Dividing quadratic with linear

In summary, the first table shows a quadratic relationship with the formula 4x^2 + 32x + 10, while the second table shows a linear relationship with the formula 2x + 53. To find which data in the second table divides the first table data exactly, we can set up an equation and find the factors of 1971 that will result in a whole number solution. The possible solutions are 959, 302, 83, and 10.
  • #1
I have two table, first one changes quadratically and second table changes linearly.

46 ... 55
90 ... 57
142 ... 59
202 ... 61
270 ... 63
346 ... 65
430 ... 67
522 ... 69
622 ... 71
730 ... 73
846 ... 75
970 ... 77

and so on.

First table data is quadratic and it is 4x^2 + 32x + 10 and
second table is linear and it is 2x + 53

I want to know which data in second table divide the first table data exactly (i.e give a whole number).

I know it is 73(10th row data) that divide 730 by 10. But is there any way I can know mathematically.

When I divide 4x^2 + 32x + 10 by 2x + 53
I get answer as 2x - 37 and remainder 1971(constant). But it give me no information that when x=10, 73 divide 730 exactly.

Thank you.
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  • #2
The aim you describe is unsure. Look for the quadratic relationship between the two columns of data. Using graph paper to plot the points should help to identify a good quadratic fit. Use y for the first column values and use x from the second column corresponding values. Maybe try to EXPECT the quadratic relationship, and plot square roots of y on the vertical axis and the x values for the horizontal axis (column 2). This should look like a LINE, if the fit is truly quadratic between x and y.
  • #3
@symbolipoint: OP has the relation already, and looks for rows where the first value is an integer multiple of the second.
rajeshmarndi said:
I get answer as 2x - 37 and remainder 1971(constant)
Then you have to figure out when 1971 is a multiple of 2x + 53.

1971 = 33*73. That allows to find all factors, all larger than 53 will lead to a solution.
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  • #4
So you are looking for integers ##n,m## such that

[tex]4n^2 + 32n + 10 = 2nm + 53m[/tex]

Note that ##m## is always even, so we can write ##m= 2M##. Our equation can then be written as:

[tex](2n + 8-M)^2 - 54 -M^2 - 90M = 0[/tex]

We set ##a = 2n + 8 - M##, then we get

[tex]a^2 = (M + 45)^2 - 1971 [/tex]

We set ##b = M + 45##. We get:

[tex]a^2 - b^2 = - 1971[/tex]


[tex](a-b)(a+b) = - 1971[/tex]

So letting ##d_1 = a-b## and ##d_2 = a+b##, we get ##d_1d_2 = -1971##.

Now, ##-1971## has positive divisors ##1,~3,~9,~27,~73,~219,~657,~1917##. So we have the following products that form ##-1971##:

d_1 & d_2 & a & b & M & n & m\\
-1 & 1971 & 985 & 986 & 941 & 959 & 1882\\
1 & -1971 & -985 & -986 & -1031 & -1012 & -2062\\
-3 & 657 & 327 & 330 & 285 & 302 & 570\\
3 & -657 & -327 & -330 & -375 & -355 & -750\\
-9 & 219 & 105 & 114 & 69 & 83 & 138\\
9 & -219 & -105 & -114 & -159 & -136 & -138\\
-27 & 73 & 23 & 50 & 5 & 10 & 10\\
27 & - 73 & -23 & -50 & -95 & -63 & -190\\
-73 & 27 & -23 & 50 & 5 & -13 & 10\\
73 & -27 & 23 & -50 & -95 & -40 & -190\\
-219 & 9 & -105 & 114 & 69 & -22 & 138\\
219 &-9 & 105 & -114 & -159 & -31 & -318\\
-657 & 3 & -327 & 330 & 285 & -25 & 570\\
657 & -3 & 327 & -330 & -375 & -28 & - 750\\
-1971 & 1 & -985 & 986 & 941 & -26 & 1882\\
1971 & -1 & 985 & -986 & -1031 & -27 & -2062\\

If you care only about the positive ##n##, then the only solutions are ##959,~302,~83,~10##. Indeed:

n & 2n+53 & 4n^2 + 32n + 10 & \text{quotient}\\
959 & 1971 & 3709422 & 1882\\
302 & 657 &374490&570\\
83 & 219 & 30222&138\\
10 & 73 & 730&10\\
Last edited:
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Likes Irene Kaminkowa and rajeshmarndi

Related to Dividing quadratic with linear

1. What is the process for dividing a quadratic by a linear expression?

To divide a quadratic by a linear expression, you will need to use polynomial long division. This involves dividing each term of the quadratic by the linear expression, and then combining like terms to simplify the resulting expression. The resulting expression will have a quotient and a remainder, which can be written as a rational expression.

2. Can you provide an example of dividing a quadratic by a linear expression?

Yes, for example, if we have the quadratic expression x^2 + 3x + 2 and we want to divide it by the linear expression x + 1, we would set it up like this:

(x^2 + 3x + 2) ÷ (x + 1)

We would then divide x^2 by x, which gives us x as the first term of our quotient. We would then multiply x by x + 1 to get x^2 + x. We would then subtract this from the original quadratic expression to get 2x + 2. We would then divide 2x by x, which gives us 2 as the second term of our quotient. We would then multiply 2 by x + 1 to get 2x + 2. We would then subtract this from the remaining terms to get 0, indicating that there is no remainder. Therefore, our final quotient is x + 2.

3. What happens if the linear expression does not evenly divide into the quadratic expression?

If the linear expression does not evenly divide into the quadratic expression, we will have a remainder. This remainder will be written as a rational expression with the linear expression as the denominator. For example, if we divide x^2 + 5x + 6 by x + 2, we will get a remainder of 2/(x + 2).

4. Can you use synthetic division to divide a quadratic by a linear expression?

No, synthetic division can only be used to divide a polynomial by a linear expression of the form (x - a). To divide a quadratic by a linear expression, you will need to use polynomial long division.

5. How can dividing a quadratic by a linear expression be useful in real-world applications?

Dividing a quadratic by a linear expression can be useful in solving problems involving rates. For example, if you have a quadratic equation representing distance traveled over time, dividing it by a linear equation representing speed can help you find the time it takes to travel a certain distance. It can also be useful in solving optimization problems, where you need to find the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic expression given a constraint represented by a linear expression.

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