Do electron absorb the entire photon energy?

In summary, there are different types of solar panels that have varying absorption spectra for photons in the solar spectrum. The range of spectrum in which a solar panel absorbs depends on the type of panel, such as single-crystal, amorphous, or polycrystalline. The conversion spectrum is even narrower.
  • #1
I couldn't type the whole question | -or jusg part of the spectrum during the working of a solar panel
Physics news on
  • #2
I do not understand what this means. Could you elaborate a little more on the question? Solar spectrum consists of photons with various energy. Are you asking if the solar panel would absorb photons throughout the entire spectrum?

Then the answer is no. Though the range of spectrum in which the solar panel absorbs depends on exactly what type of solar panel you are looking at. Even if you say Si-solar panels, there are single-crystal, amorphous, polycrystalline types out there. They all have different absorption spectra. If you are talking about conversion spectrum, then it is going to be even narrower.

FAQ: Do electron absorb the entire photon energy?

What is a photon?

A photon is a fundamental particle that carries electromagnetic energy. It has no mass, but it has both particle-like and wave-like properties.

Do electrons absorb the entire energy of a photon?

Yes, electrons do absorb the entire energy of a photon when they interact with it. This absorption can result in the electron gaining energy and becoming excited, or it can cause the electron to be ejected from its atom.

Can an electron absorb more than one photon at a time?

Yes, an electron can absorb multiple photons at a time. This is known as multi-photon absorption and it is a common phenomenon in quantum mechanics.

What determines the amount of energy an electron absorbs from a photon?

The amount of energy an electron absorbs from a photon is determined by the energy of the photon itself. The higher the energy of the photon, the more energy the electron will absorb.

Do all electrons absorb photons in the same way?

No, the way in which electrons absorb photons can vary depending on the energy of the photon and the specific properties of the electron, such as its location in an atom or its spin. Additionally, different types of electrons, such as valence electrons or conduction electrons, may absorb photons differently.
