Do electrons radiate when in free fall?

In summary, the article says that you could in principle tell the difference between a uniform gravitational field or being uniformly accelerated, but it's not always clear how to do this and it's complicated.
  • #1
So, I've been reading a whole bunch of different answers to this online. Some people say yes, some people say no. I'm totally confused...
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  • #2
How do you want to measure the radiation? Especially, with a detector that is also in free fall or with an accelerating detector
  • #3
Well, supposedly there is a paradox here, where the free fall frame doesn't see the electron radiate, but the lab frame does. However, I just looked on wikipedia, and supposedly the paradox is resolved by using the equivalence principle.
  • #4
Not to an observer falling with the charge. Here is a link to an article that addresses that question in depth: "Radiation from a Uniformly Accelerated Charge and the Equivalence Principle," Parrott, S.,
  • #5
idea2000 said:
Well, supposedly there is a paradox here, where the free fall frame doesn't see the electron radiate, but the lab frame does. However, I just looked on wikipedia, and supposedly the paradox is resolved by using the equivalence principle.
That didn’t address my specific question to you.
  • #6
idea2000 said:
So, I've been reading a whole bunch of different answers to this online. Some people say yes, some people say no. I'm totally confused...
It depends on how "radiation" is defined. In principle, it is straightforward (but not necessarily easy) to calculate the EM field around the charge falling in a gravitational field. The debate is about should such EM field be called "radiation".
  • #7
First, the answer is yes.

Second, with a background that seemingly includes neither a classical treatment of radiation (a la Jackson) or of GR, I don't think it's possible for us to give a better answer. Any deeper answer requires more background. Certainly picking up bits and pieces here and there isn't going to do this. This topic in particular, because for some reason it attracts people whose background includes neither a classical treatment of radiation or of GR yet they feel qualified to chime in.
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  • #8
bobob said:
Not to an observer falling with the charge. Here is a link to an article that addresses that question in depth: "Radiation from a Uniformly Accelerated Charge and the Equivalence Principle," Parrott, S.,

This paper seems (to me) to be making quite a bold claim in that it would invalidate at least the strong equivalence principle.

From the abstract:
We argue that purely local experiments can distinguish a stationary charged particle in a static gravitational field from an accelerated particle in (gravity-free) Minkowski space. Some common arguments to the contrary are analyzed and found to rest on a misidentification of “energy”.

Unless I'm reading this wrong, this would say that you could in fact, using only local experiments and charged particles, tell the difference between a uniform gravitational field or being uniformly accelerated. In fact, I think this would invalidate the Einstein equivalence principle as well wouldn't it? I wonder how this reconciles with the commonly held view that the strong equivalence principle is respected by GR or that Einstein built GR on top of his equivalence principle.

The conclusions in this paper seem to also say that the equivalence principle does not hold for charged particles (emphasis mine):
Does Einstein’s Equivalence Principle hold for charged particles? We cannot definitively answer this because a mathematically precise statement of the “equivalence principle” seems elusive — most statements in the literature are not sufficiently definite to be susceptible of proof or disproof. However, we do conclude that most usual formulations seem not to hold in any direct and obvious way for charged particles.

This seems to be in direct contradiction to other conclusions on the subject, e.g. this paper: or the papers by Fritz Rohrlich and Thomas Fulton.

As an aside, looking at that paper, the original was written in 1993 (before the paper I cited above) but the final version was in 2002 (after the paper I cited above was published)...that's quite a long time to be editing one paper, is there a reason for that?
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  • #9
I think, another paper by Rohrlich, treating the free fall of a charge in a uniform gravitational field using GR, is more to the point than the Fulton-Rohrlich paper, which is about the radiation of a charge in hyperbolic motion. The latter of course radiates in the inertial frame since it's accelerated. The trouble to get this obvious result is in the mathematical details, because hyperbolic motion is unphysical in the sense that it assumes that the particle accerates ad inifinity and thus its speed reaches asymptoticially ##c##.

The paper about the free fall using GR is

About the question with the special relativistic problem of radiation of a uniformly accelerated particle, see the nice AJP article by Franklin and Griffiths (the E&M textbook Griffiths!): (erratum)
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  • #10
I am not sure about the definition of radiation. Where can I find its mathematical formula in electromagnetic field?
  • #11
See the papers I quoted in #9. In the meantime I've found a much clearer paper than the one by Franklin and Griffiths, who overcomplicate the quite complicated issue of the em. field from a charged particle in hyperbolic motion (even Born and Pauli were wrong about it!) more than necessary. Now I'd rather recommend the paper by Cross quoted in Franklin's and Griffiths's paper:
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  • #12
idea2000 said:
So, I've been reading a whole bunch of different answers to this online. Some people say yes, some people say no. I'm totally confused...

An electron cannot be in strict "free fall", because it interacts with its own electromagnetic field.

The motion of point particles in curved spacetime
Eric Poisson, Adam Pound, Ian Vega
"In this picture, the particle simply interacts with a free field (whose origin can be traced to the particle’s past), and the procedure of mass renormalization is sidestepped. In the scalar and electromagnetic cases, the picture of a particle interacting with a free radiation field removes any tension between the nongeodesic motion of the charge and the principle of equivalence"
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  • #14

FAQ: Do electrons radiate when in free fall?

1. What is meant by "free fall" in relation to electrons?

"Free fall" refers to the state in which an object, in this case electrons, is falling under the sole influence of gravity. This means that there are no other forces acting upon the electrons, such as air resistance or external forces.

2. Do electrons always radiate when in free fall?

No, electrons do not always radiate when in free fall. The emission of radiation, known as bremsstrahlung, only occurs when the electrons are accelerated or decelerated. In free fall, the electrons are in a constant state of motion and do not experience acceleration or deceleration, thus they do not radiate.

3. How is the radiation emitted by electrons in free fall measured?

The radiation emitted by electrons in free fall can be measured using various types of detectors, such as Geiger counters or scintillation detectors. These devices are able to detect and measure the energy and frequency of the emitted radiation.

4. Can the radiation emitted by electrons in free fall be harmful?

The radiation emitted by electrons in free fall is typically very low energy and is not harmful to humans. However, in certain situations, such as in the presence of high energy particles or in an enclosed space, the radiation emitted by electrons in free fall can become a potential health hazard.

5. How does the mass of the electron affect its radiation in free fall?

The mass of the electron does not have a significant impact on its radiation in free fall. The emission of radiation is primarily dependent on the electron's acceleration, which is constant in free fall regardless of its mass. However, a more massive electron may emit slightly higher energy radiation compared to a lighter electron due to its increased inertia.

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