Do You Have Kids? Age, Timing & More

  • Thread starter Zenparticle
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In summary, the conversation discusses various perspectives on having children. Some have children at a young age, while others prefer to wait until they are settled and financially stable. Some see children as a burden, while others find joy and fulfillment in being a parent. Ultimately, the decision to have children should be based on personal readiness and a strong partnership with a spouse.
  • #1
Just for curiosity's sake, do you have children, and if so how old were you when they were born? Also, if you don't have children but want to someday, what age would you want to have them?
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  • #2
I've had 2 children. I was 18 with the first and 22 with the second.
  • #3
Don't have kids, but I guess around 30 would be a good age to have them. I mean, it's not because of that exact number, it's just the age when I expect myself to be settled down and happy with someone. Can happen earlier, can happen later, though, you never know.
  • #4
no...around 28-30
maybe later
  • #5
kids... sound terrible(im 20, for many people here I am still a kid =/)

kids only enslave you them, will not even thank you, and will even curse you, why have that?

every choice you make should fit your family. you can't just get up and leave to somewhere else, or change a job more easily(than being alone), in case you don't like your wife, you can't just leave her, you need to work more so that you will earn enough money, and spend the money you have more wisely.

i just can't see how those little devils worth it. the hell with man kind, there are too many this days anyway...
  • #6
I have two girls. I was 30 when I had the first and 32 when I had the second.
  • #7
TuviaDaCat said:
kids... sound terrible(im 20, for many people here I am still a kid =/)

kids only enslave you them, will not even thank you, and will even curse you, why have that?

every choice you make should fit your family. you can't just get up and leave to somewhere else, or change a job more easily(than being alone), in case you don't like your wife, you can't just leave her, you need to work more so that you will earn enough money, and spend the money you have more wisely.

i just can't see how those little devils worth it. the hell with man kind, there are too many this days anyway...

Oh come on, don't sound so pessimistic. What if your parents were thinking like that? :rolleyes:
  • #8
TuviaDaCat said:
kids... sound terrible(im 20, for many people here I am still a kid =/)

kids only enslave you them, will not even thank you, and will even curse you, why have that?

Come on.. not everyone hates their parents! Besides, kids grow out of their teenage years when they fight with their parents!

in case you don't like your wife, you can't just leave her,
Well, if your "dont like your wife" I would suggest firstly, you don't marry her, and secondly, you don't plan to have kids together! Obviously relationships break down, but just because a couple with a child are no longer together, doesn't necessarily imply that they will be any worse parents!

i just can't see how those little devils worth it. the hell with man kind, there are too many this days anyway...

:rolleyes: perhaps you shouldn't have children!
  • #9
TuviaDaCat said:
kids only enslave you them, will not even thank you, and will even curse you, why have that?

every choice you make should fit your family. you can't just get up and leave to somewhere else, or change a job more easily(than being alone), in case you don't like your wife, you can't just leave her, you need to work more so that you will earn enough money, and spend the money you have more wisely.

i just can't see how those little devils worth it. the hell with man kind, there are too many this days anyway...
That has not been my experience.

Certainly my children have been angry with me, so has my wife, so have my parents or siblings at one time or another, so have most of my friends and some colleagues at one time or another, but that is just the consequence of interacting with others.

I love my two children, a daughter and a son, and I do not feel burdened by them, although there are times when I feel challenged.

Fortunately, I have a wife who is a good partner, and that makes all the difference in the world.

Both my children have expressed their appreciation for my being their father, may be as much as they have expressed their anger at times. :biggrin:
  • #10
Eighty would be a great age to have a child. It would make me really proud and then the kid would be old enough to arrange my centennial party.
  • #11
I have no kids but I think around 35 would be a good age for me. Most importantly be prepared to have a kid. If that happens to be 30, than that's fine. I think being prepared is the most important. I don't want to have a kid while I'm still scrambling through my own life.
  • #12
I'm 22 and will have one in just under a month and a half. I'm really excited, but also a little scared too.
  • #13
I've got three kids who are now 2, 4, and 6. I was 36 when we had the first. I regret nothing and I think it was the perfect timing for all of us. This will be the first summer in six years where we will be able to walk around without having to carry a kid wherever we go. I'm looking forward to the next several years.

And Tuvia: I am so sorry for you.
  • #14
NeoDevin said:
I'm 22 and will have one in just under a month and a half. I'm really excited, but also a little scared too.

Advice from an old pro' :

"Make sure you and your spouse get plenty of sleep in the next six weeks!"

  • #15
Astronuc said:
I love my two children, a daughter and a son, and I do not feel burdened by them, although there are times when I feel challenged.

Fortunately, I have a wife who is a good partner, and that makes all the difference in the world.

Both my children have expressed their appreciation for my being their father, may be as much as they have expressed their anger at times. :biggrin:
I like your answer, I have one little girl, I had her at 23 she is six now, and I understand what you mean when you say all these things.
kids only enslave you them, will not even thank you, and will even curse you, why have that?-Tuvia

I love my parents, even when I was upset with them; or them with me, that was never questioned.

I've got three kids who are now 2, 4, and 6. I was 36 when we had the first. I regret nothing and I think it was the perfect timing for all of us. This will be the first summer in six years where we will be able to walk around without having to carry a kid wherever we go. I'm looking forward to the next several years.-Chi Meson

Yea, it's really neat watching your child learning the fundamentals of life. It's great to be able to understand each other with words- even though by that time they are getting older; you won't have your "little baby" anymore.
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  • #16
I have 3 sons and a daughter. I was 28,30 and 43 for my 3 biological kids.
  • #17
i do love my parents and i have always respected them, and i have never said any words of hate to them(and it is mostly not the case with others). though i do see that they barely have free time. and i do not wish erase myself for those little brats.
  • #18
I was 41 when my daughter was born, and 43 for my son. My neighbors adopted two children in their mid-fifties. (yeah, I know, of course I mean the adopters, not the adoptees)
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  • #19
I was 18 and then 21 when my two were born - we just weren't introduced until I was 24...

I gives me a kick to think that my first was born while I was still in high school!

(On the plus side, I'm barely into my 40's and have an empty nest to play in.)
  • #20
No kiddos for me. Just four-legged ones. I like it that way. I have lots of fun being a doting "auntie" to my friends' children. But when they scream and poop their diapers, I hand 'em back to mommy!
  • #21
When I was younger, I used to think and feel much the way Tuvia describes. Mostly, I'd see other kids when out places and think, "Oh my! I could never stand having brats like that!" But, having spent more time with the children of my friends, I've realized that I still don't want brats like those I'd seen carrying on out in public, but also that not all children are like that, especially if they have parents who love them and care for them without spoiling them or letting them get away with everything. Kids do grow on you. :wink:

I don't have any kids yet, but would like one. A few years ago, I finally reached a stage of my life and career where I'm ready to have one...whether fully planned or not quite fully planned, with a spouse or single. I'm not going out of my way to get pregnant while single, but if it happened, I would be ready for it. And if I don't get around to having one of my own while I still can, I'll adopt a bit later in life (might still adopt one ideal would be one biological kid and one adopted).
  • #22
Moonbear said:
I don't have any kids yet, but would like one. A few years ago, I finally reached a stage of my life and career where I'm ready to have one...whether fully planned or not quite fully planned, with a spouse or single. I'm not going out of my way to get pregnant while single, but if it happened, I would be ready for it. And if I don't get around to having one of my own while I still can, I'll adopt a bit later in life (might still adopt one ideal would be one biological kid and one adopted).

Not that I am an expert on you Miss Moonbear, but I think you would make a great parent, and I also think that your idea of the adopted and natural is quite honorable of you. There will be love there no matter what. While I am most certain this would be a job you could do on your own, having someone you trust and love to help and be there for you and the kids is the best start for a solid foundation and a sane mind. Somehow, I feel whatever you plan or whatever happens you will be leading the pack with ease. My best wishes to you on that.
  • #23
Zenparticle said:
Not that I am an expert on you Miss Moonbear, but I think you would make a great parent, and I also think that your idea of the adopted and natural is quite honorable of you. There will be love there no matter what. While I am most certain this would be a job you could do on your own, having someone you trust and love to help and be there for you and the kids is the best start for a solid foundation and a sane mind. Somehow, I feel whatever you plan or whatever happens you will be leading the pack with ease. My best wishes to you on that.
I agree, Moonbear will make a great mom and a great wife. Now if she can only find the right man. :rolleyes:
  • #24
I have no children. I want to be married before I have children and want to be financially stable, I'd like to be able spend the 1st few years of my kids life teaching them and looking after them. I don't want to leave them at a day care centre at such a young age. I think the perfect age for me to have my first child would be 25 or 26 and then a second at 27 or 28.
  • #25
I have four children, with the first being born when I was 24 and the last at about 32.

I can kind of identify with Chi Meson's sentiments. Getting the last potty trained was a huge milestone in our lives.
  • #26
No children. My wife and I were both from large fractious families, and we wanted to dedicate all our time to one another. We've been together for over 33 years, with no regrets.
  • #27
turbo-1 said:
No children.
You want some? I've got a couple you can have. :biggrin:
  • #28
Astronuc said:
You want some? I've got a couple you can have. :biggrin:
No thanks! Love 'em but don't want to take responsibility for them.
  • #29
I don't have any, but I certainly look forward to the day when I do. I'm thinking anytime from 23-27 for my first. I don't want to rush anything, but I would like to have children while I'm young and can play with them and all that. If I'm 40 and want little ones, I think I would adopt, or probably at least be a foster parent.

Actually, I lied. I'm definitely rushing it. I'm all mopey now cause I want a family. Is it possible to suffer from peter pan syndrome while trying to grow up too fast?
  • #30
turbo-1 said:
No thanks! Love 'em but don't want to take responsibility for them.
I wouldn't do that to you. I contributed to making them, so I'm responsible.

Gale said:
I'm definitely rushing it. I'm all mopey now cause I want a family. Is it possible to suffer from peter pan syndrome while trying to grow up too fast?

Read this first - What is it like to be married?

Find a stable partner - and I mean one who is loving and nuturing as a husband as well as a father. Children should have two caring and loving parents, although I am well aware that's not always the case.

Don't rush into it.
  • #31
Here is the full picture that my avitar is from.

That's on Mt Cardigan in New Hampshire. (Read my ironic previous post in this thread which was before the vacation, heh heh!).

In this picture you can see me just about as happy as I have ever been in my 42 years of living.

That's all.
  • #32
aww what an adorable son you have!

FAQ: Do You Have Kids? Age, Timing & More

1. What is the best age to have kids?

The best age to have kids varies for each individual and depends on personal circumstances. Some people may feel ready to have kids in their early 20s, while others may wait until their 30s or even 40s. It is important to consider factors such as financial stability, career goals, and overall readiness before deciding on the best age for you to have kids.

2. How many kids should I have?

The number of kids a person should have is a personal decision and there is no right or wrong answer. Factors such as financial stability, personal preference, and ability to provide for each child should be considered when making this decision. Ultimately, the number of kids a person has should be based on what they feel is best for their family.

3. Is there a perfect timing to have kids?

There is no perfect timing to have kids. Some people may plan to have kids at a specific time in their life, while others may have unexpected pregnancies. The most important thing is to be emotionally and financially prepared to take on the responsibility of raising a child.

4. What are the risks of having kids at an older age?

Having kids at an older age can increase the risk of certain complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Women over the age of 35 may have a higher chance of experiencing fertility issues, high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes. It is important to consult with a doctor and closely monitor any potential risks during pregnancy at an older age.

5. How do I know if I am ready to have kids?

There is no definitive answer to this question as readiness to have kids varies for each individual. Some factors to consider when determining if you are ready to have kids include financial stability, emotional readiness, and support from your partner or family. It is important to carefully consider all aspects of having a child and make the decision that feels right for you.

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