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Homework Statement
It has been shown that the operators (Lx)op and (Ly)op do not commute but satisfy the following equation:
(Lx)op(Ly)op - (Ly)op(Lx)op = i(hbar)(Lz)op
(a) Use this relation and the two similar equations obtained by cycling the coordinate labels to show that (L2)op(Lz)op = (Lz)op(L2)op, that is, these two operators commute. [Hint: You do not need to introduce the differential formulas for the operators. Use the fact that (AB)C = A(BC) where A, B, and C are operators]
The question continues, but this is the part I am having trouble with.
I already attempted a solution (scan is attached), and my prof gave me the following hint:
"Hi Andrew - one suggestion: instead of writing every operator as a commutator,
consider instead moving operators from right to left using commutation relations.
For example, on the LHS you have X^2*Z=X(XZ) = X *(ZX) + stuff (using a commutator
relation), which in turn is equal to (XZ)*X = Z*X^2 + more stuff (using a commutator
relation). But then you have something that's on the RHS, ie Z*X^2."
My problem here is that I have not been able to find a commutator relation that allows me to move the components of the equation around like that, nor have I been able to work a relation out myself.
I'd like to work out as much of this problem as I can, so hints would be preferred!
Thanks in advance for your help!