Do you use oil or butter when frying eggs?

  • Thread starter flyingpig
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In summary, some people prefer to use oil when cooking eggs, while others prefer to use butter. Both methods have their benefits and drawbacks.
  • #36
estro said:
I use olive oil.

On less positive note: every time I try to make fried eggs, 75% of my attempts ending up with omelette, really sad...=(
Not good. I initially typed "not food", but maybe that's just Freud. You need a nice cast-iron pan, and you need to season it properly before use. Never wash it in soap and water, just scour it out with sea salt to clean it, oil it with some salt pork or bacon and heat it. The pan will soon acquire a finish that is practically non-stick.

When you want fried eggs, heat the pan until a drop of water flicked into the pan hops around, pops, and disappears in a poof of steam. You can then add a little butter, and when that is thoroughly heated, crack in an egg or two. Better yet, instead of using butter, you could fry up some finely chopped onions and potatoes with little pieces of bacon or salt pork. Scoop those out with a spatula when they are browned and crack in a couple of eggs right away. Hopefully, you have also made some toast, so you have something handy to sop up those over-easy yolks with.

Inadvertent "omelets" or scrambled eggs are a sign that you have an improper cooking surface or are over-handling your eggs or both. You should be able to get your eggs cooked and flipped without distorting or ripping the margins of the whites.

A little cooking tip: If you have a good thin metal spatula, and you have used it to flip your potatoes and onions while browning them in the pork fat, it will be nice and lubricated, and will slide under those over-easy eggs really easily without distorting them. A clean, dry spatula will not do that as well.
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  • #37
In Bangladesh , you can get only soya bean oil to cook . I use it. Though I know no Soya bean is in oil :(
  • #38
Chi Meson said:
Olive oil is not for frying!

D'oh. I meant for making omelettes, not fried eggs. I use butter + sesame oil for fried eggs.
  • #39
turbo said:
When you want fried eggs, heat the pan until a drop of water flicked into the pan hops around, pops, and disappears in a poof of steam. You can then add a little butter, and when that is thoroughly heated, crack in an egg or two.

Since we're on technique, don't used hard, chilled butter. Leave eggs and butter out overnight (in cat-proof container!) for morning eggs. Follow heating advice as above, put the butter in, and add the eggs the moment the butter stops bubbling (that's when the water has been boiled away). If you put in chilled butter, the butter might begin to burn before it has all melted and bubbled out. Add the egg to the middle of the puddle of butter. Don't touch it for half a minute. If scrambled/omelet, break any big egg bubbles that form and let the fluid fill the holes. When top is nearly firm, flip without a spatula.
Julia Child said:
When flipping, you must believe in the courage of your convictions!