Do Black Holes Truly Have Zero-Point Volume Singularities?

In summary: However, Stephen Hawking recently changed his mind, and now says that maybe there is a finite point at which the singularity is actually completed. This is a very controversial topic, and many physicists are still trying to figure out what this means. In summary, Stephen Hawking has changed his mind on whether or not black holes have a point volume or not. General Relativity leads to the conclusion that they do, however quantum theory says that they do not. When trying to do both at once, the results are nonsensical. The real universe has no respect for the 'laws' we attempt to impose upon it. Mathematical singularities are just that.. mathematical. Their physical counterparts do not exist. All objects in the physical universe have finite
  • #1
i have found no solid proof of black holes having zero point volume and is widly accepted but I've found no proof?

could someone give me some?
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  • #2
There is no proof. General Relativity leads to this conclusion. On the other hand quantum theory says no. When trying to do both at once, the results are nonsensical. In other words, physicists do not really know what goes on inside a black hole.
  • #3
The real universe has no respect for the 'laws' we attempt to impose upon it. Mathematical singularities are just that.. mathematical. Their physical counterparts do not exist. All objects in the physical universe have finite properties, even black holes. QLG will eventually provide the answer, imo. For now, I prefer the Planck density limit to explain black hole volume [very tiny, yet finite].
  • #4
Interesting discussion. I was doing a search on the Stephen Hawking recent change on black hole theory and found this thread.

Its been awhile since I have read up on black holes. Can someone help get me up to speed.

The thought use to be that nothing escapes from the event horizon of a black hole. Anything that escaped would be considered information although not organized information. I assume they are not implying that the same information or matter that goes in has to be the same form of information comming out. The term "information" means anything, particles, electrons etc.

So now they are using the unceratainty principle to show that it is possible for something to escape the event horizon even if it is less than protons width outside of the event horizon?

I guess I don't understand what the criteria is. How far outside of the event horizon must the information travel?

I always thought of a black hole not as a singularity but a sphere of great density, basically a bunch of protons. electrons with zero space between them. The sphere would still have a radius vs a infinetly small point. But take the math to the limits and presto you get singularities in theory.

Are they saying black holes are a large dense ball of matter that has quantum fluctuations at the surface and by the uncertainty principle an occassional electron or some form of information escapes for a brief moment over a very short distance? Or are they saying it can propagate through space away from the black hole?

Another question: When mathematics predicts singularities are they tossing aside the real possibliltiy that there might be a finite amount of compression obtainable. Meaning no matter how large the force you can't compress particles any closer together, thus the size of the black holes physical surface just gets larger and in turn the event horizons diameter increases vs a singluarity with a increasing event horizon diameter as more and more matter gets sucked in.

Thanks for any information you can lend.
  • #5
We have often discussed in these forums whether or not singularities can really be formed. I have always maintained that they cannot because of time dilation. The final moment of collapse, in which the central mass of the black hole goes from some very small size to no size at all, should take an infinite amount of time, and therefore never actually be completed.

FAQ: Do Black Holes Truly Have Zero-Point Volume Singularities?

1. What is a zero-point volume singularity?

A zero-point volume singularity is a theoretical concept in physics that refers to the point in space where the volume of a system reaches zero. It is also known as a quantum fluctuation or vacuum fluctuation and is thought to be the result of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics.

2. How is a zero-point volume singularity different from a black hole singularity?

While both involve the concept of a singularity, a zero-point volume singularity occurs at the microscopic level and is related to quantum mechanics, while a black hole singularity occurs at the macroscopic level and is related to general relativity.

3. Can zero-point volume singularities be observed or measured?

Currently, there is no way to directly observe or measure a zero-point volume singularity. However, scientists are able to indirectly study its effects through experiments and calculations.

4. What are the potential implications of zero-point volume singularities?

Some scientists believe that zero-point volume singularities may play a role in the formation of the universe and could potentially explain the phenomenon of dark energy. They may also have applications in quantum computing and other technologies in the future.

5. Are zero-point volume singularities accepted by the scientific community?

While the concept of zero-point volume singularities is still theoretical, it is widely accepted by the scientific community as a possible explanation for certain phenomena. However, further research and experimentation is needed to fully understand and validate this concept.

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