Do Any Bacteria or Archaea Use Metabolic Pathways Other Than Glycolysis?

  • Thread starter Nereid
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In summary: The field of molecular biology is constantly overturning assumptions and we don't really know enough about how the pathways evolve to say for certain.
  • #1
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One more question about the evolution of life, but perhaps not in the Archaen or Proterozoic.

Are there any bacteria or archaea known to use metabolic pathways other than (one or more variants of) glycolysis? Which do not use any form of glycolysis? If so, details please!

I'm particularly interested in whether these cases, if there are any, evolved from a common ancestor, or whether they are examples of convergent evolution.
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  • #2

This was thought to be correct when I researched the topic several years ago --

Hydrotropic methanogens use carbon dioxide as a source of carbon; hydrogen as a source of energy. Carbon dioxide is reduced by hydrogen to produce methane. The methane is turn gives rise to a proton motive force across a membrane, which is used to generate ATP – a key source of cellular energy.

No mention of glycolysis.

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  • #3
What about photosynthesis?
Or chemosythesis?
Or pentose phosphate?
  • #4
Thanks jim macnamara and zomgwtf.

Is there any evidence of convergent evolution, of non-glycolysis pathways?
  • #5
Nereid said:
Thanks jim macnamara and zomgwtf.

Is there any evidence of convergent evolution, of non-glycolysis pathways?

I think that is an issue that is still being explored by the molecular biology crowd. Given how often the assumption that convergent evolution must not happen is turned on its head by that field, I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out that there is such convergence. I can't find, nor have I heard of anything definitive in the field, yet, which supports or refutes the notion.
  • #6
nismaratwork said:
I think that is an issue that is still being explored by the molecular biology crowd. Given how often the assumption that convergent evolution must not happen is turned on its head by that field, I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out that there is such convergence. I can't find, nor have I heard of anything definitive in the field, yet, which supports or refutes the notion.

I agree. I haven't gone into that much depth in gylcolosis but I'm pretty sure our understanding of the evolution of various pathways is pretty limited.

I'm not even sure this will ever be definitively answered although it's agood question.

FAQ: Do Any Bacteria or Archaea Use Metabolic Pathways Other Than Glycolysis?

1. What is glycolysis and why is it important?

Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose into smaller molecules. It is important because it is the primary source of energy for most cells and is the first step in both aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration.

2. Is glycolysis a universal process in all living organisms?

Yes, glycolysis is a universal process in all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. It is a fundamental pathway that has been conserved throughout evolution.

3. How does the universality of glycolysis support the theory of evolution?

The universality of glycolysis supports the theory of evolution by showing that all living organisms share a common ancestor. The fact that this metabolic pathway is present in all living organisms suggests that it has been passed down through generations and has been conserved due to its crucial role in providing energy.

4. Are there any exceptions to the universality of glycolysis?

While glycolysis is a universal process, there are some exceptions. For example, some anaerobic bacteria use alternative pathways for glucose metabolism. However, these pathways still involve the breakdown of glucose and the production of energy.

5. How does the universality of glycolysis relate to human health and disease?

The universality of glycolysis is important in human health and disease because it is a critical pathway for energy production. Disruptions in glycolysis can lead to various metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, and targeting this pathway can be a potential strategy for treating diseases. Additionally, understanding the universality of glycolysis allows for the development of antibiotics that specifically target bacterial glycolysis, making it a valuable target for drug development.

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