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Of course, with separability here I mean the mathematical notion, i.e., that there exists a complete countable orthonormal system of vectors. I was not sure about the Fock space of free particles in the infinite-volume limit since the natural basis is the occupation-number basis with respect to a single-particle basis, for which you usually use momentum-spin eigenstates, which are generalized vectors with the momenta being continuous variables, i.e., the general occupation number vector isA. Neumaier said:... and the arena of perturbative relativistic quantum field theory: Fock spaces are separable Hilbert spaces. This is independent of regularization.
But this is not the sense of separability used in the earlier discussion of this thread.
$$|\{N(\vec{p},\sigma) \}_{\vec{p} \in \mathbb{R}^3, \sigma \in \{-s,-s+1,\ldots,s-1,s\}},$$
which is uncountable.
In a finite box with periodic boundary conditions, the momenta are discrete and thus the occupation-number basis countable.
Of course, one could think to use other true single-particle bases (like harmonic-oscillator states, although I'm not sure, whether such a simple thing unambigously exists in the relativistic case).