Do Male Mice Sing Love Songs to Attract Mates?

  • Thread starter Astronuc
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In summary, a study by US scientists has found that male mice use ultrasonic love songs to attract potential mates, which resemble birdsong. When encountering cotton swabs dunked in female mouse urine, the males would break into song. This discovery adds a new twist to the popular phrase "Are you a man, or a mouse?" Researchers also wonder if female mice respond to these songs in a similar way to how they wiggle their ears when they are ready for mating.
  • #1
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Male mice serenade potential mates with ultrasonic love songs, a study by US scientists has revealed.

The ultrasonic chirps emitted by mice resemble birdsong.
Physics news on
  • #2
The Beeb said:
When the males encountered cotton swabs dunked in female mouse urine, they broke into song.

I'm sorry, I couldn't read any further, I fell off my chair...
  • #3
Great you guys just gave Moonbear the ultimate tool for catching those elusive mice she has :rolleyes:

Game over man, Game OVER!
  • #4
Why is this surprising?

I've seen Mickey serenades Minnie MANY times!

  • #5
awwww sweet little mousie songs!
  • #6
When the males encountered cotton swabs dunked in female mouse urine, they broke into song.

It brings a new twist to the question "Are you a man, or a mouse?" :smile:
  • #7
I seem to remember reading in my physiology of behavior book that female mice wiggle their ears when they're "ready for love". I wonder if they've played any of these recordings for the gals to see how they respond?
  • #8
ohhhhh honey, you sing soooooo nice! come, let's make mousie love{wiggle wiggle}

Related to Do Male Mice Sing Love Songs to Attract Mates?

What is a male mouse's song of love?

A male mouse's song of love is a series of high-pitched vocalizations that he produces to attract a female mate. This behavior is known as courtship singing.

Why do male mice sing a song of love?

Male mice sing a song of love as a form of courtship behavior to attract potential female mates. This behavior is also believed to establish a male's dominance in a group of mice.

How do male mice produce their songs?

Male mice produce their songs by vibrating their vocal cords at a high frequency, which creates the high-pitched vocalizations. They also use their whole bodies to amplify the sound.

Do all male mice sing a song of love?

No, not all male mice sing a song of love. This behavior is primarily seen in certain species of mice, such as the house mouse (Mus musculus), and is more common in dominant males.

Does the female mouse respond to the male's song?

Yes, the female mouse will respond to the male's song of love by producing her own vocalizations. This is part of the courtship process and helps the male and female to identify and choose a suitable mate.

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