Do Neutrinos Violate Energy Conservation During Oscillation?

In summary, neutrinos oscillate between different mass states due to interference between their wavefunctions. This means that they must have mass, as according to special relativity, anything that travels slower than light must have mass. This is also why we cannot talk about neutrinos having a definite mass, as they are always in a superposition of different mass states. This phenomenon is unique to neutrinos and is not observed in other leptons like electrons, muons, and taus.
  • #1
I have many doubts about neutrinos..can someone explain me?

1. All neutrinos and anti neutrinos have different masses..and if the neutrinos oscillate, how the difference in mass is justified? is there any violation of energy conservation?

2. If neutrinos which are leptons oscillate, then the other leptons electrons,muons and tau also oscillate?

3. What is the relation between oscillation and mass? why we say if neutrinos oscillate then it should have mass? then baryons also have mass, do they also oscillate?

4. what is actually changing in oscillation i.e. like charge, lepton number or what else is changing? how do we say that an electron neutrino is changed to muon or tau neutrino? is it by measuring their mass we predict their identity?

5. Do anti neutrinos also oscillate?
Physics news on
  • #2
1. See section "Propagation and interference" in

The hamiltonian will contain a mass term, and the hamiltonian is the generator of time evolution.

2. the MNS matrix (see the article) is conventionally chosen to be in the electrical neutral charged lepton sector, one could have it the charged lepton sector aswell-> Overall physics will be the same. But since one thought that neutrinos was massless, I think one choosed to have the MNS matrix with the neutrinos.

3. Baryons don't have this problem since they are first of all not elementary particles but composite systems. Oscillations are due to the nature of the weak interaction, so some hadrons oscillate, the most famous ones are the K^0 mesons.

4. No we measure the occurence of reactions. e.g we assume only electron neutrinos are produced in the sun/reactor (a VERY good assumption). Then we know that electron neutrinos produces electrons in inverse beta decay, muon neutrinos produces muons (etc) so in this way we can measure the amount of oscillations and from that deduce mass differences of the neutrinos.

5. Yes
  • #3
As usual, I will try to answer in a less technical way.

spidey said:
1. All neutrinos and anti neutrinos have different masses..and if the neutrinos oscillate, how the difference in mass is justified? is there any violation of energy conservation?

This is quantum physics. When we say the neutrinos oscillate, what we mean is that they are in a superposition of states that appears to oscillate due to interference between the wavefunctions of the different states. It's hard to speak about the momentum and mass-energy of the neutrino in a clear and definite way.

2. If neutrinos which are leptons oscillate, then the other leptons electrons,muons and tau also oscillate?


3. What is the relation between oscillation and mass? why we say if neutrinos oscillate then it should have mass? then baryons also have mass, do they also oscillate?

Oscillation is a change in the state of the neutrino. If the neutrino is changing, it must experience time. Without time, there can be no concept of "change". According to special relativity, things that travel at the speed of light have no time, and things slower than slight have time. Therefore, neutrinos must travel slower than light. But also according to special relativity, things that travel slower than light must have mass. So neutrinos must have mass.
  • #4
. the MNS matrix (see the article) is conventionally chosen to be in the electrical neutral charged lepton sector, one could have it the charged lepton sector aswell-> Overall physics will be the same. But since one thought that neutrinos was massless, I think one choosed to have the MNS matrix with the neutrinos.

Perhaps I should elaborate.

We're familiar with quantum states called "electron", "muon" and "tauon" (charged leptons). Those are all by definition states of definite mass. Electrons are stable. Muons decay into an electron and a pair of neutrinos. Tau can decay into all sorts of things.

Weak interaction couples every charged lepton mass state to a superposition of neutrino mass states, and every neutrino mass state to a superposition of charged lepton mass states. We conventionally call the superposition that couples to the electron "electron neutrino", etc. It is an unfortunate archaism that goes back to the days before we knew that neutrinos had masses.

Problem is, pure mass states of charged leptons are easy to come by (just take electron, for example), and neutrinos are notoriously hard to work with. If you could somehow create a beam of neutrinos of a definite mass and shine it at a detector, you'd see a coherent superposition of e, mu and tau on the output. And then you could talk about charged lepton oscillation. But there's no such thing as a source of neutrinos of a definite mass.

Essentially all oscillation experiments consist of a source that involves charged lepton mass-states (a reactor, core of the Sun) and a sink that also involves charged lepton mass-states (perhaps a tank of chlorine or a block of ice). If they are spatially separated, we will see that the neutrino state that left the source is not identical to the state that arrives at the sink, because it's not a state of definite mass.
  • #5
Thanks for that explanation, hamster! That was not only more precise than my explanation, but also helped me understand things a little better than I did before.
  • #6
Thanks mates for clear explanation about neutrinos
  • #7
Xezlec said:
Oscillation is a change in the state of the neutrino. If the neutrino is changing, it must experience time. Without time, there can be no concept of "change". According to special relativity, things that travel at the speed of light have no time, and things slower than slight have time. Therefore, neutrinos must travel slower than light. But also according to special relativity, things that travel slower than light must have mass. So neutrinos must have mass.

What does this mean "things that travel at the speed of light have no time".. what is no time?
  • #8
spidey said:
What does this mean "things that travel at the speed of light have no time".. what is no time?
Proper time, which is the (minkowskian) length along the world-line, or to put it another way, how many oscillations counted by a perfect clock traveling along this line.

Neutrino mixing is quite a tricky topic.

TASI 2002 lectures on neutrinos
Neutrino physics overview
  • #9
The lecture notes by Grossman are quite good; I recommend them too.

There are two subtleties involved, one commonly mentioned, one implicit (and thus not as well known as the people doing the implying might think),

The common one is that it's not enough for neutrinos to be massive for them to mix. They have to have different masses. If two neutrinos have the same mass, I am free to relabel different mixes of [tex]\nu_1[/tex] and [tex]\nu_2[/tex] (I will use numeric subscripts to indicate mass eigenstates and lepton subscripts to indicate flavor eigenstates) and so I can define [tex]\nu_1 = \nu_e[/tex] and [tex]\nu_2 = \nu_\mu[/tex]. So there are no longer any oscillations.

The less common one is very subtle. When most people are asked to describe how neutrinos oscillate in an accelerator experiment, they say something like this: "A beam of pions decays via [tex]\pi \rightarrow \mu + \nu_\mu[/tex]. Of course, [tex]\nu_\mu[/tex] is actually a mix of [tex]\nu_1[/tex], [tex]\nu_2[/tex] and [tex]\nu_3[/tex], so one of those mass eigenstates is selected, it propagates to the detector, and then, since the detector detects flavor eigenstates, is projected back to the [tex]\nu_e[/tex], [tex]\nu_\mu[/tex] and [tex]\nu_\tau[/tex] basis. This is (observationally) wrong.

The above model predicts that the fraction of [tex]\nu_e[/tex]'s that stay [tex]\nu_e[/tex]'s is constant with flight distance, when in fact, it's a function of flight distance (actually L/E).

In fact, a mass eigenstate is not projected out. The [tex]\nu_\mu[/tex] evolves as a coherent mix of [tex]\nu_1[/tex], [tex]\nu_2[/tex] and [tex]\nu_3[/tex] and continues to oscillate between them until the detector projects out the flavor. This is quantum mechanics on a scale of hundreds of miles!
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  • #10
Wow. The LaTeX sure got mangled.
  • #11
And now the tricky part.

What happens when the neutrino is created with energy that is less than the mass of one or more of its constituents?
  • #12
What constituents? So fas as we know, neutrinos are elementary and have no constituents.
  • #13
hamster143 said:
And now the tricky part.
Which is conserved in neutrinos oscillations : energy of momentum ?
  • #14
humanino said:
Which is conserved in neutrinos oscillations : energy of momentum ?

Both are. But that doesn't mean you are in an eigenstate of either. (This is a classic example of why it's important to study quantum mechanics before studying particle physics)
  • #15
Vanadium 50 said:
What constituents? So fas as we know, neutrinos are elementary and have no constituents.

What I mean is, suppose that there are three different mass-states, and we have an interaction that could go through emission of a neutrino whose energy is lower than the mass of the heaviest mass-state.
  • #16
Vanadium 50 said:
Both are. But that doesn't mean you are in an eigenstate of either. (This is a classic example of why it's important to study quantum mechanics before studying particle physics)
This is right, we are dealing here with elementary QM. Of course, the (academic) problem is that, if energy and momentum are fixed, mass must be fixed as well... As a matter of fact, the coherence length is related to the (energy and the) mass difference which itself is related to the wave-packet momentum spread.

Anyway, I got stuck for a while on this before finding out
When Do Neutrinos really oscillate ? Quantum mechanics of neutrino oscillations, PRD vol44 n11 (1991)
Quantum mechanics of neutrinos oscillations, PRD vol48 n9 (1993)

In any case, one should always look first at Neutrino mass, mixing, and flavor change (Particle Data Group)

If you have access to a library, there is also
Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics, World Sci. Lect. Notes vol 72
Fundamentals of Neutrino and Astrophysics, Oxford UP.
  • #17
spidey said:
What does this mean "things that travel at the speed of light have no time".. what is no time?

According to special relativity, if you get in a rocket and blast away at a very high speed, your time becomes different from our time. Time moves slower and slower for you as your speed approaches the speed of light. If you actually travel at the speed of light, you would be frozen in time. You would never move or get older.

What I was saying was that since neutrinos oscillate, something is changing. They are not frozen in time, so they must not move at the speed of light. Other people here are pointing out that this may not be the best way to think about things, but for me, talking about relativity is easier than talking about quantum mechanical wave functions. :redface:

The more complicated but probably more accurate way to look at it is that the oscillation is caused by interference between the wave functions for the different possible masses that the neutrino might have. If neutrinos didn't have different masses, then their wave functions would not be able to interfere in this way that changes the neutrino's flavor with time.
  • #18
I'm afraid we're hijacking the thread a little, but...

hamster143 said:
What I mean is, suppose that there are three different mass-states, and we have an interaction that could go through emission of a neutrino whose energy is lower than the mass of the heaviest mass-state.

I'm a little out of my league here, but I sort of thought that when a particle is created with an amount of energy too small to account for its mass, then that means it's a "virtual particle" and is living on "borrowed time", so to speak. Would this also apply to a single mass-eigenstate component of a neutrino's wave-function? Does this just mean that the wave function can only have a tiny amount of that component, like that particular mass eigenstate could be thought of as "virtual" or something?

Related to Do Neutrinos Violate Energy Conservation During Oscillation?

1. What are neutrino oscillations?

Neutrino oscillations refer to the phenomenon where neutrinos change from one type to another as they travel through space. This is possible because neutrinos have mass, and therefore can interact with each other and their surroundings in ways that cause them to change their flavor.

2. How do neutrinos acquire mass?

The exact mechanism by which neutrinos acquire mass is still a topic of ongoing research. It is believed that neutrinos may acquire mass through a process called the Higgs mechanism, in which they interact with the Higgs field, or through other yet-to-be-discovered particles and interactions.

3. What is the significance of neutrino oscillations?

Neutrino oscillations have significant implications for our understanding of particle physics and the Standard Model. They also have practical applications, such as their use in neutrino detectors and their potential for use in communication or energy production.

4. How are neutrino oscillations detected?

Neutrino oscillations are detected through the observation of neutrinos with different flavors. This can be done using large detectors, such as the Super-Kamiokande detector in Japan, which can detect the different types of particles produced when a neutrino interacts with matter.

5. Can neutrino oscillations help explain the mystery of dark matter?

While neutrino oscillations are an important aspect of particle physics, they are not directly related to the mystery of dark matter. However, the study of neutrinos and their interactions may provide clues and insights into the nature of dark matter and its role in the universe.

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