Do External Electric Fields Penetrate Conductors with Cavities?

In summary, the conversation discusses whether an electric field can penetrate a conductor and its cavity. It is explained that in steady-state conditions, the field inside the conductor is zero due to the induced field from displaced charges on the surface. However, there is a field inside the cavity. The concept of field lines is also clarified. The conversation also touches on using closed line integrals and Gauss' Law to understand the field inside the cavity. Ultimately, it is concluded that the field inside the cavity is not zero when there is a charge present.
  • #1
So I'm a little confused. My question is:

If a conductor is placed in an external electric field, do the field lines penetrate the conductor?

My original thought was yes they do and then the induced field inside the conductor cancels out the external field so that the net field inside the conductor is zero. But, in griffiths (3rd edition p. 99), he introduces the problem of a conductor with a cavity inside it. The cavity encloses a single point charge q. Griffiths says "But in a remarkable way the cavity and its contents are electrically isolated from the outside world by the surrounding conductor. No external fields penetrate the conductor; they are canceled at the outer surface by the induced charge there."

So is it that in this particular problem an external field wouldn't penetrate the conductor or the cavity?

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  • #2
If a conductor is placed in an external electric field, do the field lines penetrate the conductor?
(Not in steady-state.)

The thing to remember about a conductor is that it contains mobile charges.

The external field moves charges around on the surface of the conductor so that the induced field due to the displaced charges cancels out the field that would otherwise have been inside the conductor. Therefore there is zero field inside the conductor - therefore no field lines.

If you have a conductor with a cavity - you should distinguish between the space in the cavity - which does have an electric field in it - and the conductor itself - which doesn't. What Griffiths is talking about is the effect of a faraday cage... the field inside the cavity due to the external field is zero.
  • #3
Your original thought is correct; we can consistently explain the zero (mean) field inside the conductor (in electrostatic conditions) as the sum of the field arising from external charges and the field arising from charges induced on the surface of the conductor. So, with this explanation in mind the external field does penetrate the conductor, but there is also an equal and opposite field. So it is just as if the field arising from external charges didn't penetrate - which is, presumably, Griffiths's point of view in the sentence you quote.

As for field lines, these give the directions of the resultant field, not just the field due to the external charges, so naturally they stop at the surface of the conductor, as the resultant field inside the conductor is zero.
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  • #4
Ah it makes sense that the field lines would only represent the net field and not all the individual fields together because it could be messy with 4 individual fields at work!

In my mind, I always think of each field having field lines that penetrate everything and in some cases will cancel with other field lines (inside a conductor). With this picture, the field lines from an external field would penetrate through the conductor and into the cavity. But clearly this isn't the right picture.

I have one more question: with the same conductor and cavity, but this time without the charge in the cavity, Griffiths argues that the field inside the cavity is zero by use of a closed loop partly inside the cavity and partly inside the conductor. He uses the known relation that the closed line integral of E dot dl is zero and thus the field inside the cavity must be zero. Why can't you use the same logic to argue the field is zero when there is a charge inside the cavity?
  • #5
Try the same argument for a capacitor ... make the charged plates very thick and put the loop real close to the middle of the plates to avoid edge effects. Part of the loop is in a uniform E field, and part is inside the conductor.
Now do the path integral around the loop.

I think the situation is easier to see via Gauss' Law.
  • #6
That calculation tells me that in that configuration the closed line integral of
E dot dl ≠ 0
This makes sense to me. But isn't the (closed) integral ∫E dot dl always zero (since the curl of E is always zero?
  • #7
qE would be the force, do qE.dl would be the work done moving distance dl, and the work done in a closed loop must be zero if E is to be a conservative force. So there is something wrong with your calculation.
Redo - pick a square loop. Remember it's a vector product.

This should also tell you something about the argument in Griffith.

It is easier to use Gauss' Law.
The net flux though a closed surface is proportional to the amount of charge enclosed.
  • #8
Ok it makes sense now! You're right, the calculation correctly done should reveal that the closed integral of E dot dl is zero. Since this integral is path independent, any path will do. The reason he doesn't use the same argument when there is charge present inside the cavity is because all the argument would prove is that the closed integral of E dot dl is zero. It wouldn't prove that the field inside the cavity is zero (which it shouldn't be, anyways).

Thank you for your help Simon and Philip.
  • #9
Well done.
I could have just told you this of course - but, this way, you have just learned how to think about puzzles in a way that will help in other situations. Have fun ;)

Related to Do External Electric Fields Penetrate Conductors with Cavities?

1. What are field lines?

Field lines are imaginary lines that are used to represent the direction and strength of an electric field. They are drawn tangent to the electric field at each point and show the direction that a positive test charge would move if placed in the field.

2. How do field lines interact with conductors?

Field lines interact with conductors by following the principle of superposition, which states that the overall electric field is the sum of the fields created by individual charges. In the case of conductors, the electric field inside the conductor is zero because the charges within the conductor rearrange themselves to cancel out any external field.

3. Why do field lines form perpendicular to conductors?

Field lines form perpendicular to conductors because of the electric field's tendency to be normal to the surface of a conductor. This is known as the "no electric field inside a conductor" rule and is a result of the charges within the conductor being free to move and repelling each other, causing the electric field inside to be zero.

4. Can field lines cross over or intersect with one another?

No, field lines cannot cross over or intersect with one another. This is because if they did, it would mean that at that point, the electric field would have two different directions, which is not possible. Field lines must remain continuous and unbroken.

5. How can field lines help us understand the behavior of electric fields near conductors?

Field lines can help us understand the behavior of electric fields near conductors by giving us a visual representation of the electric field's direction and strength. They can also show us how the charges within the conductor redistribute themselves in response to an external field, allowing us to predict how the electric field will behave in different scenarios.

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