Do Vectors Remain Invariant and What Defines Tensor Rank?

In summary, the components of a vector change under a coordinate transformation, but the vector itself remains the same. A vector is considered a tensor of rank 1 and its components are the same as the tensor's components. The basis is not counted when determining the rank of a tensor.
  • #1
"The components of a vector change under a coordinate transformation, but the vector itself does not."
V = a*x + b*y = c*x' + d*y'
Though the components (and the basis) have changed, V is still = V.
Question 1:
Is that right? (I'm assuming so, the main Q is below)

Tensor rank (according to wolfram)
"The total number of contravariant and covariant indices of a tensor."
It is commonly said
"A vector is a tensor of rank 1"

Does this mean (A):
T^a, and R_a
are tensors of rank one

or does it mean (B):
V = (T^a)(R_a) is a tensor of rank one?

If it is (A), then how can a vector be regarded as a tensor of rank 1, when it is
(contravariant components)*(covariant basis)

I'm able to do the maths, but the terminology of 'rank' has been bugging me! :blushing:
Physics news on
  • #2
Gah, I'm pretty sure from clicking the linked definition of tensor on here, I got the answer :P

Tensor of rank 1 = V^a*e_a

Components of a tensor of rank 1 = V^a.

  • #3
The components of a vector change when the basis is changed, but the vector does not, since a vector is something that exists without coordinates.

So your question 1 is right.

As for your other question, you don't count the basis when counting rank, just the indices on the component. If there are no indices on the components, then count the indices of the basis. But don't count both.
  • #4
Cheers! Much appreciated.
  • #5

Yes, it is correct that the components of a vector change under a coordinate transformation, but the vector itself does not. This is because a vector is defined by its magnitude and direction, which do not change under a transformation.

In terms of tensor rank, a vector can be considered a tensor of rank 1 because it has one contravariant index and zero covariant indices. In other words, it can be represented by a single column of numbers. In your example, both T^a and R_a would be considered tensors of rank 1 because they each have one index. However, when we multiply them together, we are creating a new tensor of rank 2 because the resulting tensor will have two indices (one from each of the original tensors).

The terminology of rank in tensor analysis can be confusing, but it is important to remember that it refers to the number of indices a tensor has, not the number of components. A tensor of rank 1 can have multiple components, as in the case of a vector, but it still only has one index. I hope this helps clarify the concept for you.

FAQ: Do Vectors Remain Invariant and What Defines Tensor Rank?

1. What is an invariant?

An invariant is a quantity that remains unchanged under a particular transformation or operation. In physics and mathematics, invariants are often used to describe fundamental properties of a system that do not depend on the specific coordinates or frame of reference used. They are important tools in understanding the behavior of physical systems and solving mathematical problems.

2. How are invariants related to tensor rank?

Invariants and tensor rank are closely related concepts. Invariant tensors are those that do not change under certain transformations, and their rank is a measure of the number of indices needed to describe them. In other words, tensors with a higher rank have more components that are invariant under transformations, while tensors with a lower rank have fewer components that are invariant. The rank of a tensor can also be used to determine the number of independent invariants that can be formed from it.

3. What is the difference between an invariant and a covariant tensor?

An invariant tensor is one that remains unchanged under a transformation, while a covariant tensor transforms in a specific way under the same transformation. In other words, the components of a covariant tensor change in a predictable manner when the coordinates or frame of reference are changed. Invariants are scalars, while covariant tensors are higher-order objects that transform in a specific way.

4. How are invariants and tensors used in physics?

Invariants and tensors are fundamental tools in physics and are used to describe and analyze physical systems. Invariants are often used to define conserved quantities, such as energy or momentum, and to formulate laws and equations that govern the behavior of physical systems. Tensors are used to describe the geometric properties of space and time, as well as other physical quantities such as stress, strain, and electromagnetic fields.

5. Can tensors with different ranks be equivalent?

Yes, tensors with different ranks can be equivalent if they have the same number of independent invariants. This is known as tensor equivalence or tensor isomorphism. For example, a symmetric second-order tensor (rank 2) and a vector (rank 1) in three-dimensional space have the same number of independent invariants (3) and are therefore equivalent. However, tensors with different ranks may have different physical interpretations and properties, so they are not always interchangeable.
