DNC Pre-Emptive Attack on Kerry-Vietnam Documentary

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary, a documentary about John Kerry's post-Vietnam activities is being included in a news segment by a company that owns several TV stations. The documentary, made by Carlton Sherwood, is causing controversy similar to the CBS report on George W. Bush. The Kerry campaign is actively fighting to suppress the documentary, but this may backfire and increase its exposure. The strategy of challenging the documentary is seen as poor judgment by the Kerry campaign.
  • #1
A company that owns a bunch of TV stations is working on a documentary of Kerry's post-Vietnam activities. HERE is an article. It smells a little like the CBS->Bush thing, except that until it airs, its tough to really know what its going to say. Needless to say, Vietnam is not good publicity and the Kerry campaign is finally realizing that...or are they?

What separates this issue from the CBS issue though, is the Kerry campaign is actively fighting to suppress the documentary while the Bush campaign said virtually nothing about the CBS report. I said before that CBS is playing a dangerous game, possibly unfairly influencing an election, but now the Kerry campaing is playing the other side: by actively seeking to suppress the documentary, they are claiming it is an unfair campaing contribution, but if they lose that challenge, they are guilty of an attempt to infringe upon the 1st Amendment.

Win or lose (the challenge), challenging the documentary is only going to increase its exposure and cause a two-pronged backlash against the Kerry campaign. Its a win/lose/lose, lose/lose/lose proposition. Once again, I think the Kerry campaign is demonstrating extremely poor judgement in laying out their strategy.
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  • #2
russ_watters said:
A company that owns a bunch of TV stations is working on a documentary of Kerry's post-Vietnam activities. HERE is an article. It smells a little like the CBS->Bush thing, except that until it airs, its tough to really know what its going to say. .
I just want to clarify that the documentary is not being put together or "worked on" by the Sinclair. Sinclair is including it in a news segment they are putting together. The documentary is completed and as the article mentioned was made by Carlton Sherwood. The actual documentary is available here: http://www.stolenhonor.com/
  • #3

It is concerning to see the DNC taking a preemptive attack on a documentary about John Kerry's post-Vietnam activities. While it may seem similar to the CBS situation with Bush, the key difference is that the Kerry campaign is actively trying to suppress the documentary before it even airs. This raises questions about their motives and whether or not they are afraid of what the documentary may reveal.

Additionally, by challenging the documentary as an unfair campaign contribution, the Kerry campaign is walking a dangerous line and potentially infringing on the first amendment. This could backfire and damage their reputation, as well as increase the exposure of the documentary and potentially create a backlash against them.

It is concerning to see the Kerry campaign making such poor judgement in handling this situation. It would be more effective for them to address any potential issues or inaccuracies in the documentary after it airs, rather than trying to suppress it beforehand. Ultimately, attempting to suppress information only raises more suspicion and undermines their credibility. It would be wise for the Kerry campaign to reconsider their strategy in this matter.

FAQ: DNC Pre-Emptive Attack on Kerry-Vietnam Documentary

1. What is the "DNC Pre-Emptive Attack on Kerry-Vietnam Documentary"?

The "DNC Pre-Emptive Attack on Kerry-Vietnam Documentary" refers to a controversy surrounding the release of a documentary film called "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" in 2004. The film was highly critical of presidential candidate John Kerry's military service during the Vietnam War and was released just weeks before the election. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) accused the filmmakers of working with the Republican party to discredit Kerry's military record.

2. Who made the documentary and why?

The documentary was made by Carlton Sherwood, a former journalist and Vietnam veteran, who claimed to be an independent filmmaker. He stated that he wanted to shed light on the "true" story of John Kerry's military service and bring attention to the alleged mistreatment of American prisoners of war during the Vietnam War.

3. What was the response from the Democratic National Committee?

The DNC, along with many Democrats, accused the filmmakers of being biased and working with the Republican party to smear John Kerry's reputation. They argued that the film was filled with misinformation and aimed to discredit Kerry's military record and his presidential campaign.

4. Was the documentary successful in its goals?

The documentary received mixed reactions, with some praising it for exposing the truth about Kerry's military service and others criticizing it for being a political attack. It was ultimately unsuccessful in swaying the outcome of the 2004 election, as John Kerry lost to incumbent President George W. Bush. However, the controversy surrounding the film brought attention to the issue of prisoner of war treatment during the Vietnam War.

5. Is this type of pre-emptive attack common in politics?

While there have been many instances of political attacks and smear campaigns throughout history, the controversy surrounding the "DNC Pre-Emptive Attack on Kerry-Vietnam Documentary" was seen as particularly controversial and unethical. The timing of the film's release and its connection to the Republican party raised questions about the intention behind its creation.

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