Do high energy collisions ever produce new, stable matter?

In summary, particles are constantly being created de novo, with protons and antiprotons being the most common.
  • #1
The title says it all. I'm contrasting "stable matter" with short-lived particles that quickly decay into something else. (The E=mc2 equation implies that it's possible, but in terms of stable matter, I'm familiar only with it being destroyed, say, in nuclear explosions.) Are ordinary (stable) electrons/positrons or nucleons ever created de novo this way?
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  • #2
Sure. All the time.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Sure. All the time.

Can you give me a reference? Even a textbook would be fine. (Honestly, I did do a google search, and read through some Wikipedia articles on high energy physics, particle accelerators, etc., to no avail, prior to posting this question.)
  • #5
The PDG ( has tables upon tables on how often protons (to pick one example) are produced in various collisions.
  • #6
All produced particles decay to stable particles after a while (and with the exception of neutrons, within microseconds or less). Some decay to just photons, but all other end up producing electrons, neutrinos and protons and/or their antiparticles.
Some stable particles are produced in the initial collision as well.
  • #7
Thanks, folks. The electron-positron pairs were nice, especially with some being produced from x-ray energy. I couldn't fathom the notation of the Particle Data Group tables, though.

Please permit me to refine my question a bit.

Are protons (or antiprotons) ever produced from gamma rays, or anything other than other baryons? The Wikipedia article on antiprotons gives this equation for their formation in cosmic ray proton collisions with nuclei:
p + A → p+ p +p+ A
(the middle "p" is supposed to have a line over the top of it, indicating the antimatter version of the proton, but, not knowing how to do that here, I underlined it instead). But I'd like to know if the nucleus (A) the high energy proton collides with is the same afterward (thus acting merely as a catalyst), or if it has two less nucleons (one for each of the new nucleons).

In other words, do we ever see baryons arising de novo from photon energy in the lab?
  • #8
##e^- + e^+ \to p + \bar{p} (+X) ## is possible, for example. Together with the proton, an antibaryon has to be produced due to baryon number conservation.
LEP (DELPHI) publication talking about proton production

##\gamma + X \to p + \bar{p} +X'## is possible, too.
LEP (L3) measurement of proton-production, where photons as intermediate states are discussed.

Heavy ion collisions produce many new baryons and antibaryons.
Pion, Kaon, and Proton Production measured at ALICE. A central lead-lead-collision at LHC energies produces (on average) >10 protons/antiprotons (more like ~100) if my estimate based on figure 1 is correct.
  • #9
Thanks, mfb! And, I now also know how to produce a ## \bar{p} ##. ;-)

FAQ: Do high energy collisions ever produce new, stable matter?

1. What is considered "high energy" in terms of particle collisions?

The definition of "high energy" in particle collisions varies depending on the context and specific experiment. Generally, it refers to collisions that occur at extremely high speeds or with a large amount of energy involved.

2. How are high energy collisions achieved in particle accelerators?

Particle accelerators use electromagnetic fields to accelerate particles to very high speeds. These particles are then directed to collide with each other, creating high energy collisions.

3. Can new, stable matter be produced in low energy collisions?

No, low energy collisions do not have enough energy to create new, stable matter. In order for new, stable matter to be produced, a significant amount of energy is required to overcome the strong nuclear forces that hold atoms together.

4. Are high energy collisions dangerous?

In controlled environments, high energy collisions are not considered dangerous. Particle accelerators are carefully designed and operated to ensure the safety of the scientists and the general public.

5. How do scientists detect and study the new, stable matter produced in high energy collisions?

Scientists use specialized detectors to observe the particles and energy released during high energy collisions. They also analyze the data collected from these collisions to understand the properties of the new, stable matter that is produced.

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