Do Voltage/Temperature measure Energy; Fields/Pressure measure Force?

In summary, the conversation discusses the terminology and concepts behind intensive and extensive variables in physics. These variables act like "generalized forces" and "generalized displacements" but are not forces or displacements themselves. The discussion also touches upon the relationship between energy, force, and displacement and how they are related through equations such as PE=V/q and E=F/q. However, these concepts can be confusing and it is recommended to focus on the underlying concepts rather than the terminology.
  • #1
Would it be correct to call Voltage and Temperature intensive measures of Energy, and call Electric Field and Pressure intensive measures of the potential for Force generation?

If so, is Voltage (Potential Energy) used to generate a force on a charged particle (by way of an Electrical Field), while Temperature (Kinetic Energy) is used to generate a force on a particle with mass (by way of Pressure)?

If this is also true, then what are their conjugate variables?
Am I pairing these up properly...?
Voltage...Total Charge? Total Charge Flow?
Electric Field...Charge Displacement (Dipole moment?)

I'm a pre-medical student studying for the MCAT. I was reinforcing my foundations in physics and got a bit carried away. Sorry if some of the technical language isn't correct. In any case, I'm curious now.
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  • #2
It sounds like you are too focused on the terminology rather than the concept behind it. Physicists make up terms all the time, and say stuff like pressure and temperature are "generalized forces". Really, it's just an analogy, and pressure and temperature aren't the same thing as force. I suppose it can be hard to pick out when a term is actually important, and when it's not. The intensive variables act like "generalized forces" but they aren't forces. The extensive variables act like "generalized displacements". Neither one is an energy. Rather, you get energy by combining the generalized force and generalized displacement.

For example, including your first three pairs of conjugate variables:
##dU = P dV + T dS + \phi dQ##
where P is pressure, V is volume, T is temperature, S is entropy, phi is voltage, Q is charge
P, T, and V are intrinsic variables or "generalized forces"
S, phi, and Q are extrinsic variables or "generalized displacements"
It's not important to remember the terms "generalized force" or "generalized displacement". They are just made up.
It's an analogy to the fact that (change in energy) is force times displacement.

Of course, you can add as many conjugate variable pairs into your energy equation as you want. It depends on your system you are working with.

I wasn't sure about your fourth conjugate pair, but after thinking about it, it seems ok. But it might be clearer if stated as:
electric field...polarization

another one is
magnetic field...magnetization
  • #3
Khashishi, I couldn't figure out how to articulate it until now, but this was my reasoning.

I was playing around with some of the circuit equations and saw that PE=V/q, where PE is potential energy, V is voltage, and q is charge. This gave me the impression that Voltage could also be thought of as how much Energy can be used to move a single charged particle across a distance.

In this same way I saw that E=F/q, where E is Electric Field, F is Electric Force, and q is charge. I thought this might imply that Electric Field could also be thought of as a measure of how much Force could be generated to move a charged particle over time.

Is this way of thinking inaccurate?
  • #4
541099 said:
Khashishi, I couldn't figure out how to articulate it until now, but this was my reasoning.

I was playing around with some of the circuit equations and saw that PE=V/q, where PE is potential energy, V is voltage, and q is charge. This gave me the impression that Voltage could also be thought of as how much Energy can be used to move a single charged particle across a distance.

In this same way I saw that E=F/q, where E is Electric Field, F is Electric Force, and q is charge. I thought this might imply that Electric Field could also be thought of as a measure of how much Force could be generated to move a charged particle over time.

Is this way of thinking inaccurate?
As Khashishi says, don't get hung up on the concept of "generalized forces" and "generalized displacements". These are not helpful terms, particularly when you are starting to learn physics.

Energy has units of force x displacement. That is because energy is defined as the ability to do work and work is defined as a displacement multiplied by the component of force in the direction of the displacement. Someone thought it helpful to come up with the concept of generalized forces (most of which are not forces), and generalized displacements, (most of which are not displacements), which when multiplied together result in energy.

Voltage x charge = energy but that does not suggest that charge is analogous to a displacement. It is not. Voltage is not a generalized force either. But that is confusing because voltage is often referred to as "electromotive force" (because it can be thought of as pushing charges through a circuit). Voltage is energy per unit charge or force per unit charge x a distance. The field, E, is force per unit charge. E x charge does not equal energy. E x charge x displacement = energy.

Temperature is not even analogous to a force and entropy is not analogous to a displacement. But multiplied together, TS, has units of energy (reversible heat flow). I have no idea why anyone would use the concepts of generalized force and displacement to describe these variables unless they were intending to confuse students.

  • #5
These concepts are still just not sitting comfortably, yet.
Are there any books someone could recommend reading that would elucidate this better? I don't care if they're textbooks or any other kind.

FAQ: Do Voltage/Temperature measure Energy; Fields/Pressure measure Force?

1. Do voltage and temperature measure energy?

No, voltage and temperature do not directly measure energy. Voltage is a measure of the electrical potential difference between two points, while temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance.

2. Can voltage and temperature be used to calculate energy?

Yes, voltage and temperature can be used in certain equations to calculate energy, such as the Joule's Law equation (E = V x I x t) for electrical energy or the Boltzmann distribution for thermal energy.

3. How do fields and pressure measure force?

Fields and pressure do not directly measure force. Fields, such as electric or magnetic fields, exert forces on charged particles, while pressure is a measure of the force exerted on a surface by a fluid. However, both fields and pressure can be used in equations to calculate force, such as the Lorentz force equation (F = qE + qv x B) or the pressure equation (P = F/A).

4. Can fields and pressure be used to measure all types of force?

No, fields and pressure can only measure certain types of force. Fields can only measure forces on charged particles, while pressure can only measure forces exerted by fluids. Other types of forces, such as gravitational or frictional forces, cannot be measured using these methods.

5. Are voltage, temperature, fields, and pressure all related to each other?

Yes, voltage, temperature, fields, and pressure are all related to each other in terms of their effects on energy and force. They can also be converted into each other using appropriate equations, such as the ideal gas law for temperature and pressure or the electric potential energy equation for voltage and electric fields.
