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All those who think so raise your hand... well, that is after you wash it.
Originally posted by eNtRopY
All those who think so raise your hand... well, that is after you wash it.
Originally posted by eNtRopY
I'll bet that the three people who voted "yes" are either female or suffer from sexual dysfunction... or both.
Originally posted by eNtRopY
My point is simply that ALL men masturbate or have at least masturbated.
From what I've read most women masturbate as well... something like 60%. But maybe that just means 40% are lying about it.
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Choose for yourself, that way you are respocible!
Originally posted by Andy
So you have never "spanked the monkey", "bashed the bishop", "helped the one eyed milkman", or "slapped the solami"?
Originally posted by eNtRopY
What are you talking about? He does that everytime he thinks he slamming us in the General Forums.
Originally posted by Andy
So you have never "spanked the monkey", "bashed the bishop", "helped the one eyed milkman", or "slapped the solami"?
Originally posted by Andy
So you have never "spanked the monkey", "bashed the bishop", "helped the one eyed milkman", or "slapped the solami"?
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
It would be something alone the lines of "just what" are you learning in having multiple partners.
NOT the intimacy that is available to two people who select to stay with each other, exclusively, but the "mulitiplicity of partnerings" that arises from having indulged, in you heart, in a plenitude of personality types, (but by visual judgment alone) without their personalities present, such that, your judgmental abilities are waaaaay off when it comes to crunch (actual selection) time.
Spent so many a days dreaming of a "Perfect Body" image in your brain, and it might not be even close to what is actually the right 'character' type for you, never mind 'body' type, 'personality' type etc.
A good (possible) pathway of self deception, leading yourself astray, if I ever heard of one.
But clearly, it's been in the local papers, it's agreed, it is good for you health wise, just people need pay respect to the spiritual, else they become lost, even more then they already are.
Choose for yourself, that way you are respocible!
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
(SNIP) As far as what someone learns by fantasizing about "a plentitude of partners," why do we have to learn from everything we do? (SNoP)
Andy, since you failed to include women's terms on that list, it is blatently sexist.
Originally posted by eNtRopY
I once read an article that said that men who do not ejaculate at least once every two weeks are at a much higher risk of becoming impotent than those who do. So, a moderate amount of masturbation (if sexual intercourse is not available) is actually recommended by most urologists.
Originally posted by Andy
It is also supposed to help reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer.
Yes, that is a lot, but think about it;Originally posted by einsteinian77
What about all the sperm that gets killed per ejaculation. Considering there is about 20-150 million of them per milliliter, that's a lot.
Originally posted by BoulderHead
… That tears it; I demand a ban on ALL ejaculations !
Thank you for cutting my perfectly non-offensive reply. It's nice the way you let certain individuals casually throw around insults, yet you won't let me tell someone to simply grow up.
It has been a while since I wasted any time reading scripture, but there is no passage I know of in the Bible saying that. It appears to have been derived in part from the story of Onan, who cast his seed on the ground rather than shoot same into his brother’s wife… (He had no probs doing his dead brother’s wife, apparently, but didn’t want to impregnate the woman). More for failing in his duty to extend his Brother’s line did the evil-one strike him dead, than because he ‘spilled it’ on the ground. The moral of the story;...Then, either that same story or maybe in deuteronomy (Spelling) it says "Your seed is better in the belly of a whore then spilled out on the ground".
The moral of the story;
When god and custom/law command you to ejaculate, you’re supposed to shout “how much, and where?”