Do Complex Plane Medians Intersect at Triangle Centroid?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
  • Start date
In summary, POTW #346 is a weekly challenge presented by the American Mathematical Society to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics. It was posted on May 9, 2019, and presents a unique and challenging problem that requires creative thinking and mathematical concepts to solve. The purpose of solving POTW #346 is to develop critical thinking skills, practice applying mathematical concepts, and improve problem-solving strategies. The solution to POTW #346 is a mathematical concept or formula that can be used to solve the given problem, and it is important to work through the problem independently or with the help of others. To approach solving POTW #346, one should carefully read and understand the problem statement, identify key information and constraints, brainstorm possible
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW, from Chris L T521:

Prove that if $z_1,z_2,z_3$ are noncollinear points in the complex plane, then the medians of the triangle with vertices $z_1,z_2,z_3$ intersect at the point $\frac{1}{3}(z_1+z_2+z_3)$.

Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
No one answered this week's problem. You can read Chris L T521's solution below.
Suppose that $z_1,z_2,z_3$ are the vertices of the following triangle in the complex plane.

\draw[->] (-.5,0) -- (5.5,0) node
\draw[->] (0,-.5) -- (0,5.5) node[above]{$\mathrm{Im}\,z$};
\draw (1,1) -- (5,2.5) -- (2,5) -- cycle;
\fill (1,1) circle (1.25pt) node[below]{$z_1$};
\fill (5,2.5) circle (1.25pt) node
\fill (2,5) circle (1.25pt) node[above]{$z_3$};
\draw (1,1) -- (3.5,3.75);
\draw (3,1.75) -- (2,5);
\draw (1.5,3) -- (5,2.5);
\fill (3,1.75) circle (1.25pt) node[below]{$m_1$};
\fill (3.5,3.75) circle (1.25pt) node
\fill (1.5,3) circle (1.25pt) node
\fill (8/3,17/6) circle (1.25pt) node[left=.1cm,below=.15cm]{$C$};
Figure 1: A triangle with vertices $z_1,z_2,z_3$ in the complex plane. Note that $m_1,m_2,m_3$ are the midpoints of each side and $C$ is the centroid (intersection of the medians).

Using Figure 1, we find that $m_1=\frac{1}{2}(z_1+z_2)$, $m_2=\frac{1}{2}(z_2+z_3)$ and $m_3=\frac{1}{2}(z_1+z_3)$. The line segment passing through $z_1$ and $m_2$ is given by

\[\ell_1(t) = (1-t)z_1+tm_1=(1-t)z_1+t\frac{z_2+z_3}{2};\quad t\in[0,1].\]

Similarly, the line segment passing through $z_2$ and $m_3$ is given by

\[\ell_2(t) = (1-t)z_2+tm_3 = (1-t)z_2+t\frac{z_1+z_3}{2};\quad t\in[0,1],\]

and the line segment passing through $z_3$ and $m_1$ is given by

\[\ell_3(t) = (1-t)z_3+tm_1 = (1-t)z_3+t\frac{z_1+z_2}{2};\quad t\in[0,1].\]

Note that

\[\begin{aligned}\ell_1(t)=\ell_2(t) &\implies (1-t)z_1+t\frac{z_2+z_3}{2}=(1-t)z_2+t\frac{z_1+z_3}{2}\\ &\implies 2z_1-2tz_1+tz_2+tz_3=2z_2-2tz_2+tz_1+tz_3\\&\implies (2-3t)z_1 = (2-3t)z_2\\ &\implies (2-3t)(z_1-z_2)=0\\&\implies 2-3t=0\qquad(\text{since $z_1\neq z_2$})\\ &\implies t=\frac{2}{3}.\end{aligned}\]

Similar calculations show that $\ell_2(t)=\ell_3(t)$ and $\ell_1(t)=\ell_3(t)$ when $t=\frac{2}{3}$. Hence, all medians intersect at the same point $C$ when $t=\frac{2}{3}$; that is, $C=\ell_1(\frac{2}{3})=\ell_2(\frac{2}{3})=\ell_3(\frac{2}{3})=\frac{1}{3}(z_1+z_2+z_3)$.$\hspace{0.25in}\blacksquare$​

FAQ: Do Complex Plane Medians Intersect at Triangle Centroid?

What is the problem being addressed in POTW #346 - May 09, 2019?

The problem being addressed in POTW #346 is a mathematical puzzle that requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills to find the solution.

How often are POTW challenges released?

POTW challenges are released weekly, every Thursday.

Is there a specific age or educational level required to participate in POTW challenges?

No, anyone can participate in POTW challenges as long as they have an interest in mathematics and problem-solving.

Are there any prizes for solving POTW challenges?

While there are no official prizes for solving POTW challenges, the satisfaction of solving a challenging problem and the opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills is a reward in itself.

Can I submit my own POTW challenge for consideration?

Yes, the POTW team welcomes submissions for potential challenges. However, they have specific guidelines and criteria for selecting challenges, so it is best to review them before submitting.
