Does a rotating rigid body has single angular velocity.

In summary, the speakers discuss their beliefs about rotational motion and angular velocity. They agree that the angular velocity is always taken about the rotation axis and is determined by the right-hand rule. They also mention that for a rigid body rotating about an axis, the angular velocity of all points on the body will be the same when calculated from the point of rotation. They question whether it is possible to talk about the angular velocity of a body from points that do not lie on the axis of rotation.
  • #1
Ahsan Khan
Hello all,

First of all I want to mention what believe or result of concepts, do I hold about rotational motion especially about the angular velocity. I assume that unlike velocity angular velocity has to worked out from some point. I will begin with particle for this I assume that the question of finding the angular velocity of a particle is meaningless unless it is told from what point angular velocity has to be worked since what I think is that a given rotatating particle can have different angular velocities when calculated from different points. Correct me if i am wrong here.I am holding also the similar view for rigid body that when a rigid body is rotating about some axis then the angular velocity of all points on body will be the same when the angular velocity is observed from the point of axis of rotation. But the about some points exist on other than axis of rotation the different points of the rigid body will have in general different angular velocities.

Are these my views consistent with the reality?

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  • #2
ovais said:
The angular velocity is always taken about the rotation axis. Also, the angular velocity is a vector that points along the axis of rotation - the right-hand rule is used:
Angular velocity is the rate of angular displacement about an axis. Its direction is determined by right hand rule. According to right hand rule, if you hold the axis with your right hand and rotate the fingers in the direction of motion of the rotating body then thumb will point the direction of the angular velocity.
  • #3
.Scott said:
The angular velocity is always taken about the rotation axis.

Do you mean we can't or atleast don't talk about angular velocity of body about points that do not exist on axis of rotation?
  • #4
ovais said:
Do you mean we can't or atleast don't talk about angular velocity of body about points that do not exist on axis of rotation?
You can assume another parallel axis plus circular translation, but the angular velocity will be still the same.

FAQ: Does a rotating rigid body has single angular velocity.

1. What is a rotating rigid body?

A rotating rigid body is an object that maintains its shape and size while undergoing rotational motion. This means that all points on the body move in circular paths with the same angular velocity.

2. What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is a measure of how fast a rotating body is spinning. It is defined as the change in angular displacement over time and is usually measured in radians per second.

3. How does a rotating rigid body have a single angular velocity?

A rotating rigid body has a single angular velocity because all points on the body move in circular paths with the same angular speed. This means that the body does not deform or change shape, and the rate of rotation is constant throughout the body.

4. Can a rotating rigid body have multiple angular velocities?

No, a rotating rigid body cannot have multiple angular velocities. This is because all points on the body must move with the same angular velocity in order to maintain its rigid shape.

5. What factors can affect the angular velocity of a rotating rigid body?

The angular velocity of a rotating rigid body can be affected by the mass distribution, external forces, and moments of inertia. Changes in these factors can cause the body to accelerate or decelerate, resulting in a change in angular velocity.
