Do Avatars Influence Our Perception of Forum Members?

  • Thread starter Drakkith
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In summary: Only, probably not pixelated. I hope.Evo's nemesis:Nope, my face is actually pixelated. Why do you think I wear a...mask?Only, probably not pixelated. I hope.
  • #1
When browsing the forums and interacting with people, do you picture them in your head as being similar to their avatars? For example every time I think of Phinds I picture a big smelly dog licking my face. No Phinds! NO! Down!

And Evo is a young maiden with long hair swinging slowly in a swing underneath a large tree on a spring day. And then she opens her mouth and ban-hammers flow like wine!

Greg...scares me.
Physics news on
  • #2
Wow, great question!

Your avatar scares me, Drakkith, but I visualize you as kind of tall and athletic, in a soccer-play kind of way. Dark hair, for some reason. You don't shave every day, wear shorts a lot even when it's cold, and have hairy legs :biggrin:.
  • #3
I just want to bury my face in Phinds big furry body. That is one that a dog?

Drakkith, I can only say that "we welcome our Drakkaninan overlords".
  • #4
.. Do I have to Visualize them??
  • #5
Gad said:
.. Do I have to Visualize them??


Can't you just picture root having a ball in his mouth, and you're trying to get it, but he's too good at expert evasive maneuvers - and he's wagging his tail so hard he's almost falling over?
  • #6
I only visualize them by words e.g. Drakkith for Drakkith.

lisab said:

Can't you just picture root having a ball in his mouth, and you're trying to get it, but he's too good at expert evasive maneuvers - and he's wagging his tail so hard he's almost falling over?
  • #7
lisab said:

Can't you just picture root having a ball in his mouth, and you're trying to get it, but he's too good at expert evasive maneuvers - and he's wagging his tail so hard he's almost falling over?


I actually think that he likes puppies, that's it. :smile:
  • #8
This is how I visualize pengwuino:
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  • #9
micromass said:
This is how I visualize pengwuino:
I love that clip! That's PENG, yep.
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  • #10
This is how I imagine evo

  • #11
Pengwuino said:
This is how I imagine evo



Knowing Evo, I think she'd agree on that :smile:
  • #12
Gad said:

I actually think that he likes puppies, that's it. :smile:
You never know if someone coming to PF is actually a human .. or just a squirrel, bear, penguin, cat or a dog, or ghost of lady shalott :devil:
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
This is how I imagine evo

You promised not to post that! Last time I send you pictures of me. :frown:
  • #14
Some more exclusive pictures from Evo's backyard:

  • #15
micromass said:
Some more exclusive pictures from Evo's backyard:

OMG! I love it! :!)
  • #16

OMG Evo what have you done?!
  • #17
Drakkith said:

OMG Evo what have you done?!
LOL! I want one!
  • #18
I have no idea what is going on in this thread.
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Likes CrazyNinja
  • #19
lisab said:
Your avatar scares me, Drakkith, but I visualize you as kind of tall and athletic, in a soccer-play kind of way.
Evo said:
Drakkith, I can only say that "we welcome our Drakkaninan overlords".

I recognized Drakkith's avatar immediately. It's an avatar of a soldier in the United Nations Space Marine Corps, wearing green combat armor, and working with the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC). Presently, the soldier is investigating "disturbances" in outposts on Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos. The disturbances seem to be related to experimental teleportation technology.

[Edit: that sounds about like Drakkith, right?]
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  • #20
collinsmark said:
I recognized Drakkith's avatar immediately. It's an avatar of a soldier in the United Nations Space Marine Corps, wearing green combat armor, and working with the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC). Presently, the soldier is investigating "disturbances" in outposts on Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos. The disturbances seem to be related to experimental teleportation technology.

[Edit: that sounds about like Drakkith, right?]
That's pretty much the image of Drakkith I got. I mean he was in the "air force" and we all know what that means...:wink: under the helmet I'm sure he looks like this

  • #21
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional beings. Ask the Mars Science Laboratory. (The Newest Rover)
And yes, I look EXACTLY like that Ryan. IDDQD! IDKFA!
  • #22
Drakkith said:
The green in my name gives me those for this forum :wink:
  • #23
Ryan_m_b said:
That's pretty much the image of Drakkith I got. I mean he was in the "air force" and we all know what that means...:wink: under the helmet I'm sure he looks like this


Only, probably not pixelated. I hope.
  • #24
I think of lisab like this.
  • #25
Ivan Seeking said:
I think of lisab like this.

Yep that's about right :smile:!
  • #26
Evo's nemesis:
  • #27
lisab said:
Only, probably not pixelated. I hope.

Nope, my face is actually pixelated. Why do you think I wear a helmet?
  • #28
micromass said:
Evo's nemesis:
I do have evil levitating squirrels! They ate my tomatoes!
  • #29
Drakkith said:
Nope, my face is actually pixelated. Why do you think I wear a helmet?
Sounds right to me.
  • #30
I knew that lisab was an Orion slave girl. Glad somebody else let it out of the bag first.
  • #31
micromass said:
Evo's nemesis:
Do not try. Do.
  • #32
I visualize turbos foot.

  • #33
Drakkith said:

Did you know there was a dwarf in Kingdom O' Magic with IDDQD displayed as an amount of stamina (or life/hit points/whatever it was called in this particular game)? It was already a cult 5 letters back in 1996 :smile:
  • #34
Borek said:
Did you know there was a dwarf in Kingdom O' Magic with IDDQD displayed as an amount of stamina (or life/hit points/whatever it was called in this particular game)? It was already a cult 5 letters back in 1996 :smile:

Dwarfs shouldn't get god mode. They aren't tall enough.
  • #35
Drakkith said:
When browsing the forums and interacting with people, do you picture them in your head as being similar to their avatars? For example every time I think of Phinds I picture a big smelly dog licking my face. No Phinds! NO! Down!

And Evo is a young maiden with long hair swinging slowly in a swing underneath a large tree on a spring day. And then she opens her mouth and ban-hammers flow like wine!

Greg...scares me.

If a member hasn't posted a picture of themselves in the "PF member photos" subforum, then I'll usually assign the personality of a member to their avatar. This makes for some interesting constructions, as I tend to do it even when the avatar is an inanimate object.

If the member doesn't have an avatar, I usually derive some image or "feeling" from their name.

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