Do Women's Actions Really Cause Earthquakes?

In summary, the cleric is stating that because there are more traffic accidents now because of promiscuity among women, this is a punishment from God. He also suggests that because women are the majority of the world population, they should be treated as equals.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I don't know what to say about this other than to wonder what this guy was thinking. :rolleyes:"

I love the reaction though."
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Earth sciences news on
  • #2
I just read the title and go crazy laughing, I thought this's a joke.

Wait a minute… did he mean that literally?
  • #3
Ooops, sorry, that last one was blouse came unbuttoned :redface:. My bad!
  • #4
I remember reading about this a couple weeks ago.

I Lol'd.
  • #5
Perhaps he will cite an increased number of traffic accidents as the consequence of the "boobquake".
  • #6
A classic example of women's rights in islam. Didn't you know? Women = evil. :p
  • #8
aquitaine said:
A classic example of women's rights in [STRIKE]islam[/STRIKE]. Didn't you know? Women = evil. :p

Put whatever you like other than that, cause I won't buy it.
  • #9
Borg said:
I don't know what to say about this other than to wonder what this guy was thinking. :rolleyes:"

I love the reaction though."
There are religious nuts in every society. We have "Christian" fundamentalist preachers claiming that liberalism and tolerance toward gays is angering God, who allows us to be attacked by terrorists, natural disasters, etc as punishment for our "sins". I don't see a significant difference between their irrational views and the irrational views of the cleric.
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  • #11
turbo-1 said:
There are religious nuts in every society

Indeed, we have Pat Robertson :(
  • #12
Even if they did, how would he know that they're the reason?

Is promiscuity really the worst thing going on right now? If god was to make an earthquake over something, that would probably be far down on his list.
That's like someone running a red light and smashing into my car and then me getting angry only because I spilled my drink.
  • #13
Who caused the unpronounceable volcano in Iceland to erupt? Lady Gaga?
  • #14
turbo-1 said:
Who caused the unpronounceable volcano in Iceland to erupt?
I think that was Pat Robertson - he must have annoyed Pele.
  • #15
The missus always made the Earth move under my feet.
  • #16
the title is highly unethical and should have received universal condemnation if attempted to blame islam somehow...we need to realize that women make half of world population...they are not baby-producing machines but humans like men and must be treated that way...even in the so called civilized societies women do face momentous problems.e.g. women recruited in US army are subjected to so many shameful situations. so the thing is we need to realize and give women their due rights.
  • #17
sami-rehman said:
the title is highly unethical and should have received universal condemnation if attempted to blame islam somehow...we need to realize that women make half of world population...they are not baby-producing machines but humans like men and must be treated that way...even in the so called civilized societies women do face momentous problems.e.g. women recruited in US army are subjected to so many shameful situations. so the thing is we need to realize and give women their due rights.

Catch a clue. There is nothing unethical about the title. Where do you think anyone blamed Islam for anything? I don't care who that person was or what his religion is. His statement is beyond stupid - just like the US Congressman who said that Guam might tip over if we put too many troops there.
  • #18
sami-rehman said:
we need to realize and give women their due rights.

Which are...?
  • #19
This should not be surprising. It has always been the role of religion (pretty much like, all of them, ever) to claim disasters are supernatural occurrences that result as punishments for violation of a moral code. It is this very claim, the ability to prevent the unpredictably (or seemingly unpredictably) catastrophic, and to utilize such fear to reinforce social stability.

sami-rehman said:
the title is highly unethical and should have received universal condemnation if attempted to blame islam somehow...we need to realize that women make half of world population...they are not baby-producing machines but humans like men and must be treated that way...even in the so called civilized societies women do face momentous problems.e.g. women recruited in US army are subjected to so many shameful situations. so the thing is we need to realize and give women their due rights.

The status of gender equality in America is a separate topic, but women's rights in secular versus fundamentalist societies is no contest. Let's not pretend income gaps are the same thing as getting acid thrown in your face for learning to read.
  • #20
Galteeth said:
... Let's not pretend income gaps are the same thing as getting acid thrown in your face for learning to read.

I don’t know what religion you are referring to by that, but suppose you mean Islam [and btw, I suggest you read before judging]: just so you know, the first word in the first verse that descended in the Qur’an was ‘IQRA’ which means read or recite.

Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood) Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen (the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)) Has taught man that which he knew not

TMQ, 96:1-5.
  • #21
drizzle said:
I don’t know what religion you are referring to by that, but suppose you mean Islam [and btw, I suggest you read before judging]: just so you know, the first word in the first verse that descended in the Qur’an was ‘IQRA’ which means read or recite.

TMQ, 96:1-5.

He is referring to Pakistan, Afghanistan and many other countries that have fundamentalist societies I believe. Religion has nothing to do with it but it's the abuse of the religions that is interfering with the basic human rights. You can derive infinite different interpretations of the religious quotes so they are pretty much meaningless to justify anything.
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FAQ: Do Women's Actions Really Cause Earthquakes?

1. Why do some people believe that women cause earthquakes?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that women cause earthquakes. This belief is based on outdated and sexist beliefs about women being responsible for natural disasters. Earthquakes are caused by geological processes, specifically the movement of tectonic plates, and have nothing to do with gender.

2. Is there any historical or cultural basis for the belief that women cause earthquakes?

Some cultures have myths or legends that attribute natural disasters, including earthquakes, to women or female deities. However, these stories are not based on scientific evidence and are simply part of cultural beliefs and traditions. In reality, earthquakes are caused by natural forces and have nothing to do with gender or any specific group of people.

3. Are there any scientific studies that support the idea that women cause earthquakes?

No, there is no scientific research or evidence that supports the belief that women cause earthquakes. In fact, the idea has been debunked by scientists and is considered a myth. Earthquakes are caused by geological processes that are well understood by scientists.

4. What are the potential consequences of perpetuating the belief that women cause earthquakes?

Believing that women cause earthquakes perpetuates harmful and sexist stereotypes about women. It also takes the focus away from understanding and addressing the real causes of earthquakes. This belief can also lead to discrimination and mistreatment of women, which is unacceptable and unjustified.

5. How can we combat the belief that women cause earthquakes?

The best way to combat this belief is through education and promoting scientific literacy. It is important to educate people about the real causes of earthquakes and the lack of evidence for the idea that women are responsible for them. Additionally, we must challenge and speak out against sexist and harmful beliefs and stereotypes whenever we encounter them.

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