Do you use encryption? According to NSA = Potential Terrorist

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of XKeyscore, a program used by the NSA to search for potential terrorist activity. The manual for the program suggests looking for suspicious behavior, such as speaking a different language in a certain region, using encryption, or searching for "suspicious stuff" online. The conversation argues that these criteria are too broad and could potentially label innocent individuals as terrorists. The concern is raised about the extent of the government's power and whether this approach will be effective in preventing terrorist attacks. The conversation also mentions the absurdity of the quick guide for the program and questions its effectiveness.
  • #1
Gold Member
And on top of that; if you speak a language that is out of place for the region you are in – You are probably a terrorist! And on top of that; if you search the web for “suspicious stuff” (like Osama bin Laden) – You are MOST LIKELY a TERRORIST!

Can’t believe this is true ... sigh ... Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne couldn’t have come up with a safer bet.

This of course explains why they didn’t caught Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – the brothers spoke English in Boston (without encryption)!

Has NSA never heard of the HTTPS protocol?? They say its like ‘encrypted’ sort of, but what do I know... and it’s supposed to be quite common, like banks and Visa and other “terrorist stuff”...


Enjoy the most enlightening training material in human history - Training materials for the XKeyscore program:

Page 15 said:
  • How do I find a cell of terrorist that has no connection to known strong-selectors?

  • Answer: Look for anomalous events
    E.g. someone whose language is out of place for the region they are in
    Someone who is using encryption
    Someone searching the web for suspicious stuff

Page 19 said:
  • My target speaks German but is in Pakistan – how can I find him?

  • XKEYSCORE’s HTTP Activity plugin extracts and stores all HTML language tags which can then be searched

  • Not possible in any other system but XKEYSCORE, nor could it be

Conclusion: NSA is looking for encrypted German terrorists in Pakistan that search for suspicious stuff. This far they have found 300. Not bad for HTML language tags.

This is nuts, and it’s your tax money they burn on high-tech personnel and gigantic Linux clusters.

Which guy do you trust?

Say goodbye to metadata:
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'

(To the mentors: This is not supposed to be a computer/technical thread, but something that concerns all people that ever use internet, VoIP, etc, which should be pretty ‘general’, I hope...)
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  • #2
Before I comment further, what point are you attempting to make? That it's asinine to look for suspicious behavior or that the suspicious behavior presented is to broad?

Edit: Are you aware that the manual is a quick guide on how to use a program effectively and not a guide on how to be an intel analysis?
  • #3
Despite my website's lax security, it has never been hacked and hijacked. Why?

I mentioned this principle in another recent thread on the issue:
It makes sense to pay special attention to people who go to extreme lengths to hide because logically there are only two options for why: either they are paranoid or they are doing something worth hiding. That applies equally to being spied-on by the NSA and targeted by hackers.
  • #4
MarneMath said:
Before I comment further, what point are you attempting to make? That it's asinine to look for suspicious behavior or that the suspicious behavior presented is to broad?

Maybe my fault, but I thought it was kinda obvious...

But let me put it this way: Have you ever used a credit card on internet? Have you ever searched for “suspicious stuff” like “Osama bin Laden”? Have you ever traveled abroad to a country where English is not spoken?

Even if you answer yes on all three, that don’t make you a terrorist in my world. How about yours?

Besides the silliness, there’s a much more serious part in all this. They spend a lot of money on something that is predestined to fail, taking for granted that the terrorists have only one or two brain cells, and in the ‘digital mayhem’ they turn every decent citizen’s private life inside out, without asking first.

Where do you think this will end? And what will happen when the next terrorist attack is executed and it turns out that NSA has better control on the color of your neighbor’s underwear than the location of the terrorists?

Edit: Are you aware that the manual is a quick guide on how to use a program effectively and not a guide on how to be an intel analysis?

Why make an utterly stupid quick guide if the rest is brilliant? But okay, since you know these things, maybe you could give us a hint on how this is supposed to work?
  • #5
DevilsAvocado said:
Maybe my fault, but I thought it was kinda obvious...

But let me put it this way: Have you ever used a credit card on internet? Have you ever searched for “suspicious stuff” like “Osama bin Laden”? Have you ever traveled abroad to a country where English is not spoken?

Even if you answer yes on all three, that don’t make you a terrorist in my world. How about yours?

Besides the silliness, there’s a much more serious part in all this. They spend a lot of money on something that is predestined to fail, taking for granted that the terrorists have only one or two brain cells, and in the ‘digital mayhem’ they turn every decent citizen’s private life inside out, without asking first.

Where do you think this will end? And what will happen when the next terrorist attack is executed and it turns out that NSA has better control on the color of your neighbor’s underwear than the location of the terrorists?
Why make an utterly stupid quick guide if the rest is brilliant? But okay, since you know these things, maybe you could give us a hint on how this is supposed to work?

1)You still haven't answered my question.
2)Claiming terrorist are idiots is rather large ignorance on your part. Even if a particular person is an idiot, often time the planners are quite brilliant.
3)I understand your concern about the extent of power, but your initial post was about how absurd you found a particularly piece of software and it's guide.
4)It's the government, every piece of software and guide comes with a quick reference guide on how to use it that is often times used as amusement by the people who use it. Obviously they don't hire an intel analysis, give them this guide and say have fun. There's actually quite a bit of skill in detecting networks and skillcraft. Clearly the guide that you posted was a reference on how to use the program to make connections and search for information more effectively.
  • #6
This is nuts, and it’s your tax money they burn on high-tech personnel and gigantic Linux clusters.

Which guy do you trust?

I dunno. Which guy are you going to trust?

If by chance some terrorist does blow up your neighborhood or place of work and you become a first hand witness to mayhem and destructon, will you still be steadfast in your belief system as you are attempting to present it here. Or will you be among those who question conduct of authorities on how they could not know this was going to happen, chasten them for their lax in protection of your security, and go on about a tax dollars being wasted on their salary for incompetance.

You might want to give that a thought for a different perspective on the issue.
  • #7
russ_watters said:
Despite my website's lax security, it has never been hacked and hijacked. Why?

Be careful with the URL! :wink:

I mentioned this principle in another recent thread on the issue:
It makes sense to pay special attention to people who go to extreme lengths to hide because logically there are only two options for why: either they are paranoid or they are doing something worth hiding. That applies equally to being spied-on by the NSA and targeted by hackers.

I can understand that. But get out of the “US-box” for awhile and imagine that China and Russia put in the same effort (maybe already happened) on spying on you, would you feel the same comfort knowing that Rambo II (Putin) might be scrutinizing every private part in your life?

I gladly give every part of my private life to Obama; he seems like an enough decent guy to handle this “Monumental Information”. :smile:

But what do we know about the future? What if a crazy woman from Alaska becomes president? Infamous for starting a “civil war” with every bum that comes her way? I would never give her anything for free, never (I rather encrypt my underwear!).
  • #8
MarneMath said:
1)You still haven't answered my question.
2)Claiming terrorist are idiots is rather large ignorance on your part. Even if a particular person is an idiot, often time the planners are quite brilliant.
3)I understand your concern about the extent of power, but your initial post was about how absurd you found a particularly piece of software and it's guide.
4)It's the government, every piece of software and guide comes with a quick reference guide on how to use it that is often times used as amusement by the people who use it. Obviously they don't hire an intel analysis, give them this guide and say have fun. There's actually quite a bit of skill in detecting networks and skillcraft. Clearly the guide that you posted was a reference on how to use the program to make connections and search for information more effectively.

Gosh, do I really write English this bad?? :eek:

1) “what point are you attempting to make? That it's asinine to look for suspicious behavior or that the suspicious behavior presented is to broad?”
ANSWER: The “suspicious behavior” presented is clearly asinine, which I think you even admitted between the lines.

2) “Claiming terrorist are idiots is rather large ignorance on your part.”
ANSWER: They spend a lot of money on something that is predestined to fail, taking for granted that the terrorists have only one or two brain cells”, and “they” is usually understood as “not me” and in this case is should be obvious they = NSA.

3) ”I understand your concern about the extent of power, but your initial post was about how absurd you found a particularly piece of software and it's guide.”
ANSWER: Did I really write a “piece of software”? Sorry can’t remember, you better help me out with a quote.

4) “It's the government, every piece of software and guide comes with a quick reference guide on how to use it that is often times used as amusement by the people who use it.”
ANSWER: Is this a joke?? How do you know? Where do you work? Is it common in the “terrorist business” to “joke around” with intelligence $$$ystems??
  • #9
nsa = no salt added
  • #10
256bits said:
You might want to give that a thought for a different perspective on the issue.

Sorry 256bits, my fault. I’m not saying that we should not do everything in our power to put those midlevel mujahidin nutcases back in that slimy cave where they belong. Every cell in my body despises what these troglodyte morons are trying to do to the free world.

The question is – are we on the right track? Spending large amounts of money on “controlling ourselves”? While the real monkeys run around laughing??

And how free is the free world if we turn it into our “digital prison”??

I dunno...
  • #11
HeLiXe said:
nsa = no salt added

This is a serious thread!

(:smile: :thumbs:)
  • #12
nsa = never spy alone*

*latest leak from Snowden
  • #13
DevilsAvocado said:
The question is – are we on the right track? Spending large amounts of money on “controlling ourselves”? While the real monkeys run around laughing??

I dunno...

Is it damned if we do and damned if we don't.
Somewhere I heard that at one time intelligence and surveillance was looking for the needle in the haystack. Now it is collecting whole haystacks.
  • #14
DevilsAvocado said:
I can understand that. But get out of the “US-box” for awhile and imagine that China and Russia put in the same effort (maybe already happened) on spying on you, would you feel the same comfort knowing that Rambo II (Putin) might be scrutinizing every private part in your life?
I really don't have a clue what your point is there.

Look, the government collects a huge amount of data. They do what they can to narrow-down the search. That means eliminating what looks normal and taking a closer look at what is out of place. And your characterization is wrong: Taking a closer look does not mean they think you are a terrorist, it just means they think you warrant a closer look. By the same token, if you set off a metal detector at the airport, it doesn't automatically trigger a lockdown of the airport and someone standing on your neck, it just means they need to take a closer look.
The question is – are we on the right track?
Despite dozens of serious attempts, the government has a near perfect record of preventing domestic terrorist attacks since 911. Yeah, I'd say they are on the right track.
  • #15
256bits said:
Somewhere I heard that at one time intelligence and surveillance was looking for the needle in the haystack. Now it is collecting whole haystacks.

It’s not right to laugh about these things, but this is the best/funniest quote I’ve heard in a long time! :thumbs::smile::thumbs:
  • #16
Yea, I use TC. I'm not a terrorist!
  • #17
russ_watters said:
I really don't have a clue what your point is there.

Gosh, bad English again? Is there not one difference for you if it’s your own government/president (that you maybe voted on) doing the surveillance of your private life, or if it’s some foreign nutcase like Putin?

(I hope you realize that XKeyscore operates all over the palace and in some corner of the world Obama is considered the “foreign nutcase”, get it?)

Look, the government collects a huge amount of data. They do what they can to narrow-down the search. That means eliminating what looks normal and taking a closer look at what is out of place. And your characterization is wrong: Taking a closer look does not mean they think you are a terrorist, it just means they think you warrant a closer look. By the same token, if you set off a metal detector at the airport, it doesn't automatically trigger a lockdown of the airport and someone standing on your neck, it just means they need to take a closer look.

How can you know anything about the stuff that has just recently been released by a “spy” and is supposed to be top secret?

I don’t get it... to me there’s quite a difference between a “metal detector” and information gathering for years/decades, that one day might hit your face real bad... What society will we get, living our lives with a constant “Miranda feeling” – Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law, anytime. I think they had something like this in communist DDR, but not as effective, neighbors were spying on neighbors.

Did you watch the Snowden video (in OP)? Is he lying? Why would he quit a good job in Hawaii to run around and telling the whole world a lie, and risk long sentence in jail/being chased the rest of his life? He has to be nuts to do something like that, right?

Despite dozens of serious attempts, the government has a near perfect record of preventing domestic terrorist attacks since 911. Yeah, I'd say they are on the right track.

And you know this would not have happen without systems like XKeyscore?? If they use anything in that “enlightening training material”, I say they will only catch a drunken hacker or something of that magnitude...

Still NSA claims they’ve captured over 300 terrorists using intelligence generated from XKeyscore. Where are they? Any names? Any photos? Why the secrecy?

Okay I get it, XKeyscore is top secret hence any terrorists will automatically be top secret, right? But now – when the genie is out of the bottle – wouldn’t it be an excellent moment to release all names/photos of the 300+ terrorist?

Related to Do you use encryption? According to NSA = Potential Terrorist

1. How do you use encryption in your research?

As a scientist, I use encryption to protect the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data. This includes encrypting communication between devices and securing personal information.

2. Why is the NSA concerned about individuals who use encryption?

The NSA is concerned about individuals who use encryption because it can make it more difficult for them to access and monitor sensitive information, which they believe could be used for terrorist activities.

3. Is encryption only used by potential terrorists?

No, encryption is used by a wide range of individuals and organizations for various purposes, such as protecting personal and financial information, securing communication, and safeguarding intellectual property.

4. How does using encryption make someone a potential terrorist?

Using encryption alone does not make someone a potential terrorist. The NSA may view individuals who use encryption as potential threats because it makes it harder for them to access and monitor information.

5. Are there any benefits to using encryption despite the NSA's concerns?

Yes, there are many benefits to using encryption, including protecting personal and sensitive information from hackers and cyber attacks, ensuring secure communication, and maintaining the confidentiality of intellectual property.

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