Do low Masters grades affect career chances?

In summary: However, in most cases a PhD is more than just a degree from a good school; it is a considerable amount of research experience and training.
  • #1
hi everyone,

I have the following situation:

Years ago I got a BCom with pretty high grades (correspond to ~3.5 GPA), several years later did Masters in Stats with pretty low results (B- average) at a good school and somehow squeezed into a PhD in CS at an average school.

After three years I have 5 publications (some with citations), 2 of them are in the highest-ranked forums in my area, and I'm the primary author of all 5. On the way I managed to get the university pay me a scholarship and won several competitions.

I'm submitting this year, and looking at different career options. My dream job is to get a postdoc (I'm not fussy about university rankings), the next-best would be a research job in the industry (not in finance/consulting/insurance though, as I hate these three!). If these two fail, I'll have to get a bachelor-level job.

So here's my main concern: How likely it is that the low grades I got in Masters affect job decision in each of these three options?

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  • #2
I am perhaps not the best person to answer your question; however, from what I understand based on conversations with friends who have earned their PhD, your publication record, your achievements in your PhD program (including any awards or scholarships offered -- you did mention you won a number of competitions), any references from your advisors, as well as any pertinent job experience or internship all have a far more significant impact on your job prospects than your grades from your Masters program.
  • #3
Be prepared to explain to an employer why those grades were low. Have a short story about how you had difficulty performing then but overcame those obstacles and performed well more recently. Do not go into specifics.

IMHO you've put those low grades in the past, and as long as you don't blow it in the interview they'll have little impact on your future job.
  • #4
Q: What do you call someone who graduates last in their class from Med School?
A: Doctor.

I have known some very well educated idiots. I have also known some geniuses with no college education. Be prepared, as Locrian suggests; but you do not have to be ashamed of passing anything, even if it was by the smallest of margins.
  • #5
JakeBrodskyPE said:
Q: What do you call someone who graduates last in their class from Med School?
A: Doctor.

I have known some very well educated idiots. I have also known some geniuses with no college education. Be prepared, as Locrian suggests; but you do not have to be ashamed of passing anything, even if it was by the smallest of margins.

Thanks for the encouragement; I'd be even more grateful if you could share some thoughts or experiences in the matter though)
  • #6
statsjunkie12 said:
Thanks for the encouragement; I'd be even more grateful if you could share some thoughts or experiences in the matter though)

I can't help you a whole lot there because I am not much of an academic. One thing to keep in mind, though: publications matter. Stress those. Classroom teaching is limited. Everyone knows this at some intuitive level.
  • #7
I don't think anyone in academia will care at all about your MSc results. The "rule" in academia is that it is how well you performed in your last job that counts (which works both ways, a very good PhD won't help you much if you don't do well as a post-doc if you want to apply for a permanent position later).

In industry it might work a bit differently. However, if you manage to find a job where the skills you picked up a PhD student are relevant I doubt they care either.
I guess there might be a problem if you apply for jobs where "only" a MSc would be enough and the PhD is only a bonus (or even a disadvantage since they would have to pay you more); especially if you did badly in MSc courses in that particular field.

FAQ: Do low Masters grades affect career chances?

1. How much do low Masters grades affect career chances?

It depends on the industry and specific job position. In some fields, such as academia or highly competitive industries, grades may play a significant role in job opportunities. However, for many industries, employers may place more value on relevant experience and skills rather than academic grades.

2. Will I be automatically disqualified from job opportunities with low Masters grades?

No, having low Masters grades does not automatically disqualify you from job opportunities. It is just one aspect that employers may consider when evaluating candidates. Your other qualifications, experience, and skills may still make you a competitive candidate.

3. Can I make up for low Masters grades with other qualifications or experiences?

Yes, having other relevant qualifications or experiences can help offset low Masters grades. Employers may take into account your overall profile, including internships, research projects, certifications, and relevant work experience.

4. How can I address low Masters grades in my job application?

Be honest about your grades, but also highlight your strengths and other qualifications. You can mention any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your grades and how you have since improved or learned from the experience. Focus on showcasing your skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the job.

5. Is it worth retaking courses or pursuing a second Masters degree to improve my grades?

It depends on your specific career goals and the industry you are interested in. In some cases, retaking courses or pursuing a second Masters degree may be beneficial, especially if you are looking to enter a highly competitive field. However, it is important to weigh the cost and time investment against the potential benefits before making a decision.

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