Does a wavefunction in a cartesian system create a one-dimensional subspace?

In summary, the conversation discusses the dimensionality of a wavefunction in physics and mathematics. The speaker mentions that they have heard that a wavefunction is a one-dimensional system in physics, but this is not correct. The dimensionality refers to the real dimension of the domain of the wavefunction, not the position on the y-axis. The interlocutor then asks for a reference, to which the speaker mentions a passage in Kreyszig's Functional Analysis. The conversation then delves into the meaning of a one-dimensional subspace and its relation to the wavefunction, with the speaker eventually realizing that the one-dimensional aspect refers to the complex part of the wavefunction and not the function itself. The conversation concludes with a clarification that the dimensionality of
  • #1
Hi, I have heard (or imagined) that a wavefunction, where Psi is on the y-axis and the positions x is naturally on the x-axis, is really a one-dimensional system in Physics (not in mathematics), because the signal or the oscillation of the wavefunction is not really a dimension, and only the position x makes any physical sense in a cartesian system . Is this correct?

If so, how can a wavefunction Psi(x) generate a one-dimensional subspace as such :

\mathcal{Y} = [ \phi | \phi = \beta \psi , \beta \in \mathbb{C} ]
where \phi is a function of Y of norm 1 and beta is an arbitrary constant, thus defining the probability density of \psi?
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  • #2
SeM said:
Hi, I have heard (or imagined) that a wavefunction, where Psi is on the y-axis and the positions x is naturally on the x-axis, is really a one-dimensional system in Physics (not in mathematics), because the signal or the oscillation of the wavefunction is not really a dimension, and only the position x makes any physical sense in a cartesian system . Is this correct?

No. "one-dimensional" refers to the real (as opposed to complex) dimension of domain of ##\psi##. As I asked you in another thread, what does "domain" mean?

Also, if ##\psi## is complex-valued, how can it be on the y-axis?
  • #3
SeM said:
I have heard

Where? Do you have a reference?
  • #4
George Jones said:
No. "one-dimensional" refers to the real (as opposed to complex) dimension of domain of ##\psi##. As I asked you in another thread, what does "domain" mean?

Also, if ##\psi## is complex-valued, how can it be on the y-axis?
Hi George, and thanks for your comment. The reason I ask this is because of a part in Kreyszig's Functional Analysis, in the chapter 11, "Unbounded linear Operators in Quantum mechanics.", p 574, writes (quote):

"Psi defines a state of our physical system at some instant to be an element :

\psi \in L^2(-\infty, \infty) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (3)

..., where \psi in (3) generates a one-dimensional subspace:

\mathcal{Y} = \phi | \phi = \beta \psi, \beta \in \mathbb{C}

of $L^2(-\infty, +\infty)$. Hence we could equally well say that a state of our system (Psi) is a ONE-DIMENSIONAL subspace $Y \subset L^2(-\infty,+\infty) and then use a $\phi \in Y$ of norm 1 in defining a probability according to the probability density intergral.

end quoteHaving "heard" or imagined I can't remember which, that Psi on a REAL axis is not really a dimension in physics, and only the x-axis gives some dimensional concept (i.e. distance from nucleus for a bound electron), I thought this was what Kreyszig was talking about here. However, taking Peters word for it, I disregard from this misconception, and want to then ask:

What does Kreyszig really mean here with saying that Psi is a one-dimensional subspace of Y which si defined by the two other wavefunctions \phi ? Does he mean that the integral of some other wavefunction \phi|\phi in a one dimensional space equals to the full space of the wavefunction (L^2) multiplied by some constant \beta?

  • #5
SeM said:
What does Kreyszig really mean here with saying that Psi is a one-dimensional subspace of Y
That's the dimension of this subspace, this subspace has only one basis which is ##\psi##. Any vector in it must be a linear combination of basis vectors in the subspace but since there is only one such basis in the space under consideration, an arbitrary vector ##\phi## there is written as ##\beta\phi##. I have not read the quoted book but I guess the author brings up this discussion in order to introduce the so-called normalized vectors contained in the square-integrable vector space.
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  • #6
blue_leaf77 said:
I have not read the quoted book but I guess the author brings up this discussion in order to introduce the so-called normalized vectors contained in the square-integrable vector space.

That is correct.

Thanks for the extensive explanation. I see one recurring point, that a wavefunction can be presented as vectors, so in this case, those are the ones given in ##\phi## and ##\beta## is some arbitrary constant (such as a coefficient) and makes them a linear combination of ##\psi##
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  • #7
The title you chose for the thread is "One-dimensional systems".

It is not

SeM said:
Hence we could equally well say that a state of our system (Psi) is a ONE-DIMENSIONAL subspace ##Y##

that indicates that the system is one-dimensional, it is

SeM said:
##\psi \in L^2(-\infty, \infty)##

Do you understand why?
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  • #8
George Jones said:
Do you understand why?
Thanks for asking George. I see that ##\psi## is element of Hilbert space L^2, after Perok explained the nature of Hilbert space and its elements (functions), However, the elements of the functions can be represented as vectors, and are thus in ##\mathbb{R}## or ##\mathbb{C}##. In this case, as Kreyszig says, I am not sure! But part of this suggests that a part of ##\psi## (COMPLEX part?) can be considered as one-dimensional and is in##\mathbb{C}##? Considering the post by Blue leaf, it must, in this assumption, be the complex vectors of ##\psi## (and the vectors are called ##\phi##) which are in ##\mathbb{C}## and these vectors are one-dimensional, but NOT the function.
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  • #9
Aren't you just mixing up configuration space and Hilbert space?

A one-dimensional configuration space means that that there is only one spatial dimension/degree of freedom in play, meaning a system that would also be classically considered one-dimensional. This is the case if ##\psi=\psi(x)## without e.g. y or z coordinates.

Think for example of the standard particle in an infinite well. Even if we look at the standard case which is one-dimensional in the configuration space mentioned above, the wavevector-solutions form an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space.

And if you want to draw the wavefunction for such a system as a graph on a sheet of paper(which is 2D), both the real and the imaginary part can indeed be visualised where horizontally comes ##x## and vertically ##Re[\psi(x)]## or ##Im[\psi(x)]##. But that is just the drawing, what you draw on the 'y-axis' has nothing to do with dimensionality of the system in any sense!
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  • #10
thephystudent said:
And if you want to draw the wavefunction for such a system as a graph on a sheet of paper(which is 2D), both the real and the imaginary part can indeed be visualised where horizontally comes ##x## and vertically ##Re[\psi(x)]## or ##Im[\psi(x)]##. But that is just the drawing, what you draw on the 'y-axis' has nothing to do with dimensionality of the system in any sense!
This is what I "had heard" or "imagined" I heard, but I could not reproduce it accurately. The y-axis is not a physical dimension, as is x?
  • #11
SeM said:
This is what I "had heard" or "imagined" I heard, but I could not reproduce it accurately. The y-axis is not a physical dimension, as is x?

It is a dimension on your drawing, but it doesn't describe a dimension. You even don't need QM to see this actually. Eg. if you would plot a graph of the temperature of the Earth's crust as function of depth, there is only one dimension (depth), temperature is not a dimension, but on a graph you would draw this temperature along a y-axis anyway.
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  • #12
thephystudent said:
It is a dimension on your drawing, but it doesn't describe a dimension. You even don't need QM to see this actually. Eg. if you would plot a graph of the temperature of the Earth's crust as function of depth, there is only one dimension (depth), temperature is not a dimension, but on a graph you would draw this temperature along a y-axis anyway.

Thanks, this is what I ment when I said that the oscillation of a wavefunction is not a spatial dimension, such as is the position.
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FAQ: Does a wavefunction in a cartesian system create a one-dimensional subspace?

1. What is a wavefunction in a cartesian system?

A wavefunction in a cartesian system is a mathematical function that describes the quantum state of a system in terms of its position and momentum in three-dimensional space.

2. How does a wavefunction create a one-dimensional subspace?

A wavefunction in a cartesian system creates a one-dimensional subspace by representing the possible states of a system along a single dimension, such as the x, y, or z-axis.

3. What is the significance of a one-dimensional subspace in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, a one-dimensional subspace represents a single degree of freedom or observable of a system. This allows us to make predictions about the behavior of the system along a specific dimension.

4. Can a wavefunction in a cartesian system create a subspace in more than one dimension?

Yes, a wavefunction in a cartesian system can create a subspace in more than one dimension. This is known as a multi-dimensional subspace and allows for the representation of more complex quantum systems.

5. How does the concept of a wavefunction in a cartesian system relate to classical mechanics?

In classical mechanics, the position and momentum of a system can be described using Cartesian coordinates. However, in quantum mechanics, the wavefunction describes the probabilistic nature of these quantities, rather than their exact values. This highlights the key difference between the two theories and the importance of wavefunctions in understanding quantum systems.
