polynomial can have complex distinct zeros. This is because complex numbers are also included in the set of zeros of a polynomial.

5. How are the distinct zeros of an irreducible polynomial related to its roots?

The distinct zeros of an irreducible polynomial are the same as its roots. The term "zeros" refers to the values of the variable that make the polynomial equal to zero, while "roots" refer to the solutions to the polynomial equation.

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