Do You Need Undergrad Degree in X to Pursue MS/PhD in X?

In summary, there is no strict requirement to have an undergraduate degree in X in order to pursue a graduate degree in X. However, it may make the process easier if the degrees are closely related. Additionally, the experiences of a genius like Ed Witten should not be taken as the norm.
  • #1
If you wish to pursue a graduate degree in X, do you have to have an undergraduate degree in X?

I read that one of the greatest physicists living today - Ed Witten - was a history major and linguistics minor prior to going to graduate school at Princeton for applied math (after which he switched to physics there).

My first thought was how is this possible? I then realized he was a student many years ago, as he's in his 60's now. So, I wonder if this would still be possible today?
Physics news on
  • #2
Is a Graduate Record Exam required?
  • #3
One usually needs the equivalent of an undergraduate equation, as the classes are taught with that assumption in mind.
  • #4
bballwaterboy said:
I read that one of the greatest physicists living today - Ed Witten - was a history major and linguistics minor prior to going to graduate school at Princeton for applied math (after which he switched to physics there).

There are rarely true absolutes in academia, and it's generally more prudent to speak in terms of probabilities rather possibilities. I think it's safe to make a statement along the lines, "The further Y is from X according to some reasonable metric on the space of academic disciplines, the less probable it is to be accepted to do graduate work in X with an undergrad in Y." How much less probable it is depends on many factors, such as what X itself is (certain fields are inherently interdisciplinary and so accept from a much wider range of fields and some rely on smaller bodies of existing work and so are easier to jump into) and what exactly "an undergrad in Y" means. For instance, did the student major in Y but at least took some electives in X? Apart from the question of whether you're qualified to work in a new field, graduate schools will want to know why you're interested in X without any prior experience in it. I had a math TA when I was an undergrad who had officially done his undergrad in something "artsy" but, having done almost all his electives in the math department, got accepted for a PhD on the condition that he did a year catch up coursework first.

It's worth noting that Ed Witten's father, Louis, is a theoretical physicist specializing in gravitation (who often jokes that his greatest contribution to his field was making Ed) so it's probably a safe bet that mathematics and physics occupied at least some of Ed's extracurricular interests prior to officially joining the discipline. Maybe the BA was a sort of adolescent rebellion :p
  • #5
LastOneStanding said:
It's worth noting that Ed Witten's father, Louis, is a theoretical physicist specializing in gravitation (who often jokes that his greatest contribution to his field was making Ed) so it's probably a safe bet that mathematics and physics occupied at least some of Ed's extracurricular interests prior to officially joining the discipline. Maybe the BA was a sort of adolescent rebellion :p

It's worth noting that Louis Witten, now 93, graduated from Johns Hopkins as a civil engineer, served during WWII, and then returned to JH after the war and entered the graduate physics program, where he obtained his doctorate degree.
  • #6
LastOneStanding said:
It's worth noting that Ed Witten's father, Louis, is a theoretical physicist specializing in gravitation (who often jokes that his greatest contribution to his field was making Ed) so it's probably a safe bet that mathematics and physics occupied at least some of Ed's extracurricular interests prior to officially joining the discipline. Maybe the BA was a sort of adolescent rebellion :p

Good points. And that was funny of Ed's father. lol.

I figured Ed must have had something like that in his background to give him competence in physics.
  • #7
bballwaterboy said:
If you wish to pursue a graduate degree in X, do you have to have an undergraduate degree in X?

No. But it makes your life a lot easier.

And as usual, it is a bad idea to pattern your life after that of a genius. The rules don't apply to them the way they do to the rest of us. :)
  • #8
I think the answer would depend on how closely related degree X is to some other cognate field Y.

To give a practical example, someone with a BS in math or similar quantitative program (e.g. physics, CS, engineering), for example, can very quite easily go on to pursue and earn a MS/PhD in statistics. However, someone with a BA in, say, English lit, may not be so easily earn a MS/PhD in statistics unless he/she took considerable coursework in the field.

I would also concur that Edward Witten's experiences and background is rather unorthodox, and one shouldn't draw too many lessons from his particular experiences.

FAQ: Do You Need Undergrad Degree in X to Pursue MS/PhD in X?

1. Do I need an undergraduate degree in the same field as my desired MS/PhD program?

It is not always necessary to have an undergraduate degree in the same field as your desired MS/PhD program. However, having a strong foundation in the subject can make it easier to understand and excel in the advanced coursework.

2. Can I pursue a MS/PhD in a field that I did not major in during my undergraduate studies?

Yes, many universities offer MS/PhD programs that are open to students from various academic backgrounds. However, you may need to take additional courses to fulfill any prerequisite requirements for the program.

3. Will having an undergraduate degree in a related field be beneficial for my MS/PhD studies?

Having an undergraduate degree in a related field can be beneficial as it provides you with a strong knowledge base and skills that can be applied to your MS/PhD studies. It can also make it easier to transition into a new field of study.

4. Are there any alternative paths to pursuing a MS/PhD without an undergraduate degree in the same field?

Yes, some universities offer bridge programs or post-baccalaureate courses for students who do not have an undergraduate degree in the same field. These programs can help you gain the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully pursue a MS/PhD in your desired field.

5. Can I apply for a MS/PhD program if I have a degree in a completely different field?

Yes, you can still apply for a MS/PhD program even if you have a degree in a completely different field. However, you may need to take additional courses or demonstrate your knowledge in the field through other means, such as research experience or relevant work experience.

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