Do QM and Thermodynamics interact?

In summary: QM and WM are more fundamental than Newton's laws.2. 'The first law of thermodynamics' is a statement about the tendency of systems to move from a more ordered state to a less ordered state. It is a law of conservation of energy. In the simplest form, it says that the amount of energy in a system (in terms of particles and/or energy waves) remains constant over time.
  • #1
I'm actually quite scared of asking this due to my very basic knowledge regarding Quantum Mechanics. Actually, this is my first hiccup: is there a difference between Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics?
I always thought one was the theoretical investigation and the other the application but after reading a bit I am not so sure any longer. A quick definition clarifying the conflicting info I am getting would help.

My actual question: is Quantum Mechanics bound to the 1st law of thermodynamics?

Or any classical thermodynamics restriction for that matter. I've been thinking about this and just when I find I can say: no, I think of a way that can maybe be a: yes. I've tried the Google approach and have given up. I've tried reading here and am now more confused than before. So I hope someone can sort this out explaining it in simple terms - and that there actually is an answer.
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  • #2
I think "Quantum Physics" and "Quantum Mechanics" are the same.

is Quantum Mechanics bound to the 1st law of thermodynamics?
Depends on your favorite interpretation - in general, it is.

Modern thermodynamics can be derived from quantum mechanics.
  • #3
AndySA said:
I'm actually quite scared of asking this due to my very basic knowledge regarding Quantum Mechanics. Actually, this is my first hiccup: is there a difference between Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics?
I always thought one was the theoretical investigation and the other the application but after reading a bit I am not so sure any longer. A quick definition clarifying the conflicting info I am getting would help.

My actual question: is Quantum Mechanics bound to the 1st law of thermodynamics?

Or any classical thermodynamics restriction for that matter. I've been thinking about this and just when I find I can say: no, I think of a way that can maybe be a: yes. I've tried the Google approach and have given up. I've tried reading here and am now more confused than before. So I hope someone can sort this out explaining it in simple terms - and that there actually is an answer.

I am not exactly sure what the issue is here.

Thermodynamics is statistical mechanics. And in statistical mechanics, you can have quantum statistics. That is when a fermion or a boson matters. And Thus, quantum mechanics is applicable to thermo.

For example, you can write the partition function for a quantum system with discrete energy states, and you can derive all the same themo state variables and functions from that.

  • #4
Thanks for the explanations.

I understand that quantum mechanics can explain thermodynamics.
What about the other way around? My problem is that I don't know whether one can state that the conservation of energy even applies to quantum mechanics.

Is this a valid question: does energy conservation work if a particle traverses the Higgs field and picks up mass?
  • #5
My problem is that I don't know whether one can state that the conservation of energy even applies to quantum mechanics.
Energy is exactly conserved in quantum mechanics. And it is locally conserved, meaning that it is conserved at every point in space, at every moment in time.
does energy conservation work if a particle traverses the Higgs field and picks up mass?
The Higgs field does not "give mass" to particles. It permits particles to have mass in a way which is consistent with electroweak symmetry. The origin of mass is not understood, but the Higgs field is not the cause. Most certainly the Higgs field does not cause the mass of a particle to change with time.
  • #6
Bill_K said:
Energy is exactly conserved in quantum mechanics. And it is locally conserved, meaning that it is conserved at every point in space, at every moment in time.

The Higgs field does not "give mass" to particles. It permits particles to have mass in a way which is consistent with electroweak symmetry. The origin of mass is not understood, but the Higgs field is not the cause. Most certainly the Higgs field does not cause the mass of a particle to change with time.

That makes it 2 very clear statements. Thank you.

It shows that I was wrong on the first part and misunderstood the function of the Higgs field. I suppose typical layman misconceptions.
  • #7
You asked two questions: 1. The difference between Quantum Physics and Quantum mechanics and 2. The relation between Quantum mechanics and the 1st law of thermodynamics (your actual question).

1. 'Mechanics' is only a part of 'physics'. (you have many other parts such as - statics, heat, Sound, Light, electricity and magnetism, to mention a few). In mechanics we use Newton's laws to describe motion of bodies. When we try to describe the (motion) propagation of light, we find Newton's laws do not serve the purpose adequately. In place of Newton's laws we use Laws of Quantum mechanics (QM) OR Wave mechanics (WM). These are much more complicated compared to Newton's laws. That is why people are afraid of QM and WM, just as you were 'quite scared' even to pose your question! Mechanics deals with the study of motion of macroscopic bodies and is simple (relatively speaking) while QM &WM deal with study of motion of light and other particles at atomic level and is complicated.

2. If you had asked the relation between QM and TD it would have been more interesting. you stopped at the fist law of TD! Anyway, in mechanics (dynamics) we have the law of conservation of energy, but that does not include 'heat' as a form of energy. TD includes heat also as a form of energy and must be taken into account while the book-keeping or accountancy is done for energy.

TD deals with conversions of energy in general and heat and other forms of energy in particular.

Statistical mechanics (Which is also mechanics) is a boarder case, relating Newton's mechanics, TD and QM.
  • #8
Radhakrishnam, 'wave mechanics' is a term coined to describe Schrödinger's work of 1926 and in modern usage it is a subtheory of Quantum Mechanics in particular or Quantum Physics in general.

Quantum Mechanics is the subtheory of Quantum Physics describing systems of point particles with finite classical (Hamiltonian) DOF (where available).

FAQ: Do QM and Thermodynamics interact?

1. How does quantum mechanics affect thermodynamics?

Quantum mechanics and thermodynamics are two separate theories that describe different aspects of physical systems. However, they do interact in certain situations. Quantum mechanics governs the behavior of particles at a microscopic level, while thermodynamics describes the behavior of large-scale systems. The interactions between the two theories arise when considering systems that are both large and small, such as in nanoscale devices or black holes.

2. Can quantum mechanics explain thermodynamic processes?

Quantum mechanics can provide a microscopic understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved in thermodynamic processes, but it cannot fully explain thermodynamics on its own. Thermodynamics is a macroscopic theory that deals with the overall behavior of large systems, while quantum mechanics is a microscopic theory that deals with individual particles. Both theories are necessary to fully understand thermodynamic processes.

3. How does thermodynamics affect quantum systems?

Thermodynamics can affect quantum systems in several ways. For example, thermodynamic principles such as the second law of thermodynamics can place constraints on the behavior of quantum systems. Additionally, thermodynamic processes can be used to manipulate quantum systems, such as in the creation of quantum computers.

4. How do quantum fluctuations impact thermodynamic systems?

Quantum fluctuations, which refer to the random behavior of particles at the quantum level, can have a significant impact on thermodynamic systems. These fluctuations can affect the overall behavior and properties of the system, such as its entropy or energy levels. In some cases, quantum fluctuations can even lead to new thermodynamic phenomena, such as quantum phase transitions.

5. Is it possible to reconcile quantum mechanics and thermodynamics?

There is ongoing research and debate about whether quantum mechanics and thermodynamics can be fully reconciled. While the two theories have been successfully combined in some cases, such as in the study of black holes, there are still unresolved issues and discrepancies between them. Some scientists believe that a deeper understanding of quantum gravity may be necessary to fully reconcile the two theories.
