Do you believe this? GUIDGEN.EXE by Microsoft

  • Thread starter Julian Solos
  • Start date
In summary, Microsoft's GUIDGEN.EXE or (similar programs which use the same algorithm in it) is necessary to generate unique GUIDs for COM objects and their interfaces.
  • #1
Julian Solos
You must use Microsoft's GUIDGEN.EXE or (similar programs which use the same algorithm in it) to generate a unique GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for each COM object and its interface/s you create.

The program generates, so they say, a 128-bit vector which is guaranteed not to be replicated again on any machine at any time ever.

Of course, you don't have to be online to use this program.

Do you believe Microsoft's claim is true?
Computer science news on
  • #2
Well, 2^128 is a bit low, really it ought to be 2^256, but otherwise, yeah, it's plausible.

It's called cryptographic hashing. You should be able to look it up for more info.

With 2^128 bits, that's only 2^64 objects before colisions start being really likely, and it's actually concievable that there are 2^64 objects.
  • #3
Originally posted by Julian Solos
The program generates, so they say, a 128-bit vector which is guaranteed not to be replicated again on any machine at any time ever.

probably an
  • #4
hmm. only about 34,028,236,692,093,846,346,337,460,743,177,000,000 possible combinations... With a little bit of effort, it probably wouldn't be to hard to make somtthing that produces files with identical MD5 things.
  • #5
The point of MD5 (and other hashes) is that it actually takes a huge amount of computational effort to generate two files with the same hash. Hashing would be useless if it was easy to do this.

Also, I should note that computers already contain unique information. MAC address on LAN cards, for example, are unique. Each manufacturer is given a block of MACs, and they are never used twice. A gauranteed-unique serial number generator could easily be based on a machine's MAC address. (Though I don't know the actual implementation of Mickeysoft's program.)

- Warren
  • #6

Your are correct that a random number would not be suficient to garantee the number was "globaly unique" however, Guid generation is not based entirly on random number generation, a GUID can be calculated a number of diffrent ways, but usually they are a combination of values such as the system time and the MAC address of your NIC these in themselfs are unique values assigned to your NIC by its manufacturer, each manufactuer having its own unique number and incramenting an aditional value for each card it produces.


FAQ: Do you believe this? GUIDGEN.EXE by Microsoft


GUIDGEN.EXE is a Microsoft utility tool used for generating globally unique identifiers (GUIDs). These are unique codes that are assigned to various software applications, files, and other digital assets to ensure their uniqueness and avoid conflicts with other programs.

How does GUIDGEN.EXE work?

GUIDGEN.EXE uses a combination of random numbers and the computer's hardware and network information to create a unique identifier. This ensures that the generated GUID is truly unique and will not be duplicated by any other system.

Why is GUIDGEN.EXE important?

GUIDs are used in many software applications and databases to uniquely identify different entities. GUIDGEN.EXE helps ensure that these identifiers are truly unique, which is crucial for the proper functioning of these systems.

Can I use GUIDGEN.EXE for my own programs?

Yes, Microsoft allows developers to use GUIDGEN.EXE for generating unique identifiers for their own programs. However, it is important to note that GUIDs generated by this tool are not cryptographically secure and should not be used for security purposes.

Is GUIDGEN.EXE only available for Windows?

Yes, GUIDGEN.EXE is a Microsoft utility tool and is only available for Windows operating systems. However, there are similar tools and libraries available for other operating systems that serve the same purpose of generating unique identifiers.
