Do Falling Observers Experience Blueshift Inside a Black Hole?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of observing light and its effects from within a black hole. The first speaker asks if a person inside a black hole could see the light bend towards the gravitational field and also experience blueshift. The conversation continues with a discussion about the observer's frame of reference and the effects of the equivalence principle. The final exchange discusses the possibility of observing light from within a black hole and the implications of the space-time singularity.
  • #1
If you could safely stand inside a black hole about the size of a small room, filled it with smoke, and shined a laser - would you see the light not only bend towards the warping gravitational field but also blueshift?

My previous post was removed so if you responded I didn't get it. I guess there is specific topics you can't talk about in here. O' Well, Thanks for any response I get.
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  • #2
You can't stand (or float stationary) inside a black hole of any size. So as it stands your question is extremely ill-posed.
  • #3
Well considering the detailed post that I had previously was removed I didn't feel like spending my time typing up another. All I want to know is the effect on light from within a black hole.
  • #4
Ok. Let's say you are a freely falling observer and you let yourself fall into a black hole with a flashlight (by fall into I mean fall past the event horizon). Now, if you shine your flashlight, on a small enough distance/time scale, you will notice no difference from if you were just in normal flat spacetime.
  • #5
Nabeshin said:
Ok. Let's say you are a freely falling observer and you let yourself fall into a black hole with a flashlight (by fall into I mean fall past the event horizon). Now, if you shine your flashlight, on a small enough distance/time scale, you will notice no difference from if you were just in normal flat spacetime.
So do you claim an observer falling heads down with a flashlight who passed the event horizon can shine on objects below him?
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  • #6
Passionflower said:
So do you claim an observer falling heads down with a flashlight who passed the event horizon can shine on objects below him?

Yes. After all, on a small enough distance/time scale the space is locally minkowski, or by the equivalence principle, he shouldn't be able to tell at all that he is in a BH on short enough distance/time scales. Of course this all takes place in his co-falling frame.
  • #7
Nabeshin said:
Yes. After all, on a small enough distance/time scale the space is locally minkowski, or by the equivalence principle, he shouldn't be able to tell at all that he is in a BH on short enough distance/time scales. Of course this all takes place in his co-falling frame.
Sorry but your answer does not say anything, you can answer any question about GR this way. It is like saying that a terminally ill patient is not really dying if you consider a short enough time scale.

Inside the event horizon light always moves inwards towards the singularity, even if you shine it in the direction of the event horizon.
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  • #8
Passionflower said:
Sorry but your answer does not say anything, you can answer any question about GR this way. It is like saying that a terminally ill patient is not really dying if you consider a short enough time scale.

Inside the event horizon light always moves inwards towards the singularity, even if you shine it in the direction of the event horizon.

But also remember that in a Schwarzschild black hole the singularity is not a point in time at the center position of the black hole, but rather a point in time in the future of the observer. So any light beam fires from within a black hole will continue on until it hits the timelike singularity in the future.
  • #9
Passionflower said:
Sorry but your answer does not say anything, you can answer any question about GR this way. It is like saying that a terminally ill patient is not really dying if you consider a short enough time scale.

Inside the event horizon light always moves inwards towards the singularity, even if you shine it in the direction of the event horizon.

So invoking the equivalence principle is insufficient to answer a question? It's perfectly legitimate to say that within the bounds of the EP, the falling observer will notice nothing different (including paths of light rays). I realize it's not very rigorous, but it's not incorrect either.

Here, I drew a terrible little picture to illustrate", it's in Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates. The horizontal line represents our "man" falling into the black hole. The parallelogram represents his trajectory, and the future horizontal line is his position at a later time. I drew two light cones, both for his head and feet. Obviously, if he shines a light at his head (closer to the singularity), it can hit his feet (further from the singularity). I apologize for the picture being terrible, but hopefully you get the point?
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  • #10
yenchin said:
But also remember that in a Schwarzschild black hole the singularity is not a point in time at the center position of the black hole, but rather a point in time in the future of the observer. So any light beam fires from within a black hole will continue on until it hits the timelike singularity in the future.
Yes, but you mean spacelike singularity right?
  • #11
Passionflower said:
Yes, but you mean spacelike singularity right?

Yes. My bad, typed too fast :P
  • #12
Passionflower said:
So do you claim an observer falling heads down with a flashlight who passed the event horizon can shine on objects below him?
Nabeshin said:
Yes. After all, on a small enough distance/time scale the space is locally minkowski, or by the equivalence principle, he shouldn't be able to tell at all that he is in a BH on short enough distance/time scales. Of course this all takes place in his co-falling frame.

... and if a freefalling observer falls feet first past the event horizon and shines a torch at his feet he should still be able to see the reflected light off his feet, despite the fact the light can not travel upwards towards his eyes. This suggests his head must somehow catch up with the light from his feet that is also heading towards the central singularity and has a head start. hmmm.. just something I'm pondering
  • #13
Nabeshin said:
So invoking the equivalence principle is insufficient to answer a question? It's perfectly legitimate to say that within the bounds of the EP, the falling observer will notice nothing different (including paths of light rays). I realize it's not very rigorous, but it's not incorrect either.
If someone asks a question about strong fields it seems pretty obvious he is not interested in the limiting case. But no it is not wrong.

Related to Do Falling Observers Experience Blueshift Inside a Black Hole?

1. What is blueshift?

Blueshift is a phenomenon in which light or other electromagnetic radiation shifts towards shorter wavelengths, typically caused by the motion of a source towards an observer.

2. How is blueshift related to blackholes?

Blueshift can occur when an object, such as a star, is being pulled into a black hole due to its strong gravitational pull. As the object gets closer to the black hole, the light it emits becomes more and more blueshifted.

3. Can blueshift be used to detect blackholes?

Yes, blueshift can be used as a tool to detect the presence of a black hole. Scientists can observe the light emitted from objects near a suspected black hole and look for signs of blueshift, which can indicate the presence of a strong gravitational pull.

4. What is the opposite of blueshift?

The opposite of blueshift is redshift, in which light or other electromagnetic radiation shifts towards longer wavelengths. Redshift is often observed in objects moving away from an observer, such as galaxies in the expanding universe.

5. How does blueshift affect the perception of time near a blackhole?

This is a complex question and the answer depends on the specific scenario. In general, time near a black hole will appear to move slower for an outside observer due to the strong gravitational pull. However, for an object falling into a black hole, time may appear to speed up due to the intense gravitational forces. This phenomenon is known as time dilation.

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