Do I Need to Stress Relieve My Small Torsion Springs Made from Music Wire?

In summary, spring wire stress relieve is a heat treatment process used to reduce internal stresses in spring wire. It is necessary to improve mechanical properties and durability, and the benefits include increased resistance to fatigue and reduced risk of spring failure. This process is typically done in a furnace or oven and requires safety precautions such as wearing protective gear and following proper procedures and temperature guidelines.
  • #1
Newbie here...I'm making small torsion springs from .009" O.D. spring-temper carbon steel wire also known a music wire from the supplier.
I don't have the material in my hands yet so I don't know if it is coated. They will only be something like .045" I.D. x .060" long with two legs.

My question is, do I need to stress relieve the springs...I don't see that this is critical for my application but would like some feed back.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Usually after a heavy cold working to form something, a heat treat is performed to bring back some ductility.
  • #3

I would recommend stress relieving the small torsion springs made from music wire, even though it may not be critical for your specific application. Stress relieving is a process that involves heating the material to a specific temperature and then cooling it slowly to reduce internal stresses and improve the material's mechanical properties. This can help prevent potential failures in the springs due to residual stresses.

In the case of music wire, it is typically a high carbon steel wire that has been drawn to a very small diameter. This process can introduce internal stresses in the wire, and stress relieving can help reduce these stresses and improve the wire's strength and durability. Additionally, if the wire is coated, the stress relieving process can also help to remove any potential coating defects or inconsistencies that may affect the performance of the springs.

While it may not be critical for your specific application, stress relieving can still benefit the overall quality and longevity of the springs. It is always best to err on the side of caution and follow best practices in manufacturing to ensure the best possible outcome. I would suggest consulting with your supplier or seeking the advice of a materials expert for specific recommendations on the stress relieving process for your music wire springs.

FAQ: Do I Need to Stress Relieve My Small Torsion Springs Made from Music Wire?

1. What is spring wire stress relieve?

Spring wire stress relieve is a heat treatment process that is used to reduce internal stresses within spring wire. This process is typically done after the wire has been formed into a spring, and it involves heating the wire to a specific temperature and then cooling it slowly to relieve any stress that may have built up during the manufacturing process.

2. Why is spring wire stress relieve necessary?

Spring wire stress relieve is necessary because it helps to improve the mechanical properties and durability of the spring. Without this process, the spring may be more prone to breaking or losing its shape over time due to the built-up internal stresses.

3. What are the benefits of spring wire stress relieve?

The main benefits of spring wire stress relieve include improved mechanical properties, increased durability, and better resistance to fatigue. This process also helps to reduce the risk of spring failure and ensures that the spring will maintain its shape and functionality over a longer period of time.

4. How is spring wire stress relieve done?

Spring wire stress relieve is typically done in a furnace or oven that can heat the wire to a specific temperature. The wire is then held at this temperature for a set amount of time and slowly cooled down to room temperature. This process can also be done with the use of an induction heating system.

5. Are there any safety considerations for spring wire stress relieve?

Yes, there are a few safety considerations to keep in mind when performing spring wire stress relieve. It is important to wear protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection, when handling heated wire. It is also crucial to follow the correct procedures and temperature guidelines to prevent any accidents or damage to the wire or equipment.
