Do we still experience quantum effects in decohered systems?

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  • Thread starter jaydnul
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In summary: The particle's wavefunction will evolve continuously between measurements, following the Schrodinger equation. The time it takes to go from step 2 to 3 and back to 2 is not a fixed or defined length of time, as the wavefunction will continue to evolve and change throughout this entire process. The concept of a "macroscopic system like a table" is also not a clearly defined term in quantum mechanics, as all particles are subject to the same laws and principles. In summary, decoherence occurs when a quantum system interacts with the environment, effectively destroying superpositions, and measurements of observables result in a change in the particle's wavefunction. The particle will continue to evolve and exhibit quantum properties, such as superposition, at all
  • #1
As I understand it, decoherence is when the quantum system becomes entangeld with the measuring quantum system. If most of the macroscopic systems we experience are all decohered, then why do we still see quantum effects like in a transistor? Is it position AND momentum that decohere?
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  • #2
No, decoherence is when the quantum system interacts with the environment, and this effectively destroys superpositions. One can, if one likes, describe this as something similar to a measurement - one where the measurement results are "stored" in an uncontrolled environment and ignored.

What is measured depends on the particular physics. If, say, the physics is described by something like [itex]H= H_{system} + H_{environment} + V(q_{system}, q_{environment})[/itex], then it is position which is effectively measured. If the main influence is radiation, exchange of light quanta, the result may be an effective energy measurement.
  • #3
Denis said: where the measurement results are "stored" in an uncontrolled environment and ignored.

Could you explain this further? What do you mean by ignored? Also, are these measurements happening at a rapid pace, the particle is constantly in a cycle of being measured and falling back into a quantum superposition for some time? Or once it is measured, does it stay classical? I'm curious because these decohered particles still seemingly display quantum properties (like in a transistor).
  • #4
jaydnul said:
Could you explain this further? What do you mean by ignored? Also, are these measurements happening at a rapid pace, the particle is constantly in a cycle of being measured and falling back into a quantum superposition for some time? Or once it is measured, does it stay classical? I'm curious because these decohered particles still seemingly display quantum properties (like in a transistor).

A particle remains a quantum object with a wavefunction. Every wavefunction is always a "superposition" of something. It never becomes classical.
  • #5
PeroK said:
A particle remains a quantum object with a wavefunction. Every wavefunction is always a "superposition" of something. It never becomes classical.

Even at the instant of measurement?
  • #6
jaydnul said:
Even at the instant of measurement?

You have a quantum state before a measurement: the state is evolving with time. A measurement changes the quantum state (to an eigenstate of the observable being measured); the new quantum state continues to evolve.

To what extent you can ask what is happening at the "instant of measurement" is a moot point.
  • #7
A measurement is also a process which needs some time. An "instant of measurement" is an idealization. And, of course, even in this idealization the state as before, as after is some wave function. Only after the measurement, it is an eigenstate of the operator which is measured.
  • #8
jaydnul said:
Could you explain this further? What do you mean by ignored? Also, are these measurements happening at a rapid pace, the particle is constantly in a cycle of being measured and falling back into a quantum superposition for some time? Or once it is measured, does it stay classical? I'm curious because these decohered particles still seemingly display quantum properties (like in a transistor).

You are still misunderstanding QM fundamentally to the extent that no understanding of decoherence is possible. There is no process that makes an electron into a "classical" particle. Classical physics is a different theory. You cannot mix the two up.
  • #9
PeroK said:
You are still misunderstanding QM fundamentally to the extent that no understanding of decoherence is possible. There is no process that makes an electron into a "classical" particle. Classical physics is a different theory. You cannot mix the two up.

Ya I guess so. Let me make some broad claims and see if they are correct.

1. A particle is always described by its wave function. When the wave function isn't being measured, its behavior is described by amplitudes which can interfere and cancel out (and the amplitudes are what we consider superposition).
2. If you decide to measure the particle, it will return a single value of whatever observable you try to measure. The probability of possible outcomes is given by the square of the amplitudes.
3. After measurement occurs, the particle continues to evolve in a superposition of states until measured again.

If those are true, my question is the time it takes a particle to go from step 2 to 3, then back to 2 (in a macroscopic system like a table).
  • #10
jaydnul said:
Ya I guess so. Let me make some broad claims and see if they are correct.

1. A particle is always described by its wave function. When the wave function isn't being measured, its behavior is described by amplitudes which can interfere and cancel out (and the amplitudes are what we consider superposition).
2. If you decide to measure the particle, it will return a single value of whatever observable you try to measure. The probability of possible outcomes is given by the square of the amplitudes.
3. After measurement occurs, the particle continues to evolve in a superposition of states until measured again.

If those are true, my question is the time it takes to go from step 2 to 3, then back to 2 (in a macroscopic system like a table).

First, let me make 1-3 slightly more precise:

1) A particle is always described by its wave function, which evolves over time.

2) A measurement of an observable will return an eigenvalue of the observable's operator. The particle's wavefunction will change to the corresponding eigenfunction (*).

3) The particle's wavefunction continues to evolve.

(*) Every wavefunction can be expressed as a linear combination (superposition) of the eigenfunctions of any observable. The probability of getting a certain eigenvalue is the modulus squared of the coefficient (amplitude) of the corresponding eigenfunction in this expression.

That's a good starting point.
  • #11
jaydnul said:
If those are true, my question is the time it takes a particle to go from step 2 to 3, then back to 2 (in a macroscopic system like a table).
The question is not as clear as you're thinking it is. The problem is that your points #1 and #3 are claims about what is happening when nothing is being measured; and the theory says nothing about that. To get a question that can be properly answered, you'd need to reframe it in terms of measurements performed during those "in-between" periods.
  • #12
Nugatory said:
The question is not as clear as you're thinking it is. The problem is that your points #1 and #3 are claims about what is happening when nothing is being measured; and the theory says nothing about that. To get a question that can be properly answered, you'd need to reframe it in terms of measurements performed during those "in-between" periods.
I'm just confused when the "collapse" happens. When I touch the table, the range of possible position values for each particle is much much smaller than the size of my finger, so I most likely will feel the table push back. But saying "the range of possible values" makes it seem like the table particles are "collapsing" to one of these possible values. Am I measuring table when I press my finger on it?
  • #13
PeroK said:
First, let me make 1-3 slightly more precise:

1) A particle is always described by its wave function, which evolves over time.

2) A measurement of an observable will return an eigenvalue of the observable's operator. The particle's wavefunction will change to the corresponding eigenfunction (*).

3) The particle's wavefunction continues to evolve.

(*) Every wavefunction can be expressed as a linear combination (superposition) of the eigenfunctions of any observable. The probability of getting a certain eigenvalue is the modulus squared of the coefficient (amplitude) of the corresponding eigenfunction in this expression.

That's a good starting point.
Maybe this will help clear this up for me. Would it be right to insert a step 2.5 that says the particle's wave function has now become entangled with the measuring equipment's wave function? Would it also be right to say that my body's wave function is entangled with this keyboard's wave function, which is entangled with the desk's wave function, which is entangled with the world's wave function, etc...? So in essence, it is a precise setup that creates a particle that is unentangled (like in a double slit)?
  • #14
jaydnul said:
1. A particle is always described by its wave function. When the wave function isn't being measured, its behavior is described by amplitudes which can interfere and cancel out (and the amplitudes are what we consider superposition).

Actually, I don't agree with this first statement. If a particle is interacting with other particles, then the entire system is described by a wave function, but each particle doesn't independently have a wave function.

That's what makes measurement and decoherence so messy. If you try to use quantum mechanics to analyze a macroscopic system such as a measuring device, you run into the problem that the macroscopic system doesn't have a wave function, because it is always interacting with the environment (the electromagnetic field, the atmosphere, the room the device is located in, etc.)
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  • #15
Ohhh ok. So does the apparent "collapse" only happen when two separate, unentangled quantum systems become entangled? So I am already entangled with my environment, so nothing is "collapsing" in that sense when I touch the desk in front of me?

Related to Do we still experience quantum effects in decohered systems?

1. What is decoherence and why is it important in understanding quantum mechanics?

Decoherence is a process in which a quantum system interacts with its surrounding environment, causing the system to lose its coherence and behave more classically. It is important in understanding quantum mechanics because it explains why we do not observe quantum superposition at the macroscopic level and helps bridge the gap between the quantum and classical worlds.

2. How does decoherence occur?

Decoherence occurs when a quantum system interacts with its environment through processes such as absorption, scattering, or thermal fluctuations. This interaction causes the system to become entangled with the environment, leading to loss of coherence and the emergence of classical behavior.

3. Can decoherence be reversed?

No, once decoherence has occurred, it cannot be reversed. This is because the information about the quantum system has been spread out and becomes entangled with the environment, making it impossible to isolate and restore the initial quantum state.

4. How does decoherence affect quantum computing?

Decoherence is a major challenge in quantum computing as it can cause errors and loss of information in quantum computations. To overcome this, researchers are developing techniques such as error correction codes and quantum error correction algorithms to mitigate the effects of decoherence.

5. Is decoherence a solved problem in quantum mechanics?

No, decoherence is an ongoing area of research in quantum mechanics. While we have a good understanding of how and why it occurs, there is still much to learn about its effects and how to control or minimize them in practical applications.

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