Do you know any books in the field of neuromathematics?

In summary, neuromathematics is a field that combines neuroscience and mathematics to study the brain. It is used in research to analyze brain data and build mathematical models. There are books specifically about neuromathematics, and a basic understanding of neuroscience and mathematics is helpful in understanding them. The principles of neuromathematics can also be applied to other fields and adapted to study complex systems.
  • #1
Do you know any books in the field of neuromathematics?
I am interesting in mathematical models that are applying for constructing of artificial neural networks. TIA.
Mathematics news on
  • #3
I'm not quite sure what you mean by neuromathematics, if you mean books about neuroscience that use mathematical techniques then I would recommend Dayan and Abbott's book Theoretical Neuroscience
  • #4

Neural Network by Phil Picton isbn 0-333-80287-x

Real nice book that even I can understand.
200 pages, little mubojumbo, practical examples and implementations

FAQ: Do you know any books in the field of neuromathematics?

What is neuromathematics?

Neuromathematics is a field that combines principles from neuroscience and mathematics to study the structure and function of the brain. It is also known as computational neuroscience.

How is neuromathematics used in research?

Neuromathematics is used to analyze data from brain imaging techniques, such as fMRI and EEG, to better understand brain function and behavior. It is also used to build mathematical models of brain processes and to develop algorithms for analyzing brain data.

Are there any books specifically about neuromathematics?

Yes, there are several books that focus on neuromathematics, including "Neuromathematics: Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience" by Fabrizio Gabbiani and Steven J. Cox, and "Neuromathematics of Vision" by Yves Frégnac and Alexander Petrovici.

What background knowledge is needed to understand books on neuromathematics?

A basic understanding of neuroscience and mathematics is helpful in understanding books on neuromathematics. Some familiarity with programming and data analysis may also be beneficial.

Can I apply the principles of neuromathematics to other fields?

Yes, the principles of neuromathematics can be applied to various fields, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and cognitive psychology. The techniques and models used in neuromathematics can also be adapted to study other complex systems.

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