Do the equations have a solution?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter evinda
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In summary, the conversation discusses methods for finding the rank of an elliptic curve, including checking for solutions in $\mathbb{Z}$ with $x \cdot y \neq 0$ and using the Mordell-Weil and Nagell-Lutz theorems. These approaches can help determine the number of independent rational points and torsion points on the curve, respectively, which can then be used to find the rank.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello! (Smile)

I want to find the rank of an elliptic curve.

To do so, I have to check if the following equations have a solution in $\mathbb{Z}$ with $x \cdot y \neq 0$.

$$\\z^2=x^4-4p^2y^4\\z^2=-x^4+4p^2y^4\\z^2=2x^4-2p^2y^4\\z^2=-2x^4+2p^2y^4\\z^2=4x^4-p^2y^4\\z^2=-4x^4+p^2y^4\\z^2=px^4-4py^4\\z^2=-px^4+4py^4\\ z^2=p^2x^4-4y^4\\z^2=-p^2x^4+4y^4\\ z^2=2px^4-2py^4\\z^2=-2px^4+2py^4\\ z^2=4px^4-py^4\\ z^2=-4px^4+py^4\\ z^2=2p^2x^4-2y^4\\ z^2=-2p^2x^4+2y^4\\ z^2=4p^2x^4-y^4\\ z^2=-4p^2x^4+y^4 $$

I think that the only two equations that have a solution in $\mathbb{Z}$ with $x \cdot y \neq 0$ are these: $z^2=2px^4-2py^4$ and $z^2=-2px^4+2py^4$.Am I right? (Thinking)Is there a criterion that we could use in order to determine if there is a solution? :confused:
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  • #2

Hello! I am interested in your question about finding the rank of an elliptic curve. You are on the right track by checking for solutions in $\mathbb{Z}$ with $x \cdot y \neq 0$ for each equation. However, there is a more efficient way to determine the rank of an elliptic curve.

One approach is to use the Mordell-Weil theorem, which states that the rank of an elliptic curve is equal to the number of independent rational points on the curve. In other words, if we can find a set of points on the curve that are not related by a finite translation, then the rank is equal to the number of points in that set.

Another approach is to use the Nagell-Lutz theorem, which states that the rank of an elliptic curve is equal to the number of torsion points on the curve. Torsion points are points on the curve with finite order, and they can be found by solving the curve's defining equation for $x$ and $y$ in terms of $z$. Then, by substituting in integer values for $z$, we can find the corresponding $x$ and $y$ values and determine the number of torsion points.

I hope this helps in your quest to find the rank of an elliptic curve. Good luck in your research!

FAQ: Do the equations have a solution?

1. What is the meaning of a solution in an equation?

A solution in an equation is a value or set of values that, when substituted into the equation, make it a true statement. Essentially, it is the value(s) that satisfy the equation.

2. How do you know if an equation has a solution?

An equation has a solution if there exists at least one value that makes the equation a true statement. This can be determined by solving the equation and checking if the solution(s) satisfy the equation.

3. Can an equation have more than one solution?

Yes, an equation can have multiple solutions. For example, the equation x^2 = 4 has two solutions: x = 2 and x = -2. This is known as a quadratic equation with two roots.

4. What does it mean if an equation has no solution?

If an equation has no solution, it means that there is no value that can be substituted into the equation to make it a true statement. This usually occurs when the equation is contradictory, such as 0 = 1.

5. How do you find the solution to an equation?

The method for finding the solution to an equation depends on the type of equation. For linear equations, the solution can be found by isolating the variable on one side of the equation. For more complex equations, techniques such as factoring, substitution, or the quadratic formula may be used.

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