Does a faithful action of SO(3) imply a metric on R^3?

In summary: What is a "nonlinear faithful action"?Can you give an example of a nonlinear faithful action?What is the metric on R^3 determined by a nonlinear faithful action?
  • #1
I think that the usual action of SO(3) on R^3 (defined by matrix multiplication) is faithful, because to non-identity rotations belong non-identity transformations.If we don't have originally a norm on R^3, but do have a faithful action of SO(3) on it, then we can try to define a norm by taking the length of an arbitrarily selected nonzero vector as 1, and the length of all vectors in its orbit space also as 1 (so, we declared the sphere of radius 1 in R^3). We define the length of the multiples of these unit vectors as the absolute value of the multiplier. The question is that is this norm well-defined? For example, is it sure that the action of a 180 degree rotation will bring all vectors to its negative? Because if not, then this definition is evidently ambiguous. Or, what extra conditions must this action satisfy to make this norm-definition unambiguous?
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  • #2
Actually, you can do a little better than that. Since SO(3) is defined as the group of transformations that leave a certain quadratic form invariant, then you can simply write down a generic 3-vector, write out the most generic quadratic form (it has 9 terms), act on it with SO(3) and see which terms are left invariant. This will determine the metric up to an overall scale.

This assumes that your vector transforms in the fundamental representation. The same procedure applies to any representation, though. Simply write out the most generic quadratic form, and see which terms remain invariant under the action of the group. For example, the symmetric, traceless tensor rep will have 5-tuples of numbers, and hence 25 terms in its quadratic form.

You can take a shortcut and note that the quadratic form must be diagonal, since SO(3)-invariance implies space is isotropic.
  • #3
I confess that when I read that, it looks more like it says "If you already know the representation theory of SO(3), this is how you would go about computing something" rather than something that says "Here is how you derive the representation theory of SO(3) from scratch".
  • #4
Yes. Isn't that what the OP was asking?
  • #5
Is every faithful action of SO(3) on R^3 linear? If yes, then my question is: why? if not, then my question is: do nonlinear faithful actions also imply a metric on R^3?
  • #6
Sorry, I'm afraid that I didn't understand you. Perhaps you talk about the general case, not only about the linear. But I don't know what is this "fundamental representation" and also not, why should a quadratic form in 3 dimensions have 25 components.

FAQ: Does a faithful action of SO(3) imply a metric on R^3?

1. What is SO(3)?

SO(3) is the special orthogonal group in three dimensions, which consists of all the rotations that preserve the orientation of an object in 3D space.

2. How does a faithful action of SO(3) imply a metric on R^3?

A faithful action of SO(3) means that each element of the group corresponds to a unique rotation in 3D space. This allows us to define a metric on R^3, where the distance between two points is defined as the minimum amount of rotation needed to move one point onto the other.

3. What is the relationship between SO(3) and a metric on R^3?

The faithful action of SO(3) gives rise to a metric on R^3, which means that every rotation in SO(3) can be represented as a unique distance in R^3. This allows us to use the group structure of SO(3) to study the properties of the metric on R^3.

4. Can a metric on R^3 be defined without the use of SO(3)?

Yes, a metric on R^3 can be defined without the use of SO(3). However, the faithful action of SO(3) provides a convenient and intuitive way to define a metric on R^3, making it a useful tool for studying the properties of 3D space.

5. What are some applications of a metric on R^3 defined by a faithful action of SO(3)?

A metric on R^3 defined by a faithful action of SO(3) has many applications in fields such as computer graphics, robotics, and physics. It allows for precise and efficient representations of 3D objects and movements, making it a valuable tool for modeling and simulation. It also plays a crucial role in the study of rigid body dynamics and spatial kinematics.

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